Sciforums Fleet

I watched Macross Frontier and Macross Zero...finished neither one lol

My friend have the original one, he never watched it (he bought the entire series off some kid for 5 bucks), so after we worked out, we just sat there and chilled watching half of it, and didn't finish either :D

Now you know what the ship my guys (the ESSCPA guys) have looks like and what the mechs looks like :D
No I did not, I am Jewish personally, and I'm not so good with ham. :D

:D We are not supposed to do a lot of things, such as drink coffee, swear, drink beer etc.

We are also not technically allowed to date until we are 16, and no passionate excuse is that it's only a recommendation and I personally feels that it "better prepares me for life" :D
Audrey started dragging Rico, it was no simple feat. She said,

"He comes with us, or I'm staying with him he's my responsibility,"


Katrina saw the damage done by the shots, the "police" were shooting to kill, in that case...

"Shoot to kill, I repeat, shoot to kill and don't hold back,"

She lobbed two frag grenades, both expertly placed to maximum damage.
:D We are not supposed to do a lot of things, such as drink coffee, swear, drink beer etc.

We are also not technically allowed to date until we are 16, and no passionate excuse is that it's only a recommendation and I personally feels that it "better prepares me for life" :D

Being prepared is always a good thing.
Audrey started dragging Rico, it was no simple feat. She said,

"He comes with us, or I'm staying with him he's my responsibility,"


Katrina saw the damage done by the shots, the "police" were shooting to kill, in that case...

"Shoot to kill, I repeat, shoot to kill and don't hold back,"

She lobbed two frag grenades, both expertly placed to maximum damage.

It hit Sutori then, he had a ride. He fished around in his pocket and pulled out a handheld comm device. He pulled out the antennae.

"Okay princess, I think I might have a way out for the three of us, but it's not going to be a low profile exit." Sutori said

"I don't care what it takes." she said "Do it!"

Were those tears in her eyes. Fuck it.

Sutori dialed in the password and pressed a few keys, the pad beeped, Sutori then took it and slammed it against the wall till it shattered.

"I'm not impressed." Audrey said angrily

"Give it ten minutes, you will be."


Five hundred kilometers above the planet the Solitude was orbiting.

Captain Rosenthal was in her quarters thinking on what had happened before, seeing Sutori annihilate a battalian of Holian soldiers, including a relative of Adder's.

Speaking of Adder she had assigned Kent to watch him to make sure he did not do anything stupid.

An alarm went off in the ship, it started off low like normal. Then without warning it pitched higher and higher, like the ship was screaming, then it went dark and emergency lights lit up, then they burst pitching the ship into near darkness, and soon afterwards even the sirens cut off. The Solitude was comatose.

Rosenthal grabbed her communicator. "Kim what the hell is going on!?!" Rosenthal demanded

"I don't know! We were receiving a transmission then the siren went off and now we're dead in the water!" Kim replied

"Captain, Cade here, the wraith is activating, there's no pilot!." Cade said into a comm unit.

"Stop it!" Rosenthal said

"It just disappeared"

Rosenthal rushed to the window and saw the lumbering Gundam below the ship, it entered a trajectory straight into the atmosphere.

She didn't need a computer to know where it was going and who had stolen it.

Some static went over the comm and then heavy breathing, "captain, it's Sutori isn't it?" Adder said almost in a whisper.

"Yes it is. And as of know he's the enemy, we're getting the Wraith back, I won't lose anything else to that bastard." She said, with tears in her eyes. Everything else Sutori had done, whatever he was, and why he had lied, she was willing to forgive him. But this crossed a line, he was a traitor, he had to die.
Latin has the effect of making me feel dead inside... I can't imagine why.

It's arguably the most popular course in my school :D Because my teacher is awesome

Besides being hilarious and very knowledgeable, he is one of our football coaches, he won a Metro Bowl (pretty much equivalent of state championship) which our school have never done (we were shit until three years ago), a rugby provincial championship when he was in high school, played college football at one of the best schools in Canada and played three seasons of CFL (CFL wages less then teacher's wages lol).

He's one of those teachers that make class actually interesting and kid's look up to.

Let's put this in perspective, try to find a school where both Grade 10 Latin classes are full and kids actively participate and listen. It's the same for Grade 11 and 12. Try to find a school where kids actually try on projects and try to go above and beyond.
It's arguably the most popular course in my school :D Because my teacher is awesome

Besides being hilarious and very knowledgeable, he is one of our football coaches, he won a Metro Bowl (pretty much equivalent of state championship) which our school have never done (we were shit until three years ago), a rugby provincial championship when he was in high school, played college football at one of the best schools in Canada and played three seasons of CFL (CFL wages less then teacher's wages lol).

He's one of those teachers that make class actually interesting and kid's look up to.

Let's put this in perspective, try to find a school where both Grade 10 Latin classes are full and kids actively participate and listen. It's the same for Grade 11 and 12. Try to find a school where kids actually try on projects and try to go above and beyond.

Sounds like my old high school :D

We won the national latin tournament my senior/junior year, mostly due to kids in my class.
Sounds like my old high school :D

We won the national latin tournament my senior/junior year, mostly due to kids in my class.

Serious? Latin tournament? In North America?

We aren't good with the language per se, but we love the cultural part of it :D

Normally we couldn't care less about latin, most of us took it ONLY because of the teacher, I took it cuz I thought it'll be kinda interesting. I only got in because I play football for him and I'm one of his favorites, ten of us signed up for the class and all of us got in. Half the kids that signed up didn't lol.

He owed it to me besides being the best student in the class last year in geo and this year, I had to memorize both offense and defense playbooks and multiple packages and variations made up for my skillset :mad: Not to mention all the audibles. I call the plays and audibles on both sides because our QB is a fuckin idiot.
"Alright, he's all buckled up." Sutori said sarcastically.

The solitude's crew had installed a co-pilot's station, that's where Audrey was sitting, Rico got to ride shit class, namely he was duct taped to the backside of Audrey's chair, Audrey wouldn't let him be duct taped to the head of the Wraith instead.

Sutori drove the throttle forwards and the Wraith's quad wings expanded open and lifted the great gundam into the air.

"Sutori, do you read me?" Cade said over the radio.

"Aww fuck, why can't you guys leave me alone?" Sutori responded.

Then a gigantic beam shot through the heavens, Sutori dodged just in time, but the warehouse had been totalled.

Sutori plowed the throttle forwards and the Wraith shot forwards, trying to evade the fire.

Sutori spun around and took pot shots but Adder was way too far away.

"Sutori, what's the plan?" Audrey said anxiously

"I'm gonna have to drop you guys off somewhere." Sutori said


Adder fired again and this time clipped one of Sutori's wings. An alarm went off in the cockpit.

The Wraith, Sutori's gundam, was racing to escape the onslaught, keeping low to the ground and flying beyond what it was rated for.

"I have no fucking clue!"
"Mobile suit spotted!" Luna said,

Katrina and the others made short work of the police force, they are Royal Executioners after all. They captured their officer, they got questions.

"Holy shit..." Katrina said, "Rico's comm signal is in there!"

"Wait, wha-"

There were explosions nearby.

"Guys, we hit the jackpot," Padre said looking through his scope, "we got what we came here for,"

She wanted very much to find out what's happening to Rico, but their mission is on the line.

"Pursue him!"
"Guys, there's a seventeen year old girl in here and a wounded man! Stop shooting damnit!" Sutori pleaded

The explosions continued, Sutori dodged left and right, trying to resist the temptation to fight back.

"Sutori, you know what you have to do." Audrey said "Protect us."

"As you command!" Sutori exhaled, all his apprehension evaporated as the simplicity of command and action collided.

Sutori flipped the wraith around, the wings spread out in an X and the feathers parted, creating a huge gold dome, lightning arced across the gold plated "feathers" and a massive particle beam fired from this massive array.

It tore through the clouds but the three now hostile gundams evaded in time. Before they could react Sutori was on top of them, using the particle beam as a distraction he had raced to their altitude. Now he was swinging the long sword in his gundam's hands down onto Kent's gundam.
Rico opened his eyes and was very confused at what's going on.

He was duct taped to the back of a chair.

He shouted, "What the fuck is going on and where the hell am I?"
"Aww shit, not now, not now!" An explosion rocked off the starboard plates

"Fucking 'A'!" Sutori yelled

"Here's the rundown shogu-" Sutori caught himself "Rico! I'm the princess's body guard, she likes you."

Sutori could feel her glaring eyes boring a hole in the back of his skull.

"But not in that way, so don't get any ideas. Your in my mobile suit, I stole it from those guys, they are pissed!." Sutori said as he clashed blades with Kent's machine.

"Die!!" Kent yelled over the comm, he swung around trying to do a hook kick.

"Not a chance!" Sutori yelled as he ducked under neath the kick, he returned upwards with a blade in hand, cleaving off the enemy machine's leg.

"In about two minutes I'm gonna have to dump your heavy ass with the princess but not until I tell you what your gonna do. you got it?" Sutori yelled

A particle beam eviscerated his machine's leg, and the bio feedback made it feel like he had lost his actual leg. Sutori gasped in pain but recovered only to shield them from another blow.