Sciforum’s Summer Debate Fest 2002...?


Registered Senior Member

Providing all is approved by the site administrator...(who has not been approached about this matter in advance)...and providing members are interested in participating...

Please read over these suggestions and offer your approval, or your own ideas for each of the following:

1. Date of online festival: Sometime between mid-June and late July. What dates work best?

2. Team captains may be nominated and selected by a majority vote, or be appointed by Porfiry. Team captains would be chosen before team members.

3. Team captains can invite any registered member to join their team and/or members may volunteer to join a team. Team captains have final say on who joins, regardless.

4. All teams will be comprised of an equal number of members. (2? 3? 4? More?)

5. Topics to be debated may be...

(a) chosen by Porfiry,
(b) suggested by Porfiry and voted on by the members,
(c) suggested and voted upon by the members,
(d) a special “topic selection” committee may be appointed.

6.Only appointed members of the teams chosen to debate/discuss a given topic are allowed to post on their “official” debate thread. Anyone who violates this rule would be banned from posting for the duration of the festival.

7. Anyone not on a team who wishes to voice their own opinion may do so on a “Have Your Own Say About Debate #2 or #3 or whatever...” thread--where anyone may post his/her view of the ongoing arguments. Team members would not be allowed to “carry over” the debate to a “general” thread until after the end of the festival. (Team members may post elsewhere, just not on the “official” topics.)

8. A set of rules may be drawn up describing what is to be the proper debate OR discussion form for this festival, including rules of etiquette, rules regarding order of responses, etc.... Members may offer suggestions for rules. Team Captains will vote on the set of rules to be used. Once agreed upon, said rules will be enforced by the team captains not engaged in the debate where an alleged infraction has occurred. Those participating in the debate will accept the ruling of the other team captains. (An incentive for all to choose wisely if voting is the method used to select team captains?)

Any dispute over enforcement of a rule may be settled by Porfiry within a 48 hr. time period beginning from the point at which a debate has been “flagged“, or by a member appointed by Porfiry. Disputes over rule enforcement would not be incorporated by team members into the content of the official debate.

9. Any member nominated for any position may decline the nomination (of course).

10. Well before the Debate Fest is to commence, it shall be agreed upon by all who will participate... which definitions of selected words, e.g., “Religion,” “Evidence,” or “Proof” that will be accepted throughout a given debate or discussion. If a team member wishes to introduce a “new” definition, the addition would need the approval of both team captains before the new definition could be introduced to the debate, and must be publicly “sanctioned” by the team captains. Without the sanction of both captains, the new definition will be thrown out.


The above "rules" are offered merely as suggestions.

Again, providing there is sufficient interest in making this event happen, by offering suggestions now for how the thing can be done, and what kind of topics will be “resolved,” participating members are given ample time to research and prepare their arguments.

Frequent communication between team members may become necessary at times, though I see no need for anyone to divulge private info (phone numbers, etc.)

Would it be a good idea to impose age restrictions for participants?

If, for whatever reason, a team member wishes to resign his position, or a team captain wishes to replace a member, either should be free to do so before the debates begin. Advisable, perhaps, to have an “understudy” in the wings for each team.

Winning teams may be chosen by a majority vote, by a special committee, or by the admin. Suggestions?

Prizes...? I dunno. Perhaps the members of the winning teams can have their names listed on a locked “Hall of Fame” thread where additional winner’s names can be added every season. Suggestions?

This is nothing but a blue print. Suggestions are welcome from all.

Anyone interested in “overseeing” the initial or continued organization of such an event is also welcome to volunteer. I'm sharing an idea, and not volunteering for the job myself.

Finally, if site administration does not approve, or if too few members are interested, then it’s a no go.


Sincere thanks,



The following links provide instructional information about debating. They have not been thoroughly investigated but do appear to offer common definitions for interested participants.
I am aware that many people use some formal set of rules for debating, and such rules probably differ between nations/groups/whatever. I have no knowledge of such rules. However, even though it's approaching Winter, I'd like to have a bash at it.
Thanks for the link, Chagur. Have visited that one briefly but didn't have the time (as usual) to give it more than a glance. May be worth a second look.

Oh, and not ruling out the other N.F.L. either. (Set a linebacker to guard each "official" thread?") Hmmmm.... might be on to something there!

Bravo, Adam!

Did cross my mind that our Aussie friends would be enjoying winter instead of summer. If that's not a problem for you, then it's not likely to be a problem for others. Umm... I don't think.

(Gives Adam a *thumbs-up*)


I think it's a good idea. What about winning teams? Why does there have to be a winning team? A winning team on debating skills, is that what you mean?

How are the subjects chosen? By Porfiry only? Mayhaps we can vote on the subjects of debate?

Good idea Counterbalance. :) I like to join in on a debate festival...:)

The following suggestions for how topics might be selected were offered in the opening post:

5. Topics to be debated may be...

(a) chosen by Porfiry,
(b) suggested by Porfiry and voted on by the members,
(c) suggested and voted upon by the members,
(d) a special “topic selection” committee may be appointed.

Becoming a member of a festival debate team:

3. Team captains can invite any registered member to join their team and/or members may volunteer to join a team. Team captains have final say on who joins, regardless.

Winners and winning:

In a nutshell, the idea thus far is to have contests between debate and or discussion teams. Forum titles could be used as main categories. For example: “Religion,” “Science & Society,” “World Events & Politics,” “Biology & Genetics,” “Ethics, Morality & Justice...”

There could be 2-3 debates held “within” each of these; 2-3 debates on religion-related topics, 2-3 debates on W.E. & Politics, etc...

The winning team from each main category could then be paired with the winning team from another main category, for yet another round of elimination.

Ultimately we would have one team having made it through all “rounds” to become the “Sciforum’s Summer Debate Festival 2002 Champions.”

Winners could be judged on a number of things, but debating skills would certainly count for something. At this point, it would be up to the interested members of Sciforums to determine what constitutes a “winner.” As long as it’s a contest of some sort, there will be winners and losers. Some care more about that than others. Old saying, though: “It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.” The judging criteria might reflect some of that kind of perspective.

In general the purpose (at least at this point) is to give those who are interested an opportunity to flex their debating “muscle,” to give all a chance to experience the drama? the fun? that comes from participating, whether one is on a team or is a spectator. Depending on how well it comes off, an annual event like a debate festival could (possibly) set Sciforums more apart from other forum sites; perhaps even attract new (& interesting) members.

As previously mentioned, these are only suggestions, nor has any of this been “ok’d” by Porfiry. Until such time the idea is officially vetoed, more suggestions are welcomed.


Well, I would gladly join in on a debate festival. :) Winning is not a real option for me. It's nice to see how the members, in different debating 'games' are doing and how they keep themselves standing throuhout the debate.

“It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.” The judging criteria might reflect some of that kind of perspective.

Yes, I agree to that. :) If I can do something to help setting up this festival, I'll be at your sevice. :)

I shall keep myself posted and hope I can be of value in the debates.

Seems to me that Porfiy will see the purpose of this and come to an agreement with this idea.

I'll be back. Seems a real good thing to do...You made a good set-up plan for this...:)
This is a cool idear (even though no one would want me on there teams because i can't seem to collect my thoughts well enough)

And arguments are good in winter, warms the blood
Nifty. Count me in, tentativly.


Unless nobody picks me for thier team, just like in soccar! (football, Aussies and Brits)

You can't call soccar football

That sacreligious

The only TRUE football is Aussi Rules

Every Melburnian knows that

This is a cool idear (even though no one would want me on there teams because i can't seem to collect my thoughts well enough)

My thoughts exactly, I would love to debate certain issues, I just dont know how word things correctly. They make sense in my head and then when i write them down - it comes out all wrong!!
Heyyyy... maybe we can start a reject team:D Any takers?????

Debate on!
Asguard, Xev, and *stRgrl*...

Appreciate your support. The "Sciforums Summer Debate Fest 2002" can't happen unless members make it happen.

To have a good debate or discussion, sure, a team member would want to be able to convey their point clearly, as well as have a decent understanding of the topic being debated. Probably a good idea for teams to work together in the weeks before the event, share resources, and spot each other during preparation for flaws in logic, etc. (often easier to do this when dealing with the written word.)

In the meantime, and while we wait to see how many are actually interested in participating, there's still time to get out there on the boards and practice. Start with a topic where you don't feel out of your depth and work up your skills. Have no clue who might end up on a team, or as a team captain, but it can't hurt to start practicing now. (Don't really know what "style" of debating will ultimately be chosen; for now improve your own style as you see fit, or check out the links posted by Chagur and myself on this thread for some tips and defintions.)

Note: Also been informed that Porfiry approves of the idea so far. He may post further comment later.

So, give it some thought. Post if you're interested in participating. Offer your suggestions. (Includes the silent and new members; time to step forward and show your stuff. ;) )

Veteran members, what say you?





I'm in :D Sounds like a great laugh.
I'm only available four days out of eight though.

Asguard. You're right. There is only one real football.
And that's Football. As in Association Football. :D
I know that this isn't really the place for it, but....

Association Football.....

The original and the best :D
We are praticing our debating

HA what would the english know:D

You can't even win your own game (cricket):D

Aussie rules for sure:D

(B\w what IS association football)
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Association Football is our National Sport!
Invented hundreds of years ago and the forerunner of many types of 'football'.

Mind you, we don't win at that too often!
Don't talk to me about cricket!
It's got to be one of the most boring spectator sports in the world (and this from a man who can happily watch snooker for hours at a time!)
At least you SCORE in cricket, UNLIKE soccar

Scoccar: game over at 2-0

Football (Aussie rules): game not over at 60-0 (thats only 10 goals so who cares, oviousely thats not in the last 2 min though)