scifi interactive story

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
His face ashen and cold, sparkling with sweat and dark from all the mud that had accumulated on it was revealed as the visor slid back into place behind his helmet. Dawn had just arrived on the world, and amongst the pillars of smoke slivers of deep orange broke through and spilled on the ragtag army.

The plain was soaked with the thick blood of the humans' mortal enemies. Their horrific bodies were mutilated and littered the landscape, pieces of them surrounding the larger piles where bombs had pummeled them. Such carnage had occured, it was too painful to remember...

His weapon vibrated as it accumulated in warmth; he could feel it through all the thick layers of armor. The bright light filled his eyes, the troop could hardly see what he was shooting at. All he knew was that they were ahead of him in a line stretching to both horizons.

Spilling over the cracked earth came the hordes of species 0003, their red, spiked bodies intimidating the terrified human soldiers. Immediately violent torrents of yellow, horizontal rain were unleashed upon the aliens, stopping them dead in their tracks. Large bombers streaked overhead, their engines leaving bright blue streaks against the gray clouds. Spheres of energy sprung from their hulls and streaked onto the shimmering horizon of red aliens. They were everywhere.

The explosions sent crispy bodies into mushroom clouds, propelling the parts into the distance. They were getting closer. Already his friends on the front lines only feet from where he stood had been overtaken and lost in the overflowing ocean of them. Their blud curdling screams had been muffled almost immediately as they disappeared.
hey, is this an extract from your sci fi novel or smth other?
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No I came up with that on the spur-of-the-moment.

I call it improvisational writing.