Scientology, ?

Same as any other cult/religion: provide elite status and wealth for the few; use the many to do it; make it happen by giving the many a feeling of hope and meaning. Most religions pass the collection plate -scientology sets up automatic check draft and charges you to pass from one level to the next.

Ah, Scientology, it sounds good, but there is actually a dark side behind it. No, it's not based on personal beliefs. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction writer, came up with Scientology. And if I remember correctly, he had a famous quote: "The way to make a million dollars is to start a religion."

Now, I don't know about anyone, but that doesn't sound like a good religion for me, if the founder just wants to make an easy million. ;)

i was just watching south park, and it was about scientology, so i was curious, do they actually believe all that about the space aliens 70 million years ago that created humans with souls and all the rest of that junk?,

they tell this kinda thing to "advanced members"

is the southpark episode true?, it says on the episode "this is what scientologists actually believe"

I missed that episode, but it was originally going to have Tom Cruise lock himself in the closet to get away from the others and one of the lead characters was supposed to keep repeating, "Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet!" over and over.

Apparently Cruise sued or threatened to sue and the network backed down against the writers' wishes. Something about it implied Tom Cruise was gay .....
EmptyForceOfChi said:
whats the deal.

its a bad joke that rob reiner started, like spinal tap, only less funny and more stupid.
SkinWalker said:
I missed that episode, but it was originally going to have Tom Cruise lock himself in the closet to get away from the others and one of the lead characters was supposed to keep repeating, "Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet!" over and over.

Apparently Cruise sued or threatened to sue and the network backed down against the writers' wishes. Something about it implied Tom Cruise was gay .....

tom cruise R kelly and john travolta were all in the closet in the episode,

you should see it, good stuff.

scientology is all based on hubbards views.. and he wrote them down.

if your interested they have films and countless books.. most written by l.ron hubbard... a genius maybe.. but alittle philosophical in his science.

they would recommend that you start with these 5... example... each 50 dollars.

and when your done.. there are 100 more books you can buy and study.

there is also an E-meter, which is a modified lie detector.. it basically, detects your gaLvanic skin responce... the idea being to use the machine to find points of stress and anxiety when following preplanned question sessions....
i have played with one.. it is alot of fun... just try to get stressed.. and the neddle goes up.... relax.. and it goes down. its cool.

if you signed up... and tried to follow their PROGRAM...

you are in for a long climb.. as there are 150 levels of theta or something.....

and to achieve higher levels of theta, you need to be devote and study the words of hubbard.. and undrstand.. and free your mind from its negativity... or something.

they will offer housing to many homeless persons who might want to join...

but you must become a devotee of the doctrine... and you must work 12 hour days.. and many live in crowded buildings sharing a bathroom amoungst 30-50 people.

they are all made to wear blue shirts... and are bused around in blue buses..

all paid for with dianetics sales...

these workers do not get paid, but they may be trained in various ways...

scientology also owns a decadent palace called the celebrity center in LA... carpets, tapestries.. chandeliers... quilded wooded frames on everything.. polished and totally clean.... designed they say... to apease celebrities..

it also owns an ocean liner... but the worker only gets on it to serve the celebrities... as far as i know... with perhaps some off time..? i dont know.

it argues that phycology... kills... and is unhealthy, wrong and bad.
and what people need is dianetics.

there is alot more....

if you walk in casually... as a dumb interested person... they will treat you very well... and perhaps very pushy about you seeing a seminar or talking to some people....

but if you start asking difficult and clearly difiant questions.. they will try to brush you away... but thats just my experience...

most i have met are very nice, socialist minded people... yet.. 95% of those i have met have been atheists as well...

meaning.. there is no GOD... IN SCIENTOLOGY.

and people accept this kinda BS in america?, i dont think there are scientologists in england or london, if there are i havent heard of them or seen any,

that is just a cult + slave labour, howcomes people over in USA take to this kind of thing, just lie mormons, but a little more stupid,

dot hey really all believe that aliens came to earth and put souls into our bodies, and all the rest of that BS that was on southpark,

gullible humans,

SCIENTOLOGISTS.. are very earth based.. non wacko... and to put it simply...

they believe ... what hubbard believed... period.

and hubbard was no fool as to suggest unreasonable things... he was quite brilliant.

it is the raelians... who say we are made by advanced space aliens.


so.. i cannot say that scientology is all bad or wacko...

what i can say... is that there is so much to study... that it would take the average person a life time to do so.

and few could take the time or have the before hand knowledege to EVEN TRY TO discredit his work... since he wrote volumes... and volumes... about everything.

hence the problem as i see it...

in fact it is only accepted as a religion, because of the presedent set by BUDDHISM.
which also has no GOD... is is based on self realization and the views of buddha.

You are feeling drowsy ... you are feeling very, very sleepy ... zzzzz

Shite! Where`s my rent money!
EmptyForceOfChi said:
and people accept this kinda BS in america?, i dont think there are scientologists in england or london, if there are i havent heard of them or seen any,

Until 1980, Scientology was banned from selling it's wares in the UK. I don't quite know why the attitude towards L. Rons moneyshaker changed, as the warrants for his arrest for fraud were still in force. In Germany, Scientology was denied tax exempt status as a religion.

dot hey really all believe that aliens came to earth and put souls into our bodies, and all the rest of that BS that was on southpark,

gullible humans,


More gollible than people who believe in Chi, God, or spirits? It's just recent, it's no less compelling. IE, all religion is flaky. A 2000 year old lie is still just as much of a lie as a 50 year old one.
Hubbard was the most brilliant con-man of the 20th century. I salute criminality when it is applied with such elegance, persistence and vision. Caveat emptor.
Mosheh Thezion said:
SCIENTOLOGISTS.. are very earth based.. non wacko... and to put it simply...

they believe ... what hubbard believed... period.

and hubbard was no fool as to suggest unreasonable things... he was quite brilliant.

you clearly dont know much about scientology or you would not refer to L Ron Hubbard in the past tense, considering that he is still alive and acting in his capacity as founder and messiah of scientology.

so.. i cannot say that scientology is all bad or wacko...

Scientology has been banned in several countries, at least during certain parts of its history.

In 2000, France debated dissolving Scientology as a religion.

In 1999, Scientology lost its charity status in Britian.

In 1997, Scientology was banned in Greece.

Scientologists are banned from political parties and many types of artistic performances in Germany.

See also:

and how about this from:

One of the most sinister aspects of Scientology in the eyes of many of its critics is the way in which it unashamedly designs to "clear the planet" - or, in plain English, take over the world and subject the entire global population to Scientology "processing" in order to rid everyone of their "aberrations". The planet does not seem to be in any immediate danger of this happening, as it has been estimated that at the current rate of expansion it will take the Church another 2.5 million years to achieve this end. This inconvenient fact has not, however, stopped Scientology from attempting to create what Hubbard, its founder, called "safe environments for Scientology to expand into". Put bluntly, the Church has tried to take over entire countries. Notable targets of the past and present include Greece, Morocco, Australia ("the first Clear Continent"), Colombia, Russia - and South Africa.

In many of these cases, a similar pattern has been followed. Back in the late 1950s, Hubbard formulated a policy of infiltration which has been followed faithfully by the Church of Scientology for at least 35 years. It was no secret, having originally been circulated in Hubbard's newsletters (the ponderously-named Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins) and subsequently reprinted on at least two occasions in Scientology magazines, including the South African Scientology magazine Understanding. Its provisions were made explicitly clear. The original plan, addressed specifically to South African Scientologists, was to achieve the following goals:

Get Scientology known.
Get Scientology established in schools.
Get Scientology established in the universities.
Have Scientology established in industries.
Have Scientology in the mines.
Get Scientology "into the government and government departments and services."

what i can say... is that there is so much to study... that it would take the average person a life time to do so.

and few could take the time or have the before hand knowledege to EVEN TRY TO discredit his work... since he wrote volumes... and volumes... about everything.

hence the problem as i see it...

in fact it is only accepted as a religion, because of the presedent set by BUDDHISM.
which also has no GOD... is is based on self realization and the views of buddha.

you literally know nothing about this do you? scientology has, as one of its 8 dynamics, a belief in some sort of infinite power or life force (labeled infinity) which is a creator or originator of life.

then in addition to that what they believe is that a person is split up into three components: mind, body, and thetan or spirit. they believe that the spirit is transcendent and all-enduring and that it uses the body as a temporary vessel and the mind as a means of communication with other thetans. basically a person is not their mind or body but those are just manifestations of the thetan. fucking ridiculous.
charles cure said:
you clearly dont know much about scientology or you would not refer to L Ron Hubbard in the past tense, considering that he is still alive and acting in his capacity as founder and messiah of scientology..
You just blew your credibility out of the water with that one Charles. Ron has been dead for over a decade - closer to two decades in fact. How on Earth did you get that so badly wrong?
Ophiolite said:
You just blew your credibility out of the water with that one Charles. Ron has been dead for over a decade - closer to two decades in fact. How on Earth did you get that so badly wrong?

Damn, I just went off to find his obituary and you pipped me old man! L Ron has indeed been stone cold for two decades, as you guesstimated;

Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (March 13, 1911 – January 24, 1986),
Ophiolite said:
You just blew your credibility out of the water with that one Charles. Ron has been dead for over a decade - closer to two decades in fact. How on Earth did you get that so badly wrong?

dude his thetan is forever. please.

in addition to that, i'm sure you'll find that everything thats NOT completely sarcastic in that post is pretty accurate. i thought i made it pretty obvious when i said he was the messiah that i was kidding. you think that i know that other stuff about scientology but dont know that hubbard (or at least his body) has been dead since 86?
If Plog and Ophi both fail to penetrate your sarcasm you may rest assured it was not especially obvious. Granted neither of us are especially familiar with the style, since I know I have never used it, and I don't think Plog has either.