

Registered Senior Member
I worked in an office at one point that had it's one nerdy intellectual guy. His name was Paul. Paul read about one book every three days and study on a regular basis. He was in his mid 40's was in the air force for about a decade and no education beyond high school. He had that aspect of his personanity that reminded me of Mel Gibson's character in conspiracy theory.

One of his theories was that the Chruch of Scientology had a large financial interest in earthlink and he spent time talking about them from time to time. Mostly on the church's dislike with the field of psychology.

I was really bored at work and one week spent about three days reading about 200 plus pages of published literature on the internet on the church by the church.

Found out something interesting. The word God, or any other word referring to a higher being, was not mentioned one time in my readings.

I went into Paul's office knocked on the door and said, "Paul, God is not mentioned in Scientology is it?"

He qoutes some fella, whom I have forgotten saying, "Religion is opium for the masses." I ask Paul if God is just a minor detail in that religion. He says yes.

Do any of yall know anything about scientology and is God in their teachings or just "a minor detail"?
COS is not a theistic religion, or at least a god component is a minor aspect to their religion.
I read about half of Dianetics (which is like the bible of scientology) before I said "this is bullshit" and didn't pick it back up again. My advice to you would be to read the works (Science fiction works) of other prominent scifi-authors of L. Ron Hubbard's time (Yes, remember that this is the religion that was invented by a Science Fiction writer, one who said that if one wanted real power he should start a religion. . . keep that in mind) and you'll find that a lot of Dianetics it just a mish mash of pseudo-scientific (or science fiction) concepts which you'll find present in the writings of Frank Herbert, and Robert Heinlein.

I don't know much about Hubbard himself, but I imagine that there's a lot of chaff out there written by Scientologists to make him out to be some sort of godlike being. My opinion is that he was a sociopath who got his rocks off by starting a cult and luring rather gullible people into it.

Also, to the best of my knowledge God does not factor into scientology. The closest thing they have to God is Hubbard, who manages to continue writing scifi books despite having been dead for a few decades (members of his cult release books under his name).

Anyway, if you want to learn more about Scientology there are plenty of resources on the web. I recommend It's a site maintained by an ex-member of the church of scientology, so he's got some insight into how they really operate.
I think I read on operation clam bake that some inner circle defectors from the Church of Scientology claim that once you get into the high ranks they let you in on the secret that millions of years ago a space general named Xenu committed a nuclear genocide against people who he had transported to the earth for this purpose, and the angry ghosts of all these murdered people are still around and they are what causes mental illness.

Opperation clam bake is a site that trys to debunk or generaly mock Scientology.
Scientology is ultimately based on L. Ron Hubbard's science fiction stories. Of course, these days Lafayette claims that it was the other way round.

Follows of scientology aren't let into the deep dark secrets concerning the aliens and so on until they're contributed large amounts of money to the "Church". However, a lot of ex-scientologists have published these secrets, on the web and elsewhere.

Scientology is a cult. It's sole purpose is to make money for its leaders - a purpose it achieves very well indeed.
I am pleased to state that I was officially expelled from COS in early 2000. My crime was that I asked for my money ($5000) back for a course I had selected but never took. I did succeed, but it was an interesting experience; it took about a month of continuous daily pleading, interrogations, interviews, etc. I discovered, to my horror, that payments for courses are not payments but voluntary donations to the church - ahh a neat catch - with all sorts of legal ramifications.
You fools! Now the scientologists are going to sue everyone who has ever looked at this thread, or maybe even everyone who ever visited sciforums! It's probably already too late! I'd suggest you all purchase "The Law for Dummies" and then reformat your hard drives.
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I hereby retract any disparaging comments which I may have had for the almighty hub, may his glory shine on us for all time, and may the evil space general Xenu never again have refuge in this galaxy! To infinity and beyoooond!

How much is a basic neurodyne cleansing? Mine feel kind of clogged with the souls and anguish of the dead lately.
It's all those Body Thetans clinging to your back. Just grab these two metal rods and lets run a few volts through and you'd be better in no time.
I think I once saw an article on which reported that John Travolta was hospitalized with dangerously low e-meter readings.
wow mystech that webpage is huge.....longer than Hubbards books I think. I am a big fan of the book battlefield earth. Movie was ok ...too hard to put the book on the big screen. I know Hubbard wrote a lot of books on management theory cause I came across them while studying business in college. They were pretty down to earth.

Interesting comment about F hebert. colorful writer didnt' know they were linked. All of his fantasy books at large amounts of philosphy and political theory in them. It would be interesting if he drew inspiration from Hubbard.

Cris what were your personal expierences (if they are not too personal) with the church? Is their a diety in the church? Why did you join in the first place?
Cris said:
I am pleased to state that I was officially expelled from COS in early 2000. My crime was that I asked for my money ($5000) back for a course I had selected but never took. I did succeed, but it was an interesting experience; it took about a month of continuous daily pleading, interrogations, interviews, etc. I discovered, to my horror, that payments for courses are not payments but voluntary donations to the church - ahh a neat catch - with all sorts of legal ramifications.

Good! An insider.

Most Cults have to work around a dilemma. They want to take people's Money in trade for their Version of Spiritual Advancement, but they don't want to hand out Certificates of Completion to total slobbering morons who will be walking-talking Proof that it is all just a scam. And so the Cults have to at least develop a System of Behavior Modification whereby they can get people to 'act' as though they are enlightened.

But most of the time I think these Cults find 'Ringers' -- people that project the Correct Behavior from the first time they walked through the Door. They are put on the Fast Track and pushed up the Ladder -- they make the Cult look good. Such people ALWAYS looked good, but the Cult can enjoy stepping in to take the Credit.

Now, to specifics -- did you notice that your Scientology Classes were not so much teaching you how to BECOME "Clear" as preparing you to act as though you were "Clear"... if you understand the distinction.

I was recently reading about the Christ/Sophia Movement. Some of their detractors say that it is all behavioral modification -- when you can walk around with a plastic frozen smile on your face just like your "Master Teacher" then they give you your diploma.