Scientists discover fuel for Lazar's UFO


Registered Senior Member
Apparently physicists in Europe have just succeeded in creating a new element 115 they are calling ununpentium. This was done by colliding calcium with some other element to fuse their nuclei in a cyclotron.

Bob Lazar had claimed that the alien vehicle he worked on at Area 51 used a stable form of this element to create gravity A waves which when amplified could be used to "warp" space.

I wonder why the physicists were trying to create an element 115 and not some other heavy element.

Any thoughts?
BigBlueHead said:
Because they've already seen elements 1-114?

That's just the thing. I don't think the've gotten much above the 90s previously but I admit I'm not a physicist.
They had made unnildecium in 1994, which is element 110; beyond that I'm not sure, but it's been ten years.

These elements are made by fusion of large nuclei in particle accelerators, and except for the energy requirements there's no reason to believe that an infinite number of elements could not be made.

It is unlikely, however, that element 115 will be very useful, since most of the Very Heavy Elements have half-lives in the millisecond range, and are only created in extremely small amounts.
I think what you say is correct Big Blue Head. I think they skipped 110-113 and recently created 113 and 115.

The question really is if more stable forms of these heavy elements can be created. If what Bob Lazar says is true, then these would be the key to mass-producing (at least at the Black Budget level) the vehicles he reversed engineered.
Wolfboy said:
Apparently physicists in Europe have just succeeded in creating a new element 115 they are calling ununpentium. This was done by colliding calcium with some other element to fuse their nuclei in a cyclotron.

Bob Lazar had claimed that the alien vehicle he worked on at Area 51 used a stable form of this element to create gravity A waves which when amplified could be used to "warp" space.

I wonder why the physicists were trying to create an element 115 and not some other heavy element.

Any thoughts?

Please check out this site to see the real atomic periodic tables:
Now, what are gravity A waves and how do you amplify them?

Gravity amplification sounds like a better trick than making element 115 for sure...
By the way, I have been studying physics for 6 years now.

Yes, scientist recently created 115.

"ELEMENT 115 HAS BEEN DISCOVERED at the Joint Institute for Nuclear
Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia. JINR physicists and their
longtime collaborators from Lawrence Livermore National Lab in the
US produced 4 atoms of the new superheavy element by striking a
target of americium-243 atoms with a beam of calcium-48 ions." - AIP News

"In previous experiments conducted by the same team at Dubna, evidence has been recorded for elements 114 and 116." - AIP News

They weren't trying to get 115 anymore than if they were trying to get 117. It doesn't make a difference.

Anyway, the four atoms that were formed decayed in 90 milliseconds. Most articles on the subject discuss how they were not stable, but the scientists intended to make them stable...

Lazar used what is called, "after the fact reasoning". If they had formed 117 or any other "new" element (nature does not form anything over 92 - Uranium), at the same time as they did 115, he would have said 117 was used in Area 51.

That is beside the fact that elements cannot produce "gravity waves" or affect gravity like his statements imply.

Ah, look at the people who seek attention. Fun.
Care full Wolfboy, don't push Ellimist's buttons, he gets to a point where "denial" is his only escape quite easily.

Probably the same reason we have microwave ovens. Because someone didn't take NO for an answer and pushed the envelope of "what if" past where recognized scientists wanted it to go. But, why didn't they push it again and develope the same reverse principal and give us instant freezes?
craterchains (Norval said:
Care full Wolfboy, don't push Ellimist's buttons, he gets to a point where "denial" is his only escape quite easily.

Denial of what? The lack of evidence?

Fuck you.
Norval, I don't think you can "reverse the polarity" on a magnetron and cause it to cool things down with microwaves... that's Ninja Turtles science. Not everything can be reversed so easily.
craterchains (Norval said:
Care full Wolfboy, don't push Ellimist's buttons, he gets to a point where "denial" is his only escape quite easily.

Probably the same reason we have microwave ovens. Because someone didn't take NO for an answer and pushed the envelope of "what if" past where recognized scientists wanted it to go. But, why didn't they push it again and develope the same reverse principal and give us instant freezes?

Don't know your history do you Norval. The microwave oven came from the fact that a peanut bar melted in a coat pocket of Percy Spencer when accidentally standing too close to a RADAR magnatron. Other scientist knew this fact already. In fact soldiers would stand in front of radar dishes momentarily to keep warm during shifts in cold regions (didn't know the harmful effects of course). Percy was just the one to exploit it.

Looks like you don't know your physics either.