Scientists create tiny human brains from stem cells

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Groundbreaking brain news from a laboratory in Austria– for the first time, scientists have managed to grow miniature human brains from stem cells, reports Reuters Health. The implications of this development are massive, not the least of which is eventually understanding the inner workings of severe neurological disorders and how to defeat them.

The researchers started with human stem cells—the often-controversial, undifferentiated (or “blank”) human cells that are capable of giving rise to a host of differentiated cells—and cultured them into “cerebral organoids” (more simply, “mini brains”). Stem cells have been used to grow a variety of organ tissue—including a liver and a trachea—but never before has brain tissue with multiple, distinct parts been created in a lab.

According to the Reuters report, Juergen Knoblish and Madeline Lancaster at Austria’s Institute of Molecular Biotechnology and fellow researchers at Britain’s Edinburgh University of Human Genetics cultured the stem cells with a cocktail of nutrients, and grew tissue called neuroectoderm – a layer of cells in the embryo from which all parts of the brain and nervous system develop.

This tissue was then placed into a spinning bioreactor that circulates oxygen and nutrients, catalyzing the eventual growth of cerebral organoids. After one month, the tissue had organized itself into basic developing brain regions, including the retina and cerebral cortex. At two months, the tiny organoids—about 4 millimeters long—contained firing neurons and identifiably different types of neural tissue. In essence the scientists had created tiny, primitive human brains

To demonstrate the usefulness of their discovery, the researchers used the organoids to model the development of a rare neurological condition called microcephaly—in which patients develop an abnormally small head. By modeling the condition in a lab, researchers can reverse engineer it and find out why it develops.

The research team acknowledged that they had not created a full-scale, fully functioning human brain, and that doing so is a long way off, but they said they had accomplished their initial goal—to “analyze the development of human brain tissue and generate a model system…to transfer knowledge from animal models to a human setting.”

Shorter-term implications of this development include the modeling of several neurological illnesses and conditions, and potentially learning new methods for giving brain tissue a boost against them. Farther along, the research may provide pioneering insights into autism, alzhemier’s and depression, among many other diseases and disorders that have stumped medical science.

While we’re far from growing pet brains in petri dishes, we’re now closer than ever to gaining a fuller understanding of how the most complex organ in the known universe works."---
Until they get a circulating / filtering bloody supply system to develop them beyond this limited stage, I don't feel they qualify yet as even a "brain in bottle", much less the vaunted vat of sci-fi expectations and philosophical thought experiments (which some posters on other web boards are already trying to hail this as).