Scientists create telepathic rats

In Nicolelis's experiments, two thirsty rats are placed into separate, identical cages. They cannot see or hear each other, but their brains are wired together via electrode implants in their motor cortices.

So they are not "telepathic" at all since they are "wired" together.

A kind of techlepathy, at least. What I find most interesting in terms of what tumbled out of the research, is this:

"In fact, our studies of the sensory cortex of the decoder rats in these experiments showed that the decoder's brain began to represent in its tactile cortex not only its own whiskers, but the encoder rat's whiskers, too. We detected cortical neurons that responded to both sets of whiskers, which means that the rat created a second representation of a second body on top of its own." Basic studies of such adaptations could lead to a new field that Nicolelis calls the "neurophysiology of social interaction." .... "We cannot predict what kinds of emergent properties would appear when animals begin interacting as part of a brain-net." ... Such a connection might even mean that one animal would incorporate another's sense of "self," he said.

Instead of the first tentative step of "consciousness meld" being direct tissue connection between different brains (possibly concerning two paralyzed humans that would be restricted in terms of mobility, anyway).... We instead have the prospect of an "instant" leap to acquiring a sense of being distributed over multiple bodies scattered over hundreds or thousands of miles; eventually sporting a mingled patchwork of varied perceptions / experiences.



"The supposed communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses."
It's nice to see some Public Educational Research is actually doing what has already been achieved for years by certain clandestine groups and organisations.

Although I know a few things about Illegal Human research into this subject.

For instance if multiple experimenters use such a system on one human, that subjects brain can become confused and disassociated because of the number of researchers used. In essence it's a way to create a form of Dis-associative Schizophrenia. If experimenters "will" the capacity to self hurt, attack someone in proximity to the subject or become sexually obsessive enough to rape someone in proximity to a test subject, in certain instances the subject if they are not fully aware of the deception could potentially find themselves manipulated to do harm to themselves or others.

In a nutshell, mutliple experimenters generate a "Frankenstein" monster, where a subject is made up of multiple parts consistent with multiple experimenters.
This can lead to some or all of those parts being at odds with one another.

(Incidentally MIT at one point was looking at integrating multiple people's consciousnesses together into one consciousness, I think the intention was to generate a single intelligence built from many. I'm not such what outcome they had with that research.)

However depending on the strength of a subjects pre-conditioning to "Nurture"(Whether they are predominantly good-willed and wouldn't hurt another) will predefine their own capacity to stave off such manipulations by the experimenter(s).

Such tests have been ongoing for years, however the real concern isn't so much the fear of a homeless down and out suddenly being motivated towards violence as an attack, but the concern that any person in politics or any military position could potentially be subverted through the very same system. Rather than fighting wars with two opposing generals, it would be one general creating a public spectacle of a battle theatre with the other general being puppeteered to make all the wrong moves, leading his men to be flank or making decision that bring about dire eugenic consequences to further daemonise the opposition.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
If they can make a link in humans they can do it in rats.

Surely this sort of thing was done decades ago, at least maybe in 50's or 60's. All those ideas must be old, as a minority of people will have those ideas that techs can make some bridge.

Seeing as the synthetic telepathy exists long ago, in terms of 35 years plus at least. You telling me this is the first time two rats where made to be connected like that.

Its amazing but people have to remember humans where probably doing this experiment back in 50's or 60's.

I am sure people as smart as tesla would of thought about such things, and many others. Thats 100 years back

Science knows they do not need wires for this, synthetic telepathy must be at least in existence since 35 years plus years now. That means no wires.