
Something that puzzles me

Aren't the contributions of Muslims to science more important than interpreting the Koran to show this or that literalist truth? One should consider that, among Americans at least, there exists a predisposition to treat such literalism lightly; Biblical literalists have made a mockery of holy scriptures, and it might be that people perceive a similar disaster in the making.

In the meantime, Muslim Heritage offers a decent overview of Muslim influence on astronomy.

It's a place to start.

Tiassa :cool:
it is all interesting of course to read about these old influences, but science doesn't live in the past.

Science lives in the present. yesterdays science is old and passe, tomorrows science is still a secret.

the problem is of course that it is impossible to get anything useful out of any religious text for the science as it is practised now and for the science of tomorrow.