Scientific proof of survival after death(especially atheists and agnostics)?

Gravage said:
And all it can be explained by mathematics' formulas?
It's all on this website:

What do you think,does subatomic world proves that there is a soul,according from the website's link above?

Your opinions needed,please!

I dont know if subatomic world defines a place for ones soul but I definately think they are onto something with the various frequencies and our ability to interpret them.
Under the influences of various psychedelics I have found myself witnessing real life phenomena that would have not been apparent to my mind under normal circumstances.
I remember observing how conversations seemed to have pre-determined outcomes and that the saying 'what comes around goes around' was almost unmissable under some changed states of perception.
Time is another element that seems to stop working properly and I belivied that I could witness phenomena in time between time almost as if time had stopped.
Understand I am not talking about visual hallucinations but perceptions of everyday phenomena.
There is definately more to the structure of this Universe than meets the average eye but everything I have ever witnessed screams out 'Order'.

Sorry I know I waffling but I have had personal experience of my 'spirit' being a seperate entity to my physical body. Im sure the cynics will wish to write off my expereince as explainable chemical reactions but the things I witnessed happened to me in real time and I was able to analyse at that time in a sane frame of mind ( believe it or not).

I think our brains are amazing signal receivers and transmitters but I also think that for the most part it is massivly suppressed.

V interesting article - thanks

Gravage said:
And all it can be explained by mathematics' formulas?
It's all on this website:

What do you think,does subatomic world proves that there is a soul,according from the website's link above?

Your opinions needed,please!
Man, the only formulae i see in your link are E=mc<sup>2</sup> and Male+Female=New Individuals or something like that.

Soul is metaphysical entity or it is supposed to be ; trying to prove its existence, thro physical phenomena or crapy accounts of psychedelic journies undertaken, is ridiculous waste of time. Get out of such delusions, please.
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And furthermore is relies on the ether. If you are trying to present a scientific proof, you are a couple hundred years late.
So I read the entire article and with each sentence I was expecting the proof to appear next. I reached the end and the proof never appeared.

It all struck me as imaginative speculation again and I saw nothing new to warrent such a claim of "proof". There were lots and lots of assertions and then .... nothing..

Did I miss something.

atheist are the only souls I cant get.
convert to my will

This is kinda stupid. Do you post anything but one liners alluding that you are, in fact, the devil? I'm starting to wonder if you're affiliated with the new spamming members.
everybody has the right to speak .
one line two three does not matter
coherent or incoherent does not matter
stupid funny serious does not matter
every member has the right to state what they want, you did did'nt you and a one liner to.
My point is that I think the guy is just reaching for over 10 post limit so that he can vote in open government. In case you haven't noticed there's a group of spammers that have joined recently for just this purpose. By coming in and posting 11 times (practically the same thing each time) he leads me to believe that he is one of these.

Even if he's not, 11 posts from 12:17 to 12:43 (PST), each of which make the same comment and which do not add to the conversation in any way is considered stupid in my book. If he is a real poster and not a spammer, maybe he'll change his ways.
From the provided link in the opening post:

Put quite simply, Pearson sees postmortem survival of the human psyche as one of the many functions of a multidimensional, multi-universal, subatomic grid matrix, on which all forms of life exist, and which sustains the etheric, as well as the physical consciousness, of all living organisms.

Holy cow. He thinks the same thing I do but has promoted it as truth, whereas I just think it's likely. I only skimmed it, but the statement above is goddamned close to stuff I've said very recently here on this forum. Funky.]

Except I'm not sure about "mult-universal" either I guess.

In other words, if there IS life after death, I see it in exactly this way. I'm just not sure if that once the physical dies, the essence of meaning can maintain stability in abstract space.

Oh and the "matrix" they speak of is slightly different that the way I look at it, since I borrow the idea of a 'compactificated dimension' from string theory.
Q25: I certainly dont.

Invert nexus: He's new let's wait and see, he's proberly someone being silly
I believe the idea of a forum, is to discuss and debate, he certainly started that.
It all depends on what you call life, and what you call death. Your body's cells are dying all the time, but the body lives on, people are dying all the time, but the species lives on. If you are speaking of other dimensions, then to address the multidimensional properties of the limited social construct called the single skin-enclosed ego is rather innappropriate. The planet itself might be the organism, undergoing life and death continuously.

If the mind is not the brain, then why does brain injury impair someone's ability to think? Certainly the rotting of your brain tissue into dirt would affect your ability to percieve anything.
spidergoat said:
It all depends on what you call life, and what you call death. Your body's cells are dying all the time, but the body lives on, people are dying all the time, but the species lives on. If you are speaking of other dimensions, then to address the multidimensional properties of the limited social construct called the single skin-enclosed ego is rather innappropriate. The planet itself might be the organism, undergoing life and death continuously.

If the mind is not the brain, then why does brain injury impair someone's ability to think? Certainly the rotting of your brain tissue into dirt would affect your ability to percieve anything.

Yes,but there is a point where body cells can't return to life anymore,nothing is eternal.Not even the universe(observable) is eternal,what makes you or others think that humans will live forever?
Gravage said:
Yes,but there is a point where body cells can't return to life anymore,nothing is eternal.Not even the universe(observable) is eternal,what makes you or others think that humans will live forever?

Oxygen gave us life,but it's also killing us,oxidation is the process,why we die.
i'm gonna have to sign up to this on the sceptic side. proof?? proof?? any sort of mathematics, anything at all would be nice. i mean, he claims to have mathematics backing him up, but i don't see any. or any links to any? perhaps i didn't finish my research? if so, do point me in the right direction, because for now i've seen no math anywhere in there.
It didn't even say what this "supressed evidence" was.
It claimed that these scientists have irrefutable experimental evidence of this, but didn't even begin to talk about what the evidence was.
I wouldn't put so much stock into this conspiracy theorist has to say, and I am one that WANTS to believe Einstein was wrong about the Aether.
The article was crap in my agnostic opinion.
Persol said:
And furthermore is relies on the ether. If you are trying to present a scientific proof, you are a couple hundred years late.
But the author's point is to say that if you don't believe in the Aether, then you are wrong.
This topic is a misnomer. Asking after atheists and agnostics is a false dilemma. The scientific discussion of life after death may well finally tread out of the religion forum.

In following up the topic link, I came across an article from the very same Campaign for Philosophical Freedom:

A group of British scientists, including two astrophysicists, a thermodynamicist, and other professional researchers, are conducting experiments and solving complex equations that they believe furnish conclusive and irrefutable proof of human survival of bodily death.

Michael Roll, a rationalist and freethinker who heads The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom, is unofficial spokesman for the group. He has recently revealed information that could drastically alter humankind's entire belief system regarding continuation of consciousness beyond the grave. Roll, of Bristol, England, a former businessman, is a long-time explorer of paranormal phenomena. He and his colleagues' series of discoveries, involving mathematical equations and physical experiments, when taken together, furnish empirical evidence that makes an extremely strong case for continuing after-death survival of the human psyche.

The group has come to regard that continuation as the functioning of a natural, universal law, the study of which is strictly a branch of chemistry, physics, and mathematics, rather than an article of religious faith.

This particular article hasn't any real scientific details, but ... there is a link for a first-hand account of a seance.

Again, not much science.

If it's a scientific proof, and it's so important, why are the "scientists" treating their audience like they're idiots and skipping out on the science?
Yesterday, a group of scientific minded people, scientists, and thermohydroelectrodynamicists, they were all professional mind you, have determined through mathematical rigor and empirical evidence that there is life after death. Their discoveries involved mathematical equations, experiments, paper, pens, and even a pencil at one point or another. When all of them got together and analized their discoveries they agreed that they had some equations, and used paper and pens. Inevitably, soon they will publish proof of life after death.

Oh C'MON!!!