Scientific Explanation of UFOs


Registered Senior Member
A Scientific Explanation Of The UFO Mystery
"Starting with the facts about UFOs as they are observed, there are good scientific reasons to believe that the energy field associated with UFOs is psychotronic energy. (Refer to the book entitled, "Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain" by Ostrander and Schroeder.) This energy is also called Chi by the Chinese and Bioplasmic Energy by the Russians. It is the Link between the non-physical mind and the physical body. This energy form can account for all of the effects that UFOs have been observed to produce. (Refer to the book, "Strange Effects From UFOs published by Donald Keyhoe and NICAP.)"

For Full Document check SkinWalkers Post.

[Edit by Stryder to deal with Cut & Paste Plagurism, although it should of really be deleted since the poster also lacked to comment on what their "discussion" actually was.]
Last edited by a moderator:
ghost7584 said:
Over 33,000 people have read this theory.

This energy can also explain the energetic effects in crop circles.

You mean the crop circles that were admittingly created by hoaxers?

ghost7584, your first post in this thread is a violation of the rules.

Pseudoscience Section Rules said:
No Cut and Paste posts or Plagurism (More severity than Cross posters);
(Cut and Paste means full documents/writings from other sites when a link will suffice)

Might I suggest that you offer a quote that is within "Fair Use Guidelines," then offer some personal commentary... and do all this by going back and editing your post.

This "essay" can be found at the following url(s):
ghost7584 said:
A Scientific Explanation Of The UFO Mystery
"Starting with the facts about UFOs as they are observed, there are good scientific reasons to believe that the energy field associated with UFOs is psychotronic energy. (Refer to the book entitled, "Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain" by Ostrander and Schroeder.) This energy is also called Chi by the Chinese and Bioplasmic Energy by the Russians. It is the Link between the non-physical mind and the physical body. This energy form can account for all of the effects that UFOs have been observed to produce. (Refer to the book, "Strange Effects From UFOs published by Donald Keyhoe and NICAP.)"

For Full Document check SkinWalkers Post.

[Edit by Stryder to deal with Cut & Paste Plagurism, although it should of really be deleted since the poster also lacked to comment on what their "discussion" actually was.]

HI....yes what you say makes sense. the interface between material-anergy and consciousness. Bohm calls this 'omnijectivity'.....i cannot say i KNO what UFOs ARE, but i also an not convinced that EVERY report ever confessed HAs to be false as the 'sceptics' paint. THat is more incedulous than everyone being RIGHT!
A proper scientific explanation of UFOs would be informed by the following:
1. The general inability of untrained observers to provide objective reports on what they sense.
2. The suggestibility of many witnessess, and the gullibility of others.
3. The existence of hoaxes.
4. The existence of experimental military craft.
5. The attraction of boosting ego, or bank balance, or both, by promoting UFO/ET myths.
6. The existence of poorly understood (e.g. ball lightning) or unknown natural phenomena.

If we could remove the dross created by 1-5, we could elucidate the mysteries involved in 6, and finally see if there was a much more interesting signal buried in all the noise.
skin walker
ghost7584, your first post in this thread is a violation of the rules.

“ Originally Posted by Pseudoscience Section Rules
No Cut and Paste posts or Plagurism (More severity than Cross posters);
(Cut and Paste means full documents/writings from other sites when a link will suffice) ”

Might I suggest that you offer a quote that is within "Fair Use Guidelines," then offer some personal commentary... and do all this by going back and editing your post.

This post is not palagiarism. I am the original author of the theory. I got this out of the files on my computer, not from a website. This in not copyrighted and is in the public domain; do whatever you want with the information.
I will summarize the theory to make it shorter and more understandable:
You put inanimate objects in varying electric
fields and you get a corona discharge. This can be filmed. You put living
organisms under the same type of fields and you get a peculiar type of
corona discharge, which can also be filmed. Around living organisms it
behaves like there is some other force holding it together, and modifying
its behaviour. The energy field (called an aura) behaves like an organism
itself, with veins of color running through it and certain passage ways. It
does not behave randomly. The aura energy around a human has been filmed to
change itself, color and shape in direct response to the human's thoughts
and feelings. It is as if there is a mental energy at work in the field and
it is modifying the electric and magnetic fields and colors that are in the
corona discharge. It is this previously unknown energy that seems to be
holding the other energies in the aura together and modifying them that is
in question. [The other known energies in the Aura are electric and magnetic
fields and light - those are known, but psychotronic energy is mixed in
there and it is proving to be something unknown or something that is
matching the Chi of the chinese accupuncture.] It has been named
psychotronic energy by the Czechs and bio
plasmic energy by the Russians, Chi by the Chinese. The energy has bright
flares at all of the Chinese accupuncture points. People claiming to heal by
the laying on of hands, faith healers, have actually been filmed to have
this energy focus into a bright beam coming from their hands when they
concentrate on faith healing. This has also been filmed; the procedure is
called Kirlian photography and there is much about it on the web.
What you have here is some sort of a mental energy that seems to be capable
of mixing with and generating the other energy fields. It is this energy
that the book [psychic discoveries behind the iron curtain] shows has been
investigated with the physics instrumentation,
and they got a !/r result for diminishing with distance. All other known
forces diminish with 1/r2, (which is inverse squared). Also they shielded
against all known energy
fields, and it still got through indicating it is something else.
The effects that they have observed associated with this energy resemble the
effects produced by UFOs, that observers have reported. - and the effects
are many and varied.
Czech scientist and mathematician, Robert Pavlitta developed these devices,
different kinds of metals combined in unusual shapes, that have been shown
to resonate with this energy and collect it; called psychotronic generators.
My theory is that UFOs must have some sort of psychotronic generators as the
source of their energy field and propulsion.
Experts agree that UFOs are using some sort of energy field propulsion.
Note: The bursting of the plant stem nodes in crop circles, diminishes with
1/r as you get away from the center.
The energetic effects in the crop circles resembles the effects of this
Interference with electrical equipment (camera batteries malfunction),
bursting of plant stem nodes as if by heat radiation, unusual spinning of
compass needles, increased plant growth or decreased plant growth. The
Researches into bio-plasmic energy have found all of these effects produced
by psychotronic energy, or aura energy.

The utilization for propulsion.
Proper science is to start with the facts as they are observed. UFOs, as
observed, appear to be utilizing another dimension. They have been seen to
slowly fade away or swiftly disappear. At rendlesham air base Larry Warren
said he saw a bright mist in a field and a red ball of light passed over it,
and it exploded, no sound, and a structured UFO instantly appeared in the
field. UFO shot at with .50 cal machine gun in WWII, and the bullets went
right through it with no damage as if it is not all there. UFOs somethimes
produce no hits on radar, and make no sonic booms and no air turbulence. All
of this is evidence they are accessing another dimension. Also, they defy
the laws of physics with right angle turns at thousands of miles per hour,
without decreasing speed or tearing apart. To defy the laws of physics they
must be utilizing another dimension.
Since the psychotronic energy appears to be a mental energy because a person
can modify the aura energy with his mind, and the mental dimension is real
but not in the physical world, it looks like the UFOs are using this mental
energy go partly or totally into another dimension (the mental dimension) to
be able to defy the laws of physics and float without being pulled down by
Remote viewing experiments show that men can accurately see in their minds
places and people far away. This shows that the mental dimension extends
throughout space and it is not just in your mind. Just like the physical
eyes look into the physical dimension, the mind looks into the mental
The evidence is, that UFOs are accessing another dimension, and the only
other dimension observed to really exist, is the mental dimension. (ie. Your
thoughts really exist, but not in the physical world. They exist in this
other mental dimension.)
Use psychotronic generators to charge up an aircraft with this mental energy
(or psychotronic energy, or bioplasmic energy or chi) and the aircraft goes
partly or totally into a nother dimension and can defy the laws of physics.
Gravity loses hold, it starts to float. No inertial mass, so it can
accelerate very fast with small thrusting force, no G forces to hurt the
occupants. Concentrate the enegy on one side of it and it accelerates in the
opposite direction. (A UFo was seen to do this.)
You need to go with the evidence as observed, and UFOs behave as if
accessing another dimension. Aliens also use this other dimension to walk
through walls and abduct people from their beds at night and take them out
through the wall or ceiling and into a ufo. The people remember the
experience like it was a dream, because they were partly or totally in this
mental dimension. (One female abductee said she was in a dimension somewhere
between dreams and the physical world. She dreamed aliens had cut her hair
and stuck her with a needle. She woke up with cut hair and a needle
Further discussion, questions and answers:
>What kind of behaviour and in what way is it (the organism?) being
>held together? Why should you expect it to fall apart?

Ordinary carona discharge around inanimate objects is like a random mixture
of light and magnetic and electric fields, behaving randomly like fire
flames in a fire place.
The carona discharge (or Aura) around an organism shows a detailed
organization of the energy that is not random. It has veins and passage ways
moving through it. It also has bright flares at the accupuncture points
showing that the carona discharge is high lighting another energy that is
already there. Cut off a finger, or part of a leaf, and put the hand or leaf
in the electric fields, and the carona discharge still shows the same thing
in the region of the missing part. The electric fields are illuminating
another energy that is already there, -the chi or psychotronic energy.
You raise a lot of points that I don't have the time (or stamina) to
>in detail but, cutting to the core you seem to be saying that ufos
>meaning the ostensible alien ones) have as their drive system some kind
>of, as yet unrecognized by contemporary science, power source and which
>you have chosen to name "psychotronic"?
>I don't have a problem with that, if worded in such a manner, but why
>address Kirlian type corona discharges as the source of your
>psychotronic energy?

The Czechoslavakians named it psychotronic energy. In the book PSYCHIC
DISCOVERIES BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN, the physicists investigating this
energy first found it in the human aura, using kirlian photography. I was
looking for any energy in science that could explain the effects that UFOs
produce, and this is the only energy I found that can do that. One energy
that can cause all of the different effects UFOs cause.
>> My theory is that UFOs must have some sort of psychotronic generators as
>> source of their energy field and propulsion.
Those generators are the only physical devices that seem to charge up on
this energy type and use it to do specific tasks.
One generator kills flies, one pruduces strong magnetic like attraction, but
it is not magnetic, one causes plants to grow faster, etc...
UFOs some times cause sickness, produce magnetic effects, and cause
stimulation of plant growth at landing sites. There are several other
effects that match with UFOs.
If these are the only devices that can use this type of energy, then UFOs
must have some type of psychotronic generators in them, to charge up on and
use this energy. It is a vibrational energy, so resonance can be used to
charge up on it.
Why would that suggest "energy field propulsion"? You would expect
>damage to diminish in such a manner even if it were a rocket ship,
>wouldn't you?

You have a silent, floating aircraft, with no propelers or wings and not
shaped aerodynamically, with no exhaust, and it rapidly accelerates away,
that means energy field propulsion. The glow around the whole craft or on
lights around the rim, means energy field propulsion.
All known energies diminish with one over distance squared (1/r2), The
effects of psychotronic energy were found to diminish with one over distance
1/r. That means it is an unknown energy.

>> The energetic effects in the crop circles resembles the effects of this
>> energy:
>> Interference with electrical equipment (camera batteries malfunction),
>> bursting of plant stem nodes as if by heat radiation, unusual spinning of
>> compass needles, increased plant growth or decreased plant growth. The
>> Researches into bio-plasmic energy have found all of these effects
>> by psychotronic energy, or aura energy.
>Couldn't ordinary electromagnetic energy cause all those things?

No. Ordinary electromagnetic energy will show effects while the source of
the energy is near and when the source leaves, the energy effects go away.
Psychotronic energy will linger for days after the source is gone, producing
the same effects.
This lingering energy is found in crop circles and at UFO landing sites.
Explain what you mean by "dimension" - I know of only four and in those,
>everything should remain visible.

Another mode of existence occupying the same space as the physical
...Also, they defy
>> the laws of physics with right angle turns at thousands of miles per
>> without decreasing speed or tearing apart. To defy the laws of physics
>> must be utilizing another dimension.
>> Since the psychotronic energy appears to be a mental energy because a
>> can modify the aura energy with his mind, and the mental dimension is
>> but not in the physical world, it looks like the UFOs are using this
>> energy go partly or totally into another dimension (the mental dimension)
>> be able to defy the laws of physics and float without being pulled down
>> gravity.
How hope that this makes the theory more understandable, so you can see better what I am talking about.
Would you care to explain what is scientific about sychotronic energy.

I explained it in my reply to Skin Walker.
Research the book, PSYCHIC DISCOVERIES BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN, on metacrawler search engine. That book has the scientific research into this energy.
This is further violation of forum rules... a simple link would suffice, regardless of whether you are the original author or not. Copy/paste from other sources is prohibited by the forum rules.

Moreover, the post above (the lengthy one) appears to be a copy/paste from another forum with that forum's q&a from that forum's users.

Mass propaganda by woo-woo's is bad form, after all. Why not be original? Besides, you've given us no reason to believe you are the original author.

The forum that the information is copy/pasted from:
OphioliteA proper scientific explanation of UFOs would be informed by the following:
1. The general inability of untrained observers to provide objective reports on what they sense.
2. The suggestibility of many witnessess, and the gullibility of others.
3. The existence of hoaxes.
4. The existence of experimental military craft.
5. The attraction of boosting ego, or bank balance, or both, by promoting UFO/ET myths.
6. The existence of poorly understood (e.g. ball lightning) or unknown natural phenomena.

If we could remove the dross created by 1-5, we could elucidate the mysteries involved in 6, and finally see if there was a much more interesting signal buried in all the noise.

There are many thousands of UFO sightings throughout the years. If you eliminate everyone that fits 1 through 6 in your post, You will still have hundreds of reliable sightings from reliable witnesses which can't be explained by accepted science now.
Project Blue Book of the air force, deliberately tried to debunk any sighting they could and call it a hoax or something explainable, even if their explanation was ridiculous. And in spite of all of their efforts, 701 reliable ufo sightings still went on the record of blue book as unexplained. 701 genuine ufos in project blue book alone.
Anecdotal accounts without the cooroboration of physical evidence to put the anecdotes into context are useless. They are all dismissed, particularly since humans are poor sources of information in observable phenomena.
Skin walker:

I am the original author. Why are you so much against this post? Is it because you are a ufo skeptic and will oppose any attempt to make ufos credible?
I have encountered ufo skeptics before and they oppose anything you try to do about ufos and also get insulting. Ufo skeptics seem to be in denial, like an alcoholic.
I simply came to this forum to let people know that there is a theory to explain ufos and possibly give directions on how to build one.
[Nasa, Boeing, Mac Donald Douglas, European space agency and others, who could possibly build a ufo propulsion system were among the first to know about this theory in 1999. Whether or not they managed to build one yet using my theory, I don't know. They don't communicate with me.]
The hostility you sense ghost is a reflection, in my case, of the anger I feel at the waste of a human mind pursuing nonsense.
"Nasa, Boeing, Mac Donald Douglas, European space agency ......... They don't communicate with me."
Why do you think that is?
Give me a reference to a single peer reviewed paper affirming the reality of what you claim is psychotronic energy.
You are providing a speculative solution to a non-existent problem.
Firstly it's in the interests of the forum not to QUOTE full texts within the forum, if you must quote, quote a sample Paragraph and then a link to an off-forum site that houses your document. It's in the interests of not just keeping the database free from clutter, but also for those poor souls that have low computer specs that want to look through a thread quickly and not have to spend hours trying to work out what has been said.

(Think of it like a discussion in a forum, as apposed to a display of a dissertation.)

Please in future do not quote FULL TEXT's.
I'll just say this straight, and simple. All of the real UFOs that people have seen were military aircraft, take the Roswell incident for example, a confidential military aircraft crashed, and they made a weather balloon lie to cover it up. So, in my opinion, theres no aliens out there.
ghost7584 said:
I am the original author.

Prove it.

ghost7584 said:
Why are you so much against this post? Is it because you are a ufo skeptic and will oppose any attempt to make ufos credible?

Its because "psychotronic energy" is bunk. Pure, unadulterated, unpasteurized, pseudoscientific (fake science) bullshit. If it isn't, explain its properties, how to measure it, and what conducts it and how. After all, "energy" is the ability to do work. One can measure work, right?

ghost7584 said:
I have encountered ufo skeptics before and they oppose anything you try to do about ufos and also get insulting.

There are those for whom it is one's duty to offend.

ghost7584 said:
Ufo skeptics seem to be in denial, like an alcoholic.

Perhaps. But I doubt it. But it is fascinating to watch the ETI-UFO believers cluster like religious zealots, protecting their mythology and lore without regard to scientific method. And when a skeptic points out the fallacies of their belief system, they outright reject the logic of science. But let science work in their favor, even partially, and they sing and dance in ritualistic joy, and want science to be right... just for the moment.

ghost7584 said:
I simply came to this forum to let people know that there is a theory to explain ufos and possibly give directions on how to build one.
[Nasa, Boeing, Mac Donald Douglas, European space agency and others, who could possibly build a ufo propulsion system were among the first to know about this theory in 1999. Whether or not they managed to build one yet using my theory, I don't know. They don't communicate with me.]

No shit. Those bastards...

ghost 7584, your hypothesis regarding what you term
'psychotronic energy' seems similar to Wolfgang Pauli's 'unified psychophysical reality'
Carl Jung's 'unus mudus' and Jacques Vallee's work. Also, Dr. Remo Roth's 'Eros conciousness'. Does your hypothesis stem from the reading of these people's work,
or are you familiar with them?
ghost 7584 is a pseudoscience proponent in the same manner as Norval, crazymikey, and Garry Denke (the guy that used to go around spamming about Stonehenge), who travel the net peddling their so-called theories that don't come close to measuring up to the true definition of theory.

"It isn't the subject nor the hypothesis that makes or doesn't make something scientific. It's how it's done."
I have a good reason to belive that our ghost, true to his form seems to be another entity on other forums where he has displayed his same old "cut & paste physics".

All I told him was to publish his paper/work (if he had any) with the American Physics Society and I shall be more than happy to whip them in my tea cup.

In response all he does is cry fowl "skeptic ! skeptic ! :eek:
Prove it.

How would one go about proving that they're the author of a post? Sorry, this is just one of the things that bugs me when people say "prove it" because most things cannot be proved, as simple as they may seem.

- N