Science will prove/discover God



Since the advent of science, technology has advanced and this is seen as opposing religion and disproving God. Does anyone think science will eventually discover and prove God?

Since the advent of science, technology has advanced and this is seen as opposing religion and disproving God. Does anyone think science will eventually discover and prove God?

Short answer No

Long answer NO

Edit sorry

Please first define which god or define what you would consider god to be and what are the properties you would suggest science look for

Just covering all bases but my unscientific gut sticks with No and NO

Michael345. Many purport science has disproved the existence of God by the identification and separation of variables. It is this methodology which has led to the creation of radio, television and ultimately the internet. I am musing that this has not disproved God, but that such technologies may one day discover or prove the existence of God. BI-nary mathematics (with only TWO possible positions, zero or one; false or true) is based upon the initial assumption that this will reveal truth, however we are still no closer to discovering how to divide by zero. Binary calculations are futile in this respect: perhaps quantum computing will bring us closer to ultimate truth. ☺
I prefer to think of potentiality. While each of us exist in the, "now," such a moment has the potential for eternality. Forever. Infinity is this moment: it continues for eternity.
Infinity continues forever: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten...
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Please do not post pseudo-mathematics on sciforums.
Zero cannot be defined. It does not exist!


Zero is ignored, disregarded if you will because it is without density or value. It therefore follows that...




Zero is without quantity and, as they say on the x-files, cannot be categorized, quantified or easily referenced. ☺
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Zero has no value or quantity...

...and to attempt to name or quantify such a, "thing," is sacrilidge.

A Frogger.
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Correct and in one of the QI BBC television shows it was stated 0 is a EVEN number as it lies between two odd numbers -1 and 1

Good enough for me

There's a better proof that zero is even: when added to any other number (odd or even) that number remains odd or even. That wouldn't happen if zero were odd. (Odd added to either changes the number to the other type).
There's a better proof that zero is even: when added to any other number (odd or even) that number remains odd or even. That wouldn't happen if zero were odd. (Odd added to either changes the number to the other type).
Such a colourful individual you are.

Do you intend to post more?
Zero aside, I'm still trying to envisage the principles on which one would go about designing scientific apparatus to detect the presence of gods. I wonder what concentration of divinity/cubic mile would be required to register on the sanctimeter.