Science Test


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Let's see how much you know science

Can plant Survive from water ? if not why ?

Animal need water why ?

Describe Water Consumption in human life ?

The day when there is now ater what will happen ?

How to keep our water clean ?

Can water cause destruction ?
scientist said:
Let's see how much you know science

Can plant Survive from water ? if not why ?

Can't answer because it is not english

scientist said:
Animal need water why ?

Every organism is partly water. Not all animals drink water though.

scientist said:
Describe Water Consumption in human life ?

scientist said:
The day when there is now ater what will happen ?
what is ater?

scientist said:
How to keep our water clean ?
Don't drink it. Your body will turn it into sweat, pee, saliva, sperm, snot.
scientist said:
Can water cause destruction ?
Water is a poison. You can kill yourself by drinking too much water.
"ater" you know what he meant, its easy guesing.

anyway why does steam hurt more the almost boiling water? i have a few idea but it never hurts to ask :)
Steam=vapor=gaseous=more easily absorbed into skin=gets into pores and stays there. My guess. What heck, not using decent sentence structure here anyway. Or is Yoda in da house? ;)
Kunax said:
anyway why does steam hurt more the almost boiling water? i have a few idea but it never hurts to ask :)
Steam can be hotter than boiling water. I assume that would make it hurt more.
Nasor said:
Steam can be hotter than boiling water. I assume that would make it hurt more.

And water can be hotter than steam. It just depends on the pressure.


on request:

scientist said:
The day when there is no water what will happen ?

I think we are actually not talking about the future but the past. There was a day that there wasn't any water since there wasn't any oxygen. Heavy atoms hadn't been made yet by the universe (likewise there must have been a day that there wasn't any hydrogen).

Will there be a day that there isn't any water left?

I can't answer that question and hence I don't know much about science.

SwedishFish said:
spur, would you answer it in finnish or dutch?

of course...

andwer in

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spuriousmonkey said:
And water can be hotter than steam. It just depends on the pressure.
No, there is no pressure under which water would be hotter than steam.
spuriousmonkey said:
ok...I thought that water coming out of the deep sea vents was 400 degrees hot.
It’s true that if the water and the steam are at different pressures then the water could be hotter than the steam, but for any given pressure the water will never be hotter than the steam.

The water coming out of deep ocean vents is hotter than the steam that you’d get from boiling water under atmospheric pressure because the water is under a lot of pressure in the deep ocean, but if you were to boil water at deep ocean pressures the steam would still be hotter.
is water a better heat conducter as steam? Maybe that is the question we have to answer?

Wew have water and steam of the same temperature (lets say 400 degrees). Which of these will do the most damage?

Does it depend on density of the medium? Heat conductivity? other things?
I presume u mean damage to biological tissue? In that case steam is the answer. None of the things u say but a property of water called latent heat. Look it up and look up phase changes too!
is this correct?
Steam release energy faster, because of its form and larger surface
Can plant Survive from water ? if not why ?
¿Qué? aaah Well yes plants can't survive without water. water is needed for photosynthesis, its were the oxygen that’s given out comes from, CO2 is simple absorbed and become part of the carbon in the bimolecular (usually glucose at first) but many plant live far from large sources of water, they simple scrounge up what little water they can find and are extra efficient with it.

Animal need water why?
Yes we do, same reason plants do: its needed in most of are biochemical pathways.

Describe Water Consumption in human life ?
we drink. no wait was it we absorb it thourgh our skin or roots???

The day when there is no water what will happen ?
aaaah we all die?

How to keep our water clean?
Purfy it, thats how Israel get most of there water, from the sea.

Can water cause destruction ?
I don't know I haven't seen a tsunami arond here. There are floods though.
scientist said:
Let's see how much you know science

Can plant Survive from water ? if not why ?

Animal need water why ?

Describe Water Consumption in human life ?

The day when there is now ater what will happen ?

How to keep our water clean ?

Can water cause destruction ?

Where is the science in this post? :cool: