Science of telepathy and 'kinesis


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
I was going to revive the other thread, but apparantly it dissapeared:shrug:

The reason being is that my question remained unanswered, but I will re-ask it in a different way

I wonder: what would it take in order to apply telepathy and 'kinesis? to use them? are our brains capable? by what process would they use them? how would it work?

First you'd have to identify a scientific method in regards to how forces can be applied to receptors to make them "understand" a signal, in regards to Telekinesis it's not just about the very low level manipulation but generating a force that can either be greater or match the mass of an object or can effect the masses natural frequency ranges.

A good simple example of how I mean is having two Bells near one another, when is struck it generates reverberation throughout all molecules within the distance that the sound travels. Depending on the proximity of the other bell defines as to whether the other bell actually "Harmonically" rings with its counterpart.

The fact is with this example though is there is Physics involved in making that bell ring, it doesn't just magically start ringing it needs a "Medium" (No I don't mean one of those people that thinks they know your magic numbers or speaks to the dead, I mean a physical bridge between one action and another)

An example of a Human aspiring to do Telekinesis is this:
You rig monitoring devices to either a persons brain or just their pulse, The device is then connected to a hammer system over the first bell that was mentioned. Should they have a specific thought pattern or just raise their pulse (thinking of an attractive member of the opposite sex for most Hetrosexual's is enough to get a reaction here) then the hammer should ring the bell. The sound should then travel and reach another bell which will start to "ring".

Obviously though this is Apparatus drive, I really don't think it would ever be naturally possible at least not further than a few neuron clusters. (All life and even electricity gives out a radius of electromagnetic flux, this flux could be interpreted like the ringing of the first bell in the example, it's then just about creating something capable of being able to receive the information and convert it into an action. The point here is that EM level is a low output and doesn't have much of a distance before it either dissipates or is swamped by background noise)

So simple Answer to your Norsefire, It can only practically be done "Artificially" and without the Artificial Medium it's too limited to be of use.
Well the EM is basically due to Cellular energy, depending on what cells you are looking at decides on how much EM you might see. For instance if you were to look at a hand in a darkened room away from sunlight it's EM level would actually be different from the hand being submersed in sunlight. The reason for this is some energy is absorbed from sunlight, some of it is also converted into chemical changes at a cellular level that give off reactions (ergo, gaining a suntan).

Obviously those interactions are surface level, if you wanted to manipulate a nerve in someone's hand you have to go deeper and know what bioelectrical signature you'd be looking for. Of course there is always ethical implications, like is the equipment I'm using going to interfere with the subject? will it damage cells, cause pain or otherwise have some negative side effect over long term use?

Currently the Cybernetics route seems to be the less destructive, however it's obviously going to require continued investigation. This is where a small implant might be placed at the end of the nerve and have nerve tissue grown into it. It would then act as a medium to high levels of influence that would be converted to a level that the nerve tissue can handle.

This implant could then be connected to through say less influencing RF levels but convert it to nerve impulses. Of course actually having an implant placed and going through the "Growing pains" is still something that could be unpleasant (Since it could potentially damage your nerve ending during implantation).
I was going to revive the other thread, but apparantly it dissapeared:shrug:

The reason being is that my question remained unanswered, but I will re-ask it in a different way

I wonder: what would it take in order to apply telepathy and 'kinesis? to use them? are our brains capable? by what process would they use them? how would it work?


You will get no such answer from Stryder.

The fact is your opening post touches upon a some crtyical points and good questions. For them to be "dismissed" as completely fairy taile or such gibberish as "only possible if" and such reductions to the complete nature to such previous psychic thinkers as... oh lollipop I forget their names (do a google search or such), is huckleberry fin. It is irrelevant to be dismissive of such lines in thought of what is considered as telepathy and this I believe would refute stryders post (that is to say, that telepathy is a line of thought which contains lines of thought which have not been given).

One of the lines of thought which telepathy presents before us is the line of thought of how we interact with other people. This is the most natural and most sufficient explaination of the line of thoughts presentable in telepathy.

It relates most and forefront ist because of the fact that telepathy is nothing but an examination of how our thoughts work at such levels.

Without examination of telepathy and how the thoughts work at such levels which are dismissive here on this thread would go about a reduction of all theories of telepathy and a sort of closed system if you will such as the schools and docterines you have hitherto read. Stryder is feeding you his explaination....
My explanations are based on what is technologically possible and as I mentioned what might well be possible to a very small proximity. These things I mention can be created, tested and used to either explain or disprove the possibilities.

They are therefore of more substance than just belief and conjecture alone.

I could have put forwards the number of remote viewing tests that have been done over 5 or 6 decades and how all of them have either disproved remote viewing capabilities or had some fault in there overall test method. This is of course the subjectivity that a number of people cry out about.

In my explanation you have the posed reality albeit confined to scientific rules and principles, if you can not account for them then you would be dealing with pure fantasy.
stryder said:
In my explanation you have the posed reality albeit confined to scientific rules and principles, if you can not account for them then you would be dealing with pure fantasy.
Appologies for not reading your full post :D