And while, science may cure some of the diseases that were incurable before, it has given us more diseases than we ever would have without fdf
Huwy said:
Given that there is no evidence for this ridiculous claim, it will always remain the opinion of an uneducated hater such as yourself.
Huwy said: in the knowledge that western medicine will cure you of most illnesses?
Cyperium said:
Medicine is good of course
Cyperium said:
For "evidences" in the above quotation substitute "a series of unsupported statements representing personal opinion" and you've hit the bullseye.
Here is another in the "series of unsupported statement representing personal opinion" which I have been passing in the name of "evidence":
Impotence drugs such as Viagra and Cialis can increase the risk of eye damage in men who have a history of heart disease or high blood pressure, researchers said on Tuesday........
(My comment: You never know what other hordes of side-effects it may cause. Does anyone know of any Allopathic medicine that does not cause side-effects --- the more 'quick' and 'magical' the 'cure', the more harmful the side effects. So much for the medicines that science has given us! The only real use science is in case of emergencies and surgery!)
Huwy said:
Do you even know where most cancerous cells come from?
Bet you wouldn't even vaccinate your own children.
Even the scientists have not been able to exactly find out the causes of cancer. But envrionmental pollution and lots of things that we consume (chemicals etc.) are possibly to blame in a number of cases.
A horde of vaccinations which are prescribed for children as a matter of routine are often not necessary, and have severe side-effects all through a person's life. We should be very careful when giving our children vaccinations, and should carefully consider the pros and cons of each vaccination. Quality of life should not be bartered away endlessly for quanity.