Science censored to please Creationists?

Hi KennyJC,

Political correctness from the right is rampant.

Stupidity is rampant among many of them as well. The notion that the Bible should be taught in science classes as if it were a valid scientific theory is extremely stupid.
well, they say its a business decision as they think that no one would go to see it because of what it contains.this is the point at which a government should step in with education but as everyone knows the present us government is fairly fond of creationism.
Hi Kenworth,

"the present us government is fairly fond of creationism."

That's true. Bush has said that creationism should be taught as if it were a valid scientific theory. He's obviously too stupid to understand that the Bible isn't a scientific theory. For someone who went to elite schools this is shamefull.

Tom Delay said that the Coumbine killngs were due to evolution being taught in dumb can you get?
i find it hard to get angry about things like that because i dont believe that people really think things like that.i met a guy who is CERTAIN that the world and everything else came into existence 16000 years ago.anything that contradicts this is a test and anything that complies with it is gods will.sigh.
Hi Kenworth,

"i dont believe that people really think things like that"

It has occured to me that Bush and Delay aren't really stupid enough to believe what they've said about creationism. If that's true than they are extremely sleazy for making the statements.

The problem is that there are many who are stupid enough to believe Bush and Delay on the matter.

I get tired of people who are in the business of causing people to become dumber and many on the right are in that business (Rush Limbaugh, Donald Rumsfeld, and Milton Friedman are examples).
Well in America if you don't believe in creationism, you don't get voted into office, right?
Hi KennyJC,

One must proclaim their stupidity....shout it from a mountaintop, to run for office. This is a very sad state of affairs.
And leave the government out of it. You people are far too quick to start bashing Americans and American politics. You are, in fact, so quick to do so that you make fools of yourselves tripping over each other trying to be the first to do so. Trying to be the witiest in your own particular brand of sheepism.

Where's a shepherd when you need one?

Edit: By the way, this is OLD news. There are already two threads out there about this. One in Religion. One in Science and Society (if I remember right.) I don't feel like looking for links. They each mention IMAX in the thread title.
"You people are far too quick to start bashing Americans and American politics."

What "people" are you refering to? There are many right wingnuts who bash Americans and American politics frequently.....Anne Coulter is a prime example who asserts that all Americans who disagree with her are enemies of the state.
"And leave the government out of it."

Why not leave the government out of religious matters? Many on the right insist on the government posting mandates to worship a certain jealous God (the Decalogue) and teaching religious dogma in schools.
What "people" are you refering to?

People that decide to start bashing Bush and company because some theatres decided not to air a film that mentioned evolution. (And yes. There are groups that also bash the other side of the fence. And also the fence sitters, yaddah yaddah. But, right now we're dealing with people who are yapping like little ankle biters so eager to tear out the throat of this 'right-wing censorship'.)

Why not leave the government out of religious matters? Many on the right insist on the government posting mandates to worship a certain jealous God (the Decalogue) and teaching religious dogma in schools.

So? What does the goverment have to do with theatres deciding not to air a film? Is there some govenment conspiracy afoot? Some right wing whacko on Capital Hill pulling the strings?


You're going off about something has nothing to do with the case at hand.
So eager to bash right wing neo-con's and stupid Americans that you don't even have a clue what the topic of discussion really is about.

It's not censorship. Pure and simple.
This is a cesspool thread if I've ever seen one.
invert_nexus said:
So? What does the goverment have to do with theatres deciding not to air a film? Is there some govenment conspiracy afoot? Some right wing whacko on Capital Hill pulling the strings?

it just seems like if there is that high a concentration of people who arent even willing to watch a film which has evolution in it there might be something wrong with their education,which is something a government should be doing something about.
it just seems like if there is that high a concentration of people who arent even willing to watch a film which has evolution in it there might be something wrong with their education,which is something a government should be doing something about.

So you believe that a government's job is to tell people what to think?
They should be censoring creationism then?
The people are too stupid to decide for themselves? (Yes. People are stupid. But so what? That's their prerogative. What do you want a bunch of Nazi's telling you what to think and what not to think?)

You might be interested to know that Skinwalker emailed the theatre in Fort Worth that originally planned not to air the film. They've changed their mind. I imagine several others are also changing their stance with all this publicity.

Get it?
This might be one of the most popular IMAX films in years.
Imagine that.
invert_nexus said:
So you believe that a government's job is to tell people what to think?
They should be censoring creationism then?
The people are too stupid to decide for themselves? (Yes. People are stupid. But so what? That's their prerogative. What do you want a bunch of Nazi's telling you what to think and what not to think?)


no,but people should have an open mind.they should be taught that evolution has its merits.i do not dismiss a film because it has aspects of christianity in it.i dont think that people are too stupid to decide for themselves i just think that most people are so out of practise that they hardly ever do.
"But, right now we're dealing with people who are yapping like little ankle biters so eager to tear out the throat of this 'right-wing censorship'"

The thread is about suppression of truth in in order to be politically correct.....According to many on the right it is politically incorrect to tell the truth about science.

The thread is about censorship in order to conform to right wing PC views.

"It's not censorship."

Of course it is. You're clueless about what censorship is.

"They should be censoring creationism then?"

Teaching that creationism is a valid scientific theory is lying to students. Do you favor lying to students about what science is?
The thread is about suppression of truth in in order to be politically correct.....According to many on the right it is politically incorrect to tell the truth about science.

Oh? Politically correct? I thought it had to do with theatres not wanting to air a film because their customer base might object. Apparently politics are now involved somehow.

So. Bush and co. is responsible for the religious viewpoints of the southern states of the USA then?

The thread is about censorship in order to conform to right wing PC views.

Oh. I thought it was about theatres deciding which films to show and which to not show.

And I also thought it was about a bunch of smug sheep baahing their anti-American slogans to the cheers of their fellow herdsmen.

Of course it is. You're clueless about what censorship is.

Ah. Well, when my theatre is playing Star Trek instead of Star Wars then it is censorship? Is this a correct view of censorship in your opinion?

(Here's a clue. The common usage of censorship is in regards to government censorship. The government deciding what you can and cannot see. A theatre making it's own decision on which film to air and which not to air is not censorship. Howard Hughes once bought a television station so that he could watch whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. I suppose this was censorship in your opinion?)

Teaching that creationism is a valid scientific theory is lying to students. Do you favor lying to students about what science is?

I find creationism distasteful and an affront to the principles of education, however a people have the right to bring their children up any way they want to. You know. Freedom of speech. The opposite of censorship.

Edit: I should change my last statement to "an affront to the principles of science. Education is another matter entirely. I personally would have my children educated about evolution and other scientific theories rather than polluting them with such blatant ignorance and head-in-the-sandism as creationism, but then I'm not a christian or a fundamentalist or a Southerner. Maybe if I was any one or more of those three then my viewpoint would be different.

Do you think that a government's job is to tell people what they should think?

It's funny when people go on about the evils of 'censorship' when, in fact, their viewpoint is more an example of a cry for censorship and more governmental intrusion in the lives of the people than the ill that they are decrying.

One must always beware when a fool cries out stridently, "Something must be done!!" This is a call for the Nazi's to come jackbooting into town and do something.

You, sir, are asking for an authoritarian government. You, sir, are asking for totalitarianism. You, sir, are asking for censorship.

But, it's not censorship when you're right, right?
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Reason I mentioned Americans, American government and politics is that religion in America seems to mix with politics. And (central) America seems to go out of their way to try and censor anything that doesn't go hand in hand with their religious views.

I think that is your root cause of this kind of censorship right there. Like I said, only in America.
Reason I mentioned Americans, American government and politics is that religion in America seems to mix with politics.

Oh. And this only happens in America?
However, the decision by several theatres to not air a film is not an example of religion mixing with politics. If the theatres were run by the state then you'd have a case.

I think that is your root cause of this kind of censorship right there.

So you still insist that this is censorship?

Like I said, only in America.

America is not a homogenous unity.

And Central America has nothing to do with the USA. Or do you mean the southern states of the USA? The bible belt?

Do you think that people have a right to self-determination? Or should the people be dictated to?
"I thought it had to do with theatres not wanting to air a film because their customer base might object."

That's the basis of PC....the notion that someone might object to the speech and modifying speech to prevent it.

"Bush and co. is responsible for the religious viewpoints of the southern states of the USA then?"

Bush is responsible for his statement that Creationism is a valid scientific theory. Delay is responsible for his statement that the Columbine shootings are due to the teaching of evolution. Many right wing national politicians are guilty of supporting this sort of extreme stupidity.

"Well, when my theatre is playing Star Trek instead of Star Wars then it is censorship?"

You ARE extremely confused about what censorship is.

"A theatre making it's own decision on which film to air and which not to air is not censorship."

Relavent facts were removed from the movie because of PC considerations. That's censorship.

" however a people have the right to bring their children up any way they want to."

Of course they do. That doesn't mean they have a right to have their stupidity taught as fact in public schools.

"You know. Freedom of speech. The opposite of censorship."

"Freedom of speech" does not mean that science classes must lie to students about what science is. Freedom of speech doesn't mean one can insist that math classes teach that the square root of 625=24 for example.

"Do you think that a government's job is to tell people what they should think?"

In a math class it's the schools job to teach that 25 squared=625. Insisting on that sort of thing isn't's simply teaching what is true.

"This is a call for the Nazi's to come jackbooting into town and do something."

You think insisting that students learn that 12 times 10 doesn't equal 110 involves Nazism?

"You, sir, are asking for an authoritarian government. You, sir, are asking for totalitarianism. You, sir, are asking for censorship."

You, sir, are lying about me. I request that you stop.