Sci Proj Survey, Will Only Take A Min.


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Hey y'all. I hafta do a science fair project for my Bio class so I'm trying to find a link between hair and eye color.


THIS SURVEY IS FOR CAUCASIANS(which i'm defining as being of EUROPEAN DESCENT)ONLY!! not being racist or anything like that, this is just the easiest way to do it and get reliable results. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE HONEST!! It's realllly important.

To everyone who fills this out: THANKS, I LOVE YA!!

1. Age?

2. Gender?

3. Where do you live?

4. Natural hair color?

5. Natural eye color?

6. Do you dye your hair(what color)? Or what do you want your hair color to be?(you don't have to pick a different color)

7. Do you have colored contacts? Or what color would you prefer your eyes to be?(you don't have to pick a different color)

8. Heritage? ex. Swedish, German, etc.
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1. Age? 19

2. Gender? F

3. State? QLD, Oz

4. Natural hair color? Honey Brown

5. Natural eye color? Blue

6. Do you dye your hair(what color)? Or what do you want your hair color to be?(you don't have to pick a different color) Dark Dark Brown,

7. Do you have colored contacts? Or what color would you prefer your eyes to be?(you don't have to pick a different color) More Blue

8. Heritage? ex. Swedish, German, etc. Italian
Queensland, Australia, as it were.

Oh, by the way, I'm Canadian, eh? I don't know if I fit in since you specified Americans...maybe you feel Canadians are dishonest.

1. 23
2. Male
3. British Columbia, Canada
4. dirty blonde/light brown
5. green with a light brown ring around the pupil
6. I'm okay with my hair colour...wouldn't want a change
7. Same as above
8. Of scottish and german descent (the strongest contributors)
1. Age? 61

2. Gender? M

3. State? California

4. Natural hair color? Brown

5. Natural eye color? Brown

6. Do you dye your hair(what color)? Or what do you want your hair color to be?(you don't have to pick a different color) No. It's grey now. I dyed my beard when it started turning grey because it developed zebra stripes at odd angles. Now I just leave it all grey.

7. Do you have colored contacts? Or what color would you prefer your eyes to be?(you don't have to pick a different color) No. Happy the way they are.

8. Heritage? ex. Swedish, German, etc.[/QUOTE] Many different caucasian gene pools. Pure American.
1. Age?


2. Gender?


3. State?


4. Natural hair color?


5. Natural eye color?

Dark Brown

6. Do you dye your hair(what color)? Or what do you want your hair color to be?(you don't have to pick a different color)


7. Do you have colored contacts? Or what color would you prefer your eyes to be?(you don't have to pick a different color)


8. Heritage? ex. Swedish, German, etc.[/QUOTE]

Italian, English, German, French
1. Age? 33

2. Gender? M

3. State? NJ

4. Natural hair color? Dirty Blonde/Light Brown

5. Natural eye color? Hazel

6. Do you dye your hair(what color)? Or what do you want your hair color to be?(you don't have to pick a different color) I do not dye my hair, nor do I want to. I did when I was younger BRIGHT red.

7. Do you have colored contacts? Or what color would you prefer your eyes to be?(you don't have to pick a different color) I do not wear contacts and am just fine with the color of my eyes.

8. Heritage? ex. Swedish, German, etc. Mother: Sicilian Father: Scotch-Irish and German

Good Luck!
1. 14

2. Male

3. Canterbury, NZ

4. medium-brown

5. hazel

6. N/A

7. N/A

8. canadian-new zealand-brit
1. Age?

2. Gender?

3. State?
New Jersey

4. Natural hair color?

5. Natural eye color?

6. Do you dye your hair(what color)? Or what do you want your hair color to be?(you don't have to pick a different color)
Don't dye my hair. Although I wouldn't ever dye my hair, I'd pick black.

7. Do you have colored contacts? Or what color would you prefer your eyes to be?(you don't have to pick a different color)
No colored contacts. I'd choose a deep green color. Unrelated to myself, a white, caucasian female friend recently got green colored contact lenses even though she has greenish/blue eyes. Go figure.

8. Heritage? ex. Swedish, German, etc.
Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Latvian, Lithuanian, in no particular order.
1. Age? 66

2. Gender? Male

3. State? Missouri, USA

4. Natural hair color? Blond, mostly gone now

5. Natural eye color? Blue

6. Do you dye your hair? No

7. Do you have colored contacts? No

8. Heritage? Prussian-French Basque
1. Age? 16.

2. Gender? Male.

3. Where do you live? Oregon, USA.

4. Natural hair color? Blond.

5. Natural eye color? Dark brown.

6. Do you dye your hair(what color)? Or what do you want your hair color to be? I don't dye my hair, but I would like to try out black. Only temporary dye, though.

7. Do you have colored contacts? Or what color would you prefer your eyes to be? I don't have any contacts. I would like to try out some blue ones. They'd go good with my blond hair.

8. Heritage? Mostly German. Also, quite possibly some British, Irish, and Scottish. My last name is Dutch.
1. Age?

2. Gender?

3. Where do you live?
The Netherlands, Amsterdam

4. Natural hair color?

5. Natural eye color?

6. Do you dye your hair(what color)? Or what do you want your hair color to be?
No. It's acceptable as it is.

7. Do you have colored contacts? Or what color would you prefer your eyes to be?
No. It's acceptable as it is.

8. Heritage?
Completely dutch, at least for the last four generations.
This will be unique - even in Manhattan I've never seen anyone like me but my brother has.
1. 22
2. M
3. New York, NY
4. Red (very much so)
5. Green with 3/4 brown in one eye (like a pie would be)
6. No, it's acceptably weird
7. No, it's almost acceptably weird
8. German, English, Irish, Polish, Native American
1. 20
2. F
3. Bklyn, NY
4. Dark brown
5. Blue-green
6. No, I like it as is.
7. No, I like it as is.
8. Russian
xxmay_blossom24xx said:
Hey y'all. I hafta do a science fair project for my Bio class so I'm trying to find a link between hair and eye color.

Hi there, hope your science fair project is successful. But as a scientist, I have some suggestions for how you go about this in a "scientific" way. Please consider, for starters, not "trying to find a link" but simply "asking if there is a link." Or better still, state is as a question which can be disproven: "there is no link between hair color and eye color in Caucasians."

[/QUOTE]THIS SURVEY IS FOR CAUCASIANS(which i'm defining as being of EUROPEAN DESCENT)ONLY!! not being racist or anything like that, this is just the easiest way to do it and get reliable results. [/QUOTE]

Easiest way, yes, but reliability has nothing to do with it :) You're just trying to limit your test population. Trouble is, that's not so easy to define in the heavily admixed population today: how many non-caucasian ancestors do I need, and how far back, to be non-caucasian?? You need to define your terms more precisely, first.

[/QUOTE]PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE HONEST!! It's realllly important.

You're totally right, it's important, *realllly* important, in fact, SO important you should certainly not be using this method of inquiry to ask the question. How can you tell if anyone who answers this post IS being honest? How can you tell it's not 20 different answers by the same person, registered under 20 different names? And, is 20 answers enough to disprove the original question? How many answers do you need? Will you be more sure of your answer from 100 answers than from 2 answers? (this should be a part of your project)

If you want reasonably reliable answers, go look yourself! Place yourself someplace where a wide variety of people come by, and you won't be too conspicuous, and set yourself at eye level. For, say, every 5th person who walks by, determine their eye and hair color. Not sure? Take a friend to confirm your observations (good scientific practice!). If the 2 of you can't agree, leave that observation off the list.

Here's the answers - all honest! - from me.

1. 42

2. F

3. Maryland, USA

4. brown

5. green

6. no/red

7. no/ok with green

8. mixed European (English, French, Irish, Dutch, tidbits of others)

p.s. if you're looking only at hair/eye color links, why the other demographic data requested? Hard to think any of it would correlate, except maybe ancestry (maybe). And, how many "colors" do you recognize for hair and eyes? What do you do if someone answers "light brown" is that brown, or blonde? What if they were a redhead as a child, but now reddish brown - is that red, or brown? :) see, it's more complicated than it looks....

Best wishes to you.
lol thanks for the advice, I know I'm not very good at this, it's not like I wanted to do a project in the first place though. But I figure that someone could just as easily be lying if I did it in person.
1. Age: 26

2. Gender: M

3. Where do you live? Southern California, USA

4. Natural hair color: Dark. Used to be blonde as a kid.

5. Natural eye color: No idea. They change color and mix with each other between blue, green, brown, sometimes grey and a lil yellow. :confused:

6. Do you dye your hair(what color)? Rarely. What I've done was real dark purple, blue black, light tan, blonde highlights, and silver highlighted tips.

7. Do you have colored contacts? Nope. No contacts or glasses whatsoever.

8. Heritage: 2/3 German, 1/3 English, and a small dash of Dutch.