Scholarly bibliography of those who claim Jesus didn't exist.


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: You've asked for it. I've given it to you many times in the past, but here is the last time I will post a bibliography of biblical scholars and archeological researchers who deny the existence of Jesus. The bibliography includes the false pretenses of the gospels, the comparison of an historic Jesus to a mythological Jesus. This bibliography provides the history of the new testament and it's overall myth. There are many more titles along this line, but these are the books I have on hand. Enjoy!

Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, Joseph Atwill, 2005.

The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold, Acharya S., 1999.

Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled, Acharya S., 2004.

Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy, Robert Hewitt Brown,

Symbols, Sex, and the Stars, Ernest Busenbark, 1997.

Jesus Was Caesar: On the Julian Origin of Christianity--An Investigative Report--Aspekt, Francesco Carotta, 2005.

The Secret Truth About Jesus: The Gospel & The Zodiac, Bill Darlison, 2007.

Jesus Christ: Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism, David Fideler, 1993.

Sex Worship: An Exposition of the Origin of Religion, Clifford Howard, 1898 and 1909.

Christianity Before Christ, John G. Jackson, 1985.

Lost Light: An Interpretation of Ancient Scriptures, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, 2007.

The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity, Hyam Maccoby, 1986.

Who Wrote the New Testament?: The Making of the Christian Myth, Burton L. Mack, 1989.

The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ: Separating Fact From Fiction or Natural Genesis and Typology of Equinoctial Christolatry, Gerald Massey, 1883. Republished 2000.

That Old-Time Religion: The Story of Religious Foundations, Jordan Maxwell, Paul Tice and Alan Snow with a Chapter by Gerald Massey, 2000.

Christianity: An Ancient Egyptian Religion, Ahmed Osman, 1998.

Mythic Past: Biblical Archeology and the Myth of Israel, Thomas L. Thompson, 1999.
1) Some of these guys seem to be rather peripheral figures.
2) One could make similar lists for all sorts of beliefs, so I remain unconvinced that it has been confirmed there was no historical Jesus.
3) Some of these people seem to confuse an alternate explanation with proof. In other words if the myth of Jesus fits something else then he really didn't exist. This is a common fallacy: an explantion that could fit the circumstances is taken to be THE explanation. For example an African American man who had a terrible relationship with his father is not necessarily projecting his father on his boss - a white man who is, in fact racist. That a similar pattern occured in another context is not proof that Jesus did not exist, something books of this kind do not understand.
4) It should also be noted that Jesus myth theories have often absolutely conflicting reasons why he could not have existed. This does not mean they are wrong, but it calls into question the 'necessity' portions of their 'proofs'.
5) Obviously a rather vast list of scholars, both believers and non-believers who either believe Jesus existed or think it is possible or likely could be made here also. In fact that position could be said to be the significantly more popular one. This does not mean that Medicine Woman or these writers are wrong. Mainstream opinions are often wrong. My objection, in the other thread, was to MW's wording - her use of the word confirm, for example - which made it sounds like it is now a proven fact. It is not.

For the record, I am not a Christian. Nor am I making a case that Jesus was the kidn of being the Bible says he was.
Just to add: imagine society collapsed now and historical record keeping went back a couple of thousand years in technological levels. Future writers would probably destroy the 'myth of the twin towers' and point out other myths about towers. Or they would take apart the (King) John F. Kennedy myth and 'prove' that he was merely a mythological figure based on earlier ones (King Arthur - ie. Camelot) where a great leader dies. And so on.

Imagine how they might easily 'prove' (at least as well as some of the books MW mentions) that Arnold Swartzenegger was merely an actor who became a mythical leader and was never, for example, Governor of California.
There is no atheist!

Medicine Woman...
:DYou forgot to mention
Grimms Fairytales
Mother Goose
Lady and the Tramp
Fairies in Ireland
The History of Leprechauns
Why all United States presidents are atheists
The Toroise and the Hare.:D
Oh this must be the bibliography MW mentioned she posted a while ago, its been what, 2 weeks?
Anyway, this is an interesting list of books/scholars, I've never heard of a single one, I think I might look into some of them.

You list popular authors.

A scholar is somebody who has tenure at an accreditted University.

Now, some Universities are better than others and I believe there has been a decline in Scholarship in modern times.

But your list of Authors are people who got Business Plans approved by certain small time Publishing Houses.

Atheism is a big market and so there will be Publishing Houses that will wish to print to that Market Niche.

Think of it like Pornography.

There are Pornographic Books but we would not call it scholarship.

Or maybe you would.... considering that you think Jesus was Caesar....
There's no more reason to believe that Jesus really existed than there is to believe Horus existed. They're practically the same figure.