Scary experience.


Your superior
Registered Senior Member
When I woke up this morning and I couldn't move, and could only take very small breaths. I felt like I was dying. I had to gradually increase the size of my breath for like 5 minutes before I was in the clear. Maybe allergies or something? Just goes to show ya to live life to the fullest, cause you never know when it's over.
my mom has something like that happens to her..

she wakes p and she cant move her body or anythng. its like she was just trapped in her eyes pretty much.... my dad always had to"waker her up" when it happened....
Oh stop being such a wussy. It is just sleep paralysis. When you go to sleep, the brain paralyzes the body because you might react violently to dreams and other stimuli. This paralysis disappears when you wake up, but sometimes your brain doesn't realize it "woke up" and forgets to enable motor control... :D Just lie back and wait for your brain to realize it made a mistake. ;)
When you go to sleep, the brain paralyzes the body because you might react violently to dreams and other stimuli.
im sorry. i dont beleive this. My friend and i used to wake up with scratches and bruises from eachother everytime we slept in the same bed. both of us we uneasy sleepers. My b/f is also very active in his sleep. He naps alot when im over since he works midnights, and the other day he hit me on my back while i was watching the sacred HBO. so, i sat on the floor next to the bed, and he accidentally kneed me in the head. he moves around. alot. many people do, otherwise no one would ever fall off the bed.
When you go to sleep, the brain paralyzes the body because you might react violently to dreams and other stimuli.

yes and no. obviously you aren't completly paralyzed or no one would sleep walk or fall out of bed. what happens is the brain cuts off conscious motor control. all movements that you go through in sleep are involuntary. so when you dream about running you actualy send signals to run, but they are stoped so you don't actually run. the whole sleep paralysis thing happens if you some how wake up and your brain hasn't turned this suppresion off.
It is sleep paralysis. Unfortunately, many people I know like to attribute it to something supernatural - the favourite being "pressed or hugged by a ghost".
she wakes p and she cant move her body or anythng. its like she was just trapped in her eyes pretty much.... my dad always had to"waker her up" when it happened....
This has happened to me before except my experience was slightly more supernatural. I woke up in the middle of the night and I was paralysed, and an old woman was in my room. I couldn't actually see what it was but I could sense that it was an old woman and as I saw the shadow move around the room, she climbed onto the bed with me and lay down behind me (I was lying on my side). I had been trying to get my body to move the whole time but couldn't. After a couple of seconds I managed to get my hand moving and soon I got control of my whole body back. I got out of bed and switched the light on, though I somehow knew that nothing would be there. There wasn't but I couldn't turn the light off or dare try to sleep for ages. When i did get to sleep I woke up again half an hour later after having what I would call an outer body experience! It was as if my soul had left my body. I was drifting (I even drifted through a wall) and moved into places in my house while I was lying in my bed.

I swear that this is true (!) and there are many accounts throughout history of this 'old woman' experience though I have read that most accounts end with the old woman sitting on the person's chest. I have also read about the sleep paralysation theory, which I had accepted, until I read about accounts by other people with similar, almost identical, experiences.

Could I just make it clear that I was 19 or 20 when this happened! :)

'Proof' that I am not a loon:
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Sounds like sleep paralysis. Just be glad you didn't see any aliens
That was my immediate thought about it too. In the UK, the most common thing people see during sleep paralysis is witches, not aliens.
Originally posted by Charles Fleming
I could sense that is was an old woman and as I saw the shadow move around the room, she climbed onto the bed with me and lay down behind me (I was lying on my side).
You sure it wasn't some old lady trying to get laid?
I read about that sleep paralysis thing a while ago. i don't know what you're complaining about. i wish i could experiance it. It would be like seeing through somebody else's body, except its yours! ;)
i don't know what you're complaining about
Yeah but strange things have happened since! I've been woken up twice in the night (in a different house each time, each one about 30 miles apart): by something tapping my bed and slowly rousing me; I became aware of it as I came out of my sleep but started to drift back off again, it started tapping the bed again, pushing the matress up and down slowly until it did wake me up (it stopped the second I was fully conscious), and something tapping on the wall next to my bed; again until I woke up!