Savants or genius hidden inside us


Valued Senior Member

Jason padgett got hit in the head and apparently his brain rearranged itself or opened up neural pathways unaccessible before. Whats even further interesting is how it seems the lower aspects of his personality or consciousness were in the drivers seat before where he was a mindless jock, partyer, troubled relationships and troublemaker etc. Basically inclined towards delinquency. He was a college dropout and now he has pursued a degree in mathematics, interested in physics, chose a wife he wouldnt have before or even met, successful family and healthy relationships, more articulate, thoughtful and humbled etc. All of this worlds away from who or what he used to be.

What science should be looking into is the potential genius hidden, locked or inaccessible to most.

It does make you wonder why nature often makes the least functional or adept aspects of us the forefront.

What a more advanced and better society we would have if we could figure out how to 'free' those potentials and safely.

We only use a percentage of our brain at a time. There are countless stories of accident victims whether it be stroke, concussion etc where unlocked musical, artistic, mathematical etc abilities were unleashed.
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I prefer to think that my forays into intelligent communication are just artifacts of an accidental existence. But I've always been sort of self-centered...
Just as well, there was a case of a young girl who was a very responsible, chaste, straight - A student, good daughter etc who suffered a brain injury that totally altered her personality and mind to a irresponsible, deceitful, whorish delinquent.

I see it more as different aspects coming out or who is in the 'drivers seat', if you will. We all probably have lower/higher aspects of us or relative development but who we are depends on our consciousness. For some, the negative or in some cases the most depraved or dysfunctional aspects will take over and in some the better aspects.

The brain is so complicated and who we are is also dependent on what we are able to access and utilize. I really had an enlighening moment once where i walked into class and i saw a differential equation on the chalkboard and due to maybe a momentary rush of extra oxygen (speculative), i saw the solution immediately as if i was solving the problem all at once and simultaneously but it started to fade and then it disappeared and became 'ordinary' again. I had to solve it step by step just like anyone else as i completely forgot as that burst was slipping away from me and the opening close back up, if you will.

Also, i noticed many of those who are considered intelligent are not necessarily 'inherently' better (though some are) but they are just more capable. They really were not more evolved or wiser etc. I also became aware that intelligence is much more than ability; it is wisdom, creativity and critical thinking ability combined (i would consider ethics a part of this as well) which everyone has in different degrees. Some may actually be more intelligent but slower to process whereas another may seem more intelligent but they are just faster etc. The brain is so complicated and things are not often as they appear.
See? There you go. Put a rock down on ice and somebody thinks God did it.

Puff, puff, pass.