Saudi engineers helped destroy Buddhas (Taliban was produced by the illuminati)


The Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan were destroyed by the Taliban with the help of Pakistani and Saudi engineers.

According to an account published here on Saturday, a local Afghan told the makers of a Swiss documentary on the giant statues which had stood there, carved in the side of a mountain for hundreds of years, had been destroyed by engineers from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. The dynamiting of the statues took place in March 2001. Swiss documentary filmmaker Christian Frei, who has made several documentaries that have won praise at various international film festivals, shot ‘The Giant Buddhas’ in Afghanistan. The film is due to be shown at the National Gallery of Art in Washington on 26 March.

The Taliban went ahead with the destruction of the giant statues, revered for centuries, because they considered them “offensive to Islam”. They ignored appeals from around the world, including UNESCO and an appeal from the then Government of Pakistan, made, it would appear now, more “for the record” than any serious intent to stop the Islamist zealots from destroying what the rest of the world considered mankind’s heritage.

Taliban minister of information Qudratullah Jamal said in a statement later, “The destruction work is not as easy as people would think. You can’t knock down the statues by dynamite or shelling as both of them have been carved in a cliff. They are firmly attached to the mountain.” Museums and governments around the world kept hoping until the end that the Taliban would desist from committing what the rest of the world saw as an act of “cultural sacrilege” but they were adamant in their resolve.\03\19\story_19-3-2006_pg7_38
explained as the events took place:
search for "buddha statues" here"posted+to+CNN+board"+"Afghan+statues",+March+2,+2001
That does not suprise me, i would find it hard to believe they could find a explosives expert amonst the opium crack heads of the taliban.

I have no doubt muslims around the world would be insulted by these giant statues in a muslim country, its called tolerance of other more peaceful religons, which is something they can not comprehend.
How does the Illuminati fit into this? Or are the Illuminati a skeleton key, that is they can be used to explain everything?
Its just Matt Mariott spamming the internet with his delusions again. What a pitiful thing.
I consider the destruction of these statues to be a legitimate form of freedom of expression. It was their country, their mountain, to do with as they wished. I don't see anyone complaining that the proseletizing Buddhists destroyed the mountain by carving it up in the first place. It's no different than grafitti.
Hashimi added that this decision was taken after a Swedish monuments expert proposed to fix and rebuild the statues' heads, which were already destroyed. When the Afghani head council asked them to provide the money to feed the children instead of fixing the statues, they refused and said, "No, the money is just for the statues, not for the children". Herein, they made the decision to destroy the statues.

"These people do not care about the children who are dying every day in Afghanistan," said Hashimi. "If they care about our past, they won't destroy our future," he added.
DiamondHearts said:
Hashimi added that this decision was taken after a Swedish monuments expert proposed to fix and rebuild the statues' heads, which were already destroyed. When the Afghani head council asked them to provide the money to feed the children instead of fixing the statues, they refused and said, "No, the money is just for the statues, not for the children". Herein, they made the decision to destroy the statues.

"These people do not care about the children who are dying every day in Afghanistan," said Hashimi. "If they care about our past, they won't destroy our future," he added.

Do you know what a grant is, you get a grant for something specific, example a individual or government might offer money to build new schools in africa, now africans dont turn around & say hey screw the schools we just want the money for our swiss bank accounts, it dont work that way.

If a specific swedish individual maybe a buddhist or someone who values history, offered that cash for the repair of the statues, that is a noble gesture, it is there money, you get food aid & medical aid from the WHO or the united nations.

Your excuse for this outrage is just so weakkkkkkkkkkkkk.
DiamondHearts said:
Hashimi added that this decision was taken after a Swedish monuments expert proposed to fix and rebuild the statues' heads, which were already destroyed. When the Afghani head council asked them to provide the money to feed the children instead of fixing the statues, they refused and said, "No, the money is just for the statues, not for the children". Herein, they made the decision to destroy the statues.

"These people do not care about the children who are dying every day in Afghanistan," said Hashimi. "If they care about our past, they won't destroy our future," he added.
That sounds like a fairly reaonable excuse, bar the blowing up bit. Couldn't they have defeated the swedes with this logic and therefore avoided blowing up the statues?