Saturn, the one and the ten,...


Knows where his towel is
Registered Senior Member
Saturn ascends, the one, the ten. Ignorant to the damage done.
Saturn comes back around to show you everything
Let's you choose what you will not see and then
Drags you down like a stone or lifts you up again
Spits you out like a child, light and innocent.

These are some lyrics by Tool of their cd Lateralus. The song is called 'The Grudge'.

I really like digging into lyrics, but I can not figure out these things about Saturn ascends and the one and the ten.

I ask this here, cause I picked up somewhere that it has something to do with predictions about the antichrist. I'll still be moved anyway I suppose :)

Is a bell rung for anyone? :)

I don't see any discussion about interpretation of lyrics. All I see is people recomending their favourite bands to each other and then saying why theirs are better.

It is a rap contest if you think about it :)

Hmm... maybe there should be a thread where someone posts a lyric and asks for an interpretation (not: 'meaning' like in this thread).

But I already posted the thread 'parable' and got only one response. I don't think people are interested in it. Shame.

Thanks for your reply!
Originally posted by A4Ever
Saturn ascends, the one, the ten. Ignorant to the damage done.
Saturn comes back around to show you everything
Let's you choose what you will not see and then
Drags you down like a stone or lifts you up again
Spits you out like a child, light and innocent.

I think he is refering to the movement/cycle of Saturn, take a look here and check it out for yourself. Pay attention to the 1st and 10th house.

There is a verse in the Bhagavat Purana which pertains to Saturn;

Situated 1,600,000 miles above Jupiter, or 12,000,000 miles above the Earth, is the planet Saturn, which passes through one sign of the zodiac in thirty months and covers the entire zodiac circle in thirty Anuvatsaras. This planet is always very inauspicious for the universal situation.

Not sure on the measurement of time pertaining to ‘Anuvatsaras’ but if you like I can find out.

I really like digging into lyrics.

That’s cool, we should hang out.


Jan Ardena.
I think we need look no further than the description of houses one and ten in the link you posted.

One is quite negative, ten is quite positive. If I have time, maybe I'll look for some more things linked to these houses. But I think it is clear. Altough you can never be to sure with this Maynard character :) Do you know Tool?

Hanging out would have to be done something between Leuven en Blankenberge. If you don't know these places, I'm afraid there are technical difficulties :) :)

I pm'ed you a couple of days ago. You have not yet opened this message so tells me my pm tracker :)

Thanks for the help!
I don't see any discussion about interpretation of lyrics. All I see is people recomending their favourite bands to each other and then saying why theirs are better.

I just figured you would be interested in the Artist I listed. Their lyrics are very complex and worth taking a look at....if you are into that kinda stuff.
I'm not really into hip hop, but if you claim such a distinction between everyday hip hop and underground, I get really interested :)

I will check them out, one day, cause I have tons of artists to check out. Oh man. :)
Originally posted by A4Ever
Do you know Tool?


Hanging out would have to be done something between Leuven en Blankenberge. If you don't know these places, I'm afraid there are technical difficulties :) :)

Tech difficulties or not please enlighten me as i have no idea of these places, where or what. :)

I pm'ed you a couple of days ago. You have not yet opened this message so tells me my pm tracker :)

My humble apologies, i hardly ever check out my pm's, but i have and i have seen your post and will duly reply in the thread mentioned. Thanks for your interest. :)


Jan Ardena.
I know this thread has dirfted, but I think the reference to Saturn could be to the Greek God Saturn (aka Cronus). Naive, I know.
More Saturn ideas very welcome! :) Thanks!

So what do you know about this god? Did he eat someone and spit him back out? Was he evil or good or did he switch?

More more more! :)
Yes...Cronus ate his son Jupiter (aka Zeus) and then was forced to spit him out by his wife, because he feared his power. Cronus belonged to a race of gods called the Titans which were than overthrown by their stronger children, the (10?) Olympian Gods.

This definately fits the lyrics of the song- a large, bludgeoning, archaic power (conservative morals, past generations, etc.) that is inescapable as you try to find yourself. This is very interesting- you should make this like a weekly thing:D .
Muchos thankos to Jan Ardena and Congratulations.

I'll look out for some more obscure lyrics :)
Possible explanation.....

The song, the grudge, is over all (I think) about how grudges drag people down. Saturn was the god of the harvest. With that comes the notion that what one sows, they will reap. Thus, when Maynard writes "Saturn comes back around", I think he means that if you hold your grudges, you will reap grudges and the cycle will continue. That's the way I took it, anyway. But, Maynard may have meant something entirely different.