Saturation Point –


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
The amount of drivel and hatred making its way into almost every thread has taken away the fun and intellectual challenge from SciForums. Predictably, the posts of many members (myself included) have fallen in quality, and I find myself irritated rather than entertained when I stop in.

As I did around this time last year, and for the same reasons, The Fish is migrating to a different forum; I’ll stop in again after schools start up again. Yes, there is a cause and effect relationship between schools in session and the quality of discussions here.

See you folks in a few months.

Originally posted by goofyfish
The amount of drivel and hatred making its way into almost every thread has taken away the fun and intellectual challenge from SciForums. Predictably, the posts of many members (myself included) have fallen in quality, and I find myself irritated rather than entertained when I stop in.

As I did around this time last year, and for the same reasons, The Fish is migrating to a different forum; I’ll stop in again after schools start up again. Yes, there is a cause and effect relationship between schools in session and the quality of discussions here.

See you folks in a few months.


That doesn't work buddy. I am not a school kid. Flaming always happen in politics. People can't get beyong the left vs the right thing. People from the left think people from the right are evil people and call them names and whatever and vise versa. GB flamed me for really no good reason. He doesn't like my joke about "I am still waiting for someone to blaim Bush for this". He accused me for being right winged like it is a bad thing. From my experience posting in forums for many years, I believe if you don't flame back at the flamer, they do not stop.

That means I will continue to go after GB for a few more years if you guys don't mind :D
The amount of drivel and hatred making its way into almost every thread has taken away the fun and intellectual challenge from SciForums. Predictably, the posts of many members (myself included) have fallen in quality, and I find myself irritated rather than entertained when I stop in.
i must admit, the quality of my posts has fallen (without me even realising) in responce to others in these forums that seem incapable of having a sensible conversation/debate etc.
Yes, there is a cause and effect relationship between schools in session and the quality of discussions here.
This is true.

That doesn't work buddy. I am not a school kid. Flaming always happen in politics. People can't get beyong the left vs the right thing. People from the left think people from the right are evil people and call them names and whatever and vise versa. GB flamed me for really no good reason. He doesn't like my joke about "I am still waiting for someone to blaim Bush for this". He accused me for being right winged like it is a bad thing. From my experience posting in forums for many years, I believe if you don't flame back at the flamer, they do not stop.

That means I will continue to go after GB for a few more years if you guys don't mind
first off: who is GB?
I dont believe i have ever 'flamed' when talking politics. By the way, people from the right are evil. ;) If you flame at a flamer they will just flame back, lowering yourself to their level then they beat you from experience. I believe i know what 'flaming' is, but maybe unclear.

aye aye
It makes me sad to see you go, Goofyfish. :(

I really enjoy your posts and will miss you on the boards.

See you after the Summer holidays I hope. Till then, have a good Summer...
Originally posted by Captain_Crunch

i must admit, the quality of my posts has fallen (without me even realising) in responce to others in these forums that seem incapable of having a sensible conversation/debate etc.

This is true.

I lurked for couple weeks before I started to post. Yes. I noticed the quality started to fall the same time I started to post. hmm.... I wonder why.

first off: who is GB?
I dont believe i have ever 'flamed' when talking politics.

Flaming is in the eye of the beholder. I think you have taken all your criticisms in good spirit which is a very good thing, therefore you don't feel like you got flamed. On the other hand, there is this character called dickbaby who I believe is Benji. He could be a lot of other people too since he admited he has multiple ID's. He was enflamed by my light hearted comment about "how is the prostitute in Thailand?"

By the way, people from the right are evil. ;)

I agree, but this forum has a different definition for what is on the right. Since I defended the right, I must be a right winged extremist. Since I am a centrist, I like some ideas from the left and some from the right. Since I even like ideas from the right at all, I must be a right winged extremist.

If you flame at a flamer they will just flame back, lowering yourself to their level then they beat you from experience. I believe i know what 'flaming' is, but maybe unclear.
Nobody wins from a flame war, but sometimes the best defense is a good offense.
On the other hand, there is this character called dickbaby who I believe is Benji.
i dont like this idea that one person can have more than one handle. i believe Fen is andy1033, both using the same terminology and other attributes - but i could be wrong.
Nobody wins from a flame war, but sometimes the best defense is a good offense.
True. wise words.
Ever since I started posting I have seen a drop in flaming. Actually I don't really see it at all and criticism is not flaming.
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Originally posted by Increan
Ever since I satrted poting I have seen a drop in flaming, actually I don't really see it at all and critisizm is not flaming.

You made fun of my spelling in another thread. Now look at you. How many errors are there in the sentence above?
Originally posted by Joeman

You made fun of my spelling in another thread. Now look at you. How many errors are there in the sentence above?

I just laughed at you, I did not make fun of you or tell you how much of an idiot you were for misspelling such an easy word. At least I corrected my mistakes. Thank you for pointing that out because I was typing fast and didn't realize I made any. It still is not flaming.

I truely hate to see you leave. Over the course of your visit here at sciforums I can honestly say you have brought many a smile to my face and many a thought to the brain.

Never has it been sad to see you post. I have reached the point that if you post I was sure to read it. You do have a following here. Your posts are usually timely and witty.

I know that we all grow and what is satisfactory today may not be tomarrow. Do return when you are ready. There are many who enjoy your posts, I am one...
You have definetly been one of my preffered members goofy, and I can understand perfectly why you are leaving until school starts. Like I said in the other post, the fall in quality of sciforums is due largely to the youth invasion.