Satanists arrange for self fulfilling prophecy - De Laboris Solis


Satanists staging self fulfilling prophecy for De Laboris Solis

Officially born during a solar eclipse - yes the illuminati say so, like they also say that Louise Ciccone's middle names are Madonna and Veronica.
"Madonna" and JPII, the icons that the illuminati media used from 1979 to 2005.

Crowned after the last Pope guilty of having interrupted the last dynasty of Satan in the Vatican was murdered, after ... days.
Sent to meet his master at 21:37 (time in Rome), April 2, 2005: 2+1+3+7=4+2+2+5=...
To be buried at April 8, "it will be the last partial solar eclipse visible from the continental United States until May 20, 2012."
in the tomb of the founder of the last dynasty, XXIII : 2/3=...

John XXIII, the man that renounced his satanic vows to accepted God and help postpone the final judgment.
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I think the word and meaning of Satan has become as minimalistic.......

god bless us all !
John XXIII, the man that renounced his satanic vows to accepted God and help postpone the final judgment.
I was just reading yesterday how John XXIII was suspected of being a freemason. Did he in fact admit it and renounce freemasonry prior to assuming the papacy, then?
Nutjob forum said:
And then the miracle happened: John XXIII renounced his satanic vows and accepted God.
He informed Kennedy and Kruschev about it.
Please cite a source for this.

You claim some connection between the Kennedy assassination and Vatican II's first edict, since they occurred on the same date. I myself think it's more likely they arranged the secret assassination of "ex" atheist and purported newborn Christian apologist C.S. Lewis, which also was on the same day.

I also think there can be little doubt about the links of both these momentous events and the TV show which premiéred on the 23rd November 1963 and was on air for the next 26 years promoting a distinct illuminati agenda: Doctor Who!

BTW, tongue firmly in cheek here!
since a new series of dr who has just been launched, do you think we might be treated to another assasination of an american president sometime soon? fingers crossed, eh!
ellion: > "do you think we might be treated to another assasination of an american president sometime soon? fingers crossed, eh!"

SUN - God Bless America - April 14, 2005 - pg.17 Prophecy recorded by Ida Wern from Tulsa, Oklahoma

(3) - "There will be an assassination attenpt on George W. Bush in August The president will be severly wounded but will heroically fight for as millions pray for his recovery. Then, as if in answer to our prayers, he makes a miraculous recovery. Vice President Dick Cheney will assume power in Washington and at year's end before Bush re-assumes the reins of power." by Robert Taylor
ellion said:
since a new series of dr who has just been launched, do you think we might be treated to another assasination of an american president sometime soon? fingers crossed, eh!
ellion,why do you relish the death of a person. what has that person done to you, and why would you wish to goto that extreme.

John Paul II will die 12 km from Rosne (River)
The two nearest escape, oppressed monster.
Because the war will make up his horrible throne,
the Cock and the Eagle and France, three brothers. (1)

• • •​

Paul the Solar shall die three leagues from Rhone,
Two near violent destructors have ran away,
Czar Mars will make the most horrible throne,
of the Rooster and the Eagle of France three brothers. (2)

• • •​

The words "Mansol" and "Mensolee" are an amalgam of the Latin word "Manus", meaning man's work or labour, and the French word "soleil", the sun, hence "the work of the sun." Further clarification is made by Nostradamus using Pol not only to signify the Pope's Christian name Paul, but also his birthplace, Poland. In the prophecies of Nostradamus there are four quatrains that not only positively identify John Paul II, but give the precise details surrounding his death. It appears he will die in France, perhaps on a pilgrimage to Lourdes. (3)

I don't get what a bogus prophecy has to do with anything, unless we're supposed to start seeing the Virgin in oil stains and on cheese sandwiches. I don't even care about the differences in the translations. They don't seem to matter. I don't see that De Laboris Solis is an accurate prophecy.
Pope died on 02.04.2005 -> 2+4+2+5 = 13
Time of Death 21.37 -> 2+1+3+7 = 13
The Week of his Death was the 13th Week in the Year 2005.
He was a pope for 26 years and 5 months -> 2+6+5 = 13
He was a pope for 9301 days -> 9+3+0+1 = 13
He was shot on the 13th of May.
He dies in his 85th Year -> 8+5 = 13
He was chosen for the pope when he was 58 Years old -> 8+5 = 13
Pope John Paul II was the 265th Pope in line -> 2+6+5 = 13

They did the maximum possible calculation ...
I mean, can he be "marked" even more with the number Thirteen?
audible, sorry i somehow missed that question. mr bush has done nothing to me directly.
its a good question, 'why do i relish the death of this man?' there are a number of factors to consider when i try to understand why i am happy to let this man be killed.
1 for me murder is wrong it goes against what we are as humans, life creating and sustaining life. i am a vegeterian for this reason.
2 death is not a finality for me, death is the transmutation of energy from one form to another. (this doesnt justify anyhting of course)
3 this man has been responsible for sending a hell of a lot of people to the next state of energy known as death.
4 this is only good or bad depending on perspective.
5 i am lead to believe mr bush is a christian(though i am not) therefore his death will be followed by his testimony to his master, if he actually is a christian. and if the christian deity is his judge and master.
edit*5.5 i am concerned about the potential for futher power games being carried out for selfish materialistic ends.
6 i like the axiom set out by the christ that says who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword and who leads in to captivity must go into captivity. it is a very just and rehabilitatory way to rule. (unlike the eteranl fire concept)
7 it would appease my distress at the thought of another series of doctor who.
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