

Let go your conscious self...
Registered Senior Member
Guy at a place I go to regularly claims to be satanic, has a "satanic bible" with him and everything, and it just sparked an interest. Not interested in being satanic, I just wanted to know more about them.
I can't say I'm an expert on the area, but the chances are the guy you know is a wannabe. Satanism (from what I can gather) is a very earth based belief system, not all about blood sacrafices etc.
seekeroftheway said:
Guy at a place I go to regularly claims to be satanic, has a "satanic bible" with him and everything, and it just sparked an interest. Not interested in being satanic, I just wanted to know more about them.

its like a bad joke kind of. the modern church of satan was started by anton LaVey, the guy who wrote the satanic bible. the basic credo is "do what thou wilt shalll be the whole of the law" which basically means do whatever you want all the time. the rituals are nothing other than mock or reversals of catholic rituals, sometimes involving sex and other stupid shit.

its basically a bunch of miscreants and goth kids who think "oh this will be really shocking to all the christian people i know", so they posture themselves as satanists, wear all black, listen to bad metal, get piercings, watch that movie "the Crow" over and over, read up and maybe try some "black magic" ala Alastair Crowley,and feel very satisfied that they are really giving a big middle finger to the church. the problem is that i dont think anyone cares after like 1974. shit, there are christian cults that turned out to be more hardcore evil than the satanists. but you know, thats sort of what it is i guess in a nutshell.
Yeah, it's pretty lame, to sum it up. Satan is all evil like I used to be ;) . I was so "evil", as I used to call myself, I hated everyone and myself. That's satan for you. He's not a social being, as I wasn't either. There is nothing that he does that will make you like him. He hates anything and everything. How can you worship someone that hates you? And for one, he is not really a being but just a choice. When you want to punch someone for smarting off to you, that (satan) is the you that's saying, "yeah, go for it" while the morally correct side of you thinks, "no, it would be wrong". Anyhow, the real satan doesn't socialize as I said or have friends as they do. They're all just wannabe satanists. It's just a lame ploy to find misguided, troubled children (in age and those elders that refuse to grow up) and trying to give them a place where they feel they can belong to. You may say that happens with the Church, yes, it does also, but alteast it's not to misguide children into hating.
I'm not sure if this is different, well, I've heard of different forms of satanists.But, one does seem to be, I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's very earth based, almost like wicca and shamanism, but more focused on yourself.
They get high of LSD. And listen to psychedelic shit. I prefer them hippie girls though. yeah what was the topic about again? damn.
Lil Light Foot said:
No, satanists prefer self harm and heavy metal.

That too. But I know a Satanist girl and she prefers to me one with the universe what ever that is and she doesn't worship a god and is not a violent person, shes abit weird but nice. But I like her hippie friend she is hot I like hippie girls - the good looking ones in them skirt and pink stuff. umm yeah.
Muslim said:
That too. But I know a Satanist girl and she prefers to me one with the universe what ever that is and she doesn't worship a god and is not a violent person, shes abit weird but nice. But I like her hippie friend she is hot I like hippie girls - the good looking ones in them skirt and pink stuff. umm yeah.

get a hooker man, your mind never strays from girls for one second. you are clearly not getting any.
seekeroftheway said:
Guy at a place I go to regularly claims to be satanic, has a "satanic bible" with him and everything, and it just sparked an interest. Not interested in being satanic, I just wanted to know more about them.

"Satan" to most Satanists is not equivalent to the Judeo/Christian incarnation of the term, rather the literal definition instead (the adversary). Usually, a Satanist will feel they have an individual connection this non-christian entity, each with their own personal definitions of what Satan is to them.

Therefore "Satan" is indefinable and explains why there isn't a single codified version of the belief. Satan may be seen as synonymous with mother nature (connections to paganism), the bearer of all wisdom (the word "Lucifer" means light bearer or morning star, a symbol for enlightenment. from a biblical standpoint, you could make the connection to the serpent and the tree of knowledge in the garden of eden.), or merely as an archetype for individuals to seek a wolf status among the herds of religious sheep.

Satanism is often thought of as an anti-religion, since the basic principals of other religions are in essence inverted - a belief focusing on the self rather than an invisible, angry, god.

Which would you consider the lesser of two evils, modern day Islam or Satanism? I feel that today in America, if you were to ask the average person this question, Islam would be far more hated that Satanism for obvious reasons... and honestly, with all the religious zealots gaining a voice and nuclear weapons (christian protestors at soldier's funerals and Iran), I wonder why there aren't more Satanists today, just to balance out all the Pro-God upheaval.

:eek: :m: :cool:
Mordrukk said:
"Satan" to most Satanists is not equivalent to the Judeo/Christian incarnation of the term, rather the literal definition instead (the adversary). Usually, a Satanist will feel they have an individual connection this non-christian entity, each with their own personal definitions of what Satan is to them.

Therefore "Satan" is indefinable and explains why there isn't a single codified version of the belief. Satan may be seen as synonymous with mother nature (connections to paganism), the bearer of all wisdom (the word "Lucifer" means light bearer or morning star, a symbol for enlightenment. from a biblical standpoint, you could make the connection to the serpent and the tree of knowledge in the garden of eden.), or merely as an archetype for individuals to seek a wolf status among the herds of religious sheep.

Satanism is often thought of as an anti-religion, since the basic principals of other religions are in essence inverted - a belief focusing on the self rather than an invisible, angry, god.

Which would you consider the lesser of two evils, modern day Islam or Satanism? I feel that today in America, if you were to ask the average person this question, Islam would be far more hated that Satanism for obvious reasons... and honestly, with all the religious zealots gaining a voice and nuclear weapons (christian protestors at soldier's funerals and Iran), I wonder why there aren't more Satanists today, just to balance out all the Pro-God upheaval.

:eek: :m: :cool:

Stop propagating lies, sir. There is no such concept as anger when talking about god. So saying angry god is wrong, we get angry when out brain releases chemicals so saying angry god means god is like his creation god does not get angry. And Islam is hated becouse of ignorance, and becouse the the lies propegated agianst Islam. The American goverment has lied about certian facts time and agian. This is the only reason why Islam is hated on.

Also your argument is also illogical, Satanism is hated in the middle east i could say what you said, but be talking about a different region.
seekeroftheway said:
Guy at a place I go to regularly claims to be satanic, has a "satanic bible" with him and everything, and it just sparked an interest. Not interested in being satanic, I just wanted to know more about them.
dont worry about your friend, no more harm will come to you or them, than if they followed a religion.
the bible has more evil in it, the devil is just a scapegoat for religion.
the devil is mentioned about 50 or so time in the bible and none of the times he's mentioned has killed anybody. the same cannot be said for god.

there are lots of spinoffs and subsects, but this is the official page of anton lavey's church of satan.

alot of misinformation has already been spread in this thread. read it for yourself.
i am jewish, but i consider myself a lukewarm satanist as well.
it isnt a religion really....someone said "a wolf among sheep"...that is the most correct statement in this thread so far.
but like i said, read for yourself!! :)
the devil is mentioned about 50 or so time in the bible and none of the times he's mentioned has killed anybody. the same cannot be said for god.

Because Satan doesn't have the power, he isn't God. Only the power of persuasion. And you must be as irrational as most scientifically ignorant Christians if you believe he is a being with some mystical power or something. You must believe in a "false document" if you are taking sides with a made-up being. Are you looney or do you actually believe parts of the bible while at the same time, criticizing others for believing in parts of it also. Keep on speaking, there's plenty of atheists which only wind up invalidating their own credibilities by doing so. Don't we call that "hypocrisy" here on the boards? By being a satanist, that only validates that God exists since he is supposedly to do the opposite of what God wants. And even satan knows God exists.
I believe in a lot of the ways Islam portrays God. It doesn't see a satan. There is only right and wrong. No mystical being trying to control us. To me, that's just unreasonable.

the same cannot be said for god

So who are you to tell the creator that He can't destroy when the time is ready? Who put you on the throne of the universe?
Muslim said:
Stop propagating lies, sir. There is no such concept as anger when talking about god. So saying angry god is wrong, we get angry when out brain releases chemicals so saying angry god means god is like his creation god does not get angry. And Islam is hated becouse of ignorance, and becouse the the lies propegated agianst Islam. The American goverment has lied about certian facts time and agian. This is the only reason why Islam is hated on.

Also your argument is also illogical, Satanism is hated in the middle east i could say what you said, but be talking about a different region.

You know, this kinda applies to all religions, but in the short term, Islam and Christianity. Their both beautiful faiths, with lots of followers, 90% of which are good people. But it's that other 10% that stands up and tries to force their religion on others, preaches/commits evil acts, and tries to justify those acts one way or another, that gives the rest of the faith a bad image.
seekeroftheway said:
You know, this kinda applies to all religions, but in the short term, Islam and Christianity. Their both beautiful faiths, with lots of followers, 90% of which are good people. But it's that other 10% that stands up and tries to force their religion on others, preaches/commits evil acts, and tries to justify those acts one way or another, that gives the rest of the faith a bad image.

usp8riot said:
Because Satan doesn't have the power, he isn't God. Only the power of persuasion. And you must be as irrational as most scientifically ignorant Christians if you believe he is a being with some mystical power or something.
just an atheist pointing out the stupidity of religious dogma.
usp8riot said:
You must believe in a "false document" if you are taking sides with a made-up being. Are you looney or do you actually believe parts of the bible
no, dont be stupid, I'm just an atheist pointing out the stupidity of religious dogma.
usp8riot said:
while at the same time, criticizing others for believing in parts of it also.
no just an atheist pointing out the stupidity of religious dogma.
usp8riot said:
Keep on speaking, there's plenty of atheists which only wind up invalidating their own credibilities by doing so.
I doubt that I'm just an atheist pointing out the stupidity of religious dogma.
usp8riot said:
Don't we call that "hypocrisy" here on the boards? By being a satanist,
where's the satanist, I'm just an atheist pointing out the stupidity of religious dogma.
usp8riot said:
that only validates that God exists since he is supposedly to do the opposite of what God wants. And even satan knows God exists.
yes for those deluded enough to believe in that shit.
usp8riot said:
I believe in a lot of the ways Islam portrays God. It doesn't see a satan. There is only right and wrong. No mystical being trying to control us. To me, that's just unreasonable.
come again, No entiendo señor.
usp8riot said:
So who are you to tell the creator that He can't destroy when the time is ready? Who put you on the throne of the universe?
I am man, a morally superior creature, than any non-entity god could be.
god needs to exist first.
so to clarify this for the morons, an atheist has no belief what so ever in, god/gods devil/demons elf, ork, dwalfs, pink unicorns, santa, the easter bunny or any subjective creation. etc etc etc.
absolutely none, nada, zilch.
I always enjoy the fact that religious people have a very hard time divorcing themselves from their imbedded concept of "Satan" and what he represents. They also believe their god has existed forever, when in reality the judeo/christian/(probably muslim god too, the one who promises 72 virgins if you blow yourself up in a crowd of people) concept of god has only existed for a few thousand years. thats right, there was once a time before god and before the bible(s).

who is to say which gods are better? it's all a personal choice. in fact there is a sect of Satanism that believes the first god to ever exist, the one that sparked the creative mind of man, was Satan - thousands of years before the judeo/christian god was ever a thought in the political systems that made it up. (again, not the christian "satan", how could that archetype exist before the religion existed?)

also note that laveyan satanism, the sect that was originally asked about in this thread, is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to actual Satanism. remember that "god" is a construct made by man. man wrote the dogma on paper. god did not. any satanist/athiest understands this point...