satan lies in digital entertainment


Registered Member
digital entertainment up to a certain limit is ok but if u cross certain limit satan of digital entertainment will enter into ur life
i think the limit is the nipple or perhaps the top of vertical smile....or is there a sliding scale of satan lying?
Don`t expect lies from satan. The truth of the matter is that satan is the father of lies. John 8:44 of the Holy Bible
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enton said:
Don`t expect lies from satan. The truth of the matter is that satan is the father of lies. John 8:44 of the Holy Bible
god must be he's grandad then.
kenworth said:
your mum is also a god...score!
and wasnt satan just an angel?
Why did you respond? Let that geeser respond.
Biblically speaking Satan aimed to become enthroned up where He can equal the Most High but he fell. The angel Lucifer fell. And St. Paul refers Satan (the Lucifer before) as the god of this world.
enton said:
Why did you respond? Let that geeser respond.
Biblically speaking Satan aimed to become enthroned up where He can equal the Most High but he fell. The angel Lucifer fell. And St. Paul refers Satan (the Lucifer before) as the god of this world.

i responded because it is a post on a forum.what does god have to say about satan being a god?
enton said:
Poor thinker :rolleyes: :( satan is also a god.
M*W: "Lucifer" means "light bringer or light bearer." In ancient days, early man called the stars "angels." "Lucifer's rebellion" was nothing more than shooting stars in a star shower (i.e. "fallen angels").

You need to rethink who the "poor thinker" is, because it's you.
kenworth said:
i responded because it is a post on a forum.what does god have to say about satan being a god?
That`s what I want. Good reply.
Well, biblically speaking, as I`ve known St. Paul tells that satan is "god of this world."

God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is a God of gods but it does not mean that "the god of this world" acknowledged Him(the Father) as the Most High.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: "Lucifer" means "light bringer or light bearer." In ancient days, early man called the stars "angels." "Lucifer's rebellion" was nothing more than shooting stars in a star shower (i.e. "fallen angels").

You need to rethink who the "poor thinker" is, because it's you.
And why should I rethink, geeser is a poor thinker biblically speaking.

Do you want to be a poor thinker too medically speaking?
enton said:
And why should I rethink, geeser is a poor thinker biblically speaking.

Do you want to be a poor thinker too medically speaking?
M*W: You should "rethink" because you're out of your mind, medically speaking.

digital entertainment up to a certain limit is ok but if u cross certain limit satan of digital entertainment will enter into ur life

What the heck is digital entertainment? Does this pertain to someone playing with their digits?

Or are you by any chance talking about a specific transmission media? If so then what has technology to do with daft supernatural fantasies?
enton said:
That`s what I want. Good reply.
Well, biblically speaking, as I`ve known St. Paul tells that satan is "god of this world."

God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is a God of gods but it does not mean that "the god of this world" acknowledged Him(the Father) as the Most High.

isnt the whole point there is only one god?
enton said:
Him(the Father) as the Most High.
If god existed, I'd have to say that the was most "high" at the time of creating humanity, because peoples is fucked up. :m: