Satan buys an ad to vent it's frustration with local Church!


Valued Senior Member

Mike Lewis wants you to know that Satan hates the New Life Center in Cedar Grove.

He wants you to know it so much that his church has put up a billboard along U.S. 60 outside Rand saying just that.

The sign has caused a bit of controversy, said Pete Conley, owner of Conley’s Hair Styling across from the sign in Rand.

- advertisement -
“I don’t appreciate the word ‘hate,’” Conley said. “I have to look at that sign every day and I can appreciate the message they are putting out there but not the way they are going about it.”

The sign lists the church’s Web site, In small white lettering it says that the church paid for the billboard. :p

Oh my, the Religous cult is an endless source of comedy lol.
I wonder if Satan could sue them for libel, for putting words in his mouth? :)

I'm sure he has the pick of the best lawyers...since they all belong to the same union.
I wonder if Satan could sue them for libel, for putting words in his mouth? :)

I'm sure he has the pick of the best lawyers...since they all belong to the same union.
this was posted here a couple of years ago.

have no fear all us atheist's, something to look forward to.

If there is a special Hell for atheists and other nonbelievers, I shall never fear for my comfort. The musings of Epicurus will entertain my mind and Voltaire will tickle my wit. While Paine harries the Devil, Franklin will write us a constitution. Cicero, Madison and Frederick the Great can in turn conspire a government that Marx will quickly deride.

Goethe and Poe will tell delightfully chilling tales by the eternal lake-of-fire-side. Mrs. Cady Stanton and Mrs. B. Anthony will preserve our equality and Darwin will write our history. Messieurs Robert Ingersoll and Bertrand Russell will entertain our ears in the theatre built by Carnegie and designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and they'll speak through the sound system invented by Thomas Edison.

Samuel Clemens will make us laugh with his satire of old split-foot and criticism of the almighty, and Clarence Darrow will win his right to do so. Nietzsche will philosophize and Freud will analyze. Wells and Roddenberry will give us fantasy, Frost will give us poetry, Shaw will write us a play and Hepburn will be the queen of the stage.

Virginia Wolff will biographize our very own Margaret Sanger, a choice we'll all applaud. Rubinstein will play us a tune and Berlin will pen the words. Charlie Chaplin will adapt for film a comedic tale of H.P. Lovecraft and Earnest Hemmingway that will star W.C. Fields. Howard Hughes will fund the disastrous project.

Pearle Buck and Ayn Rand will make us think and give Skinner thoughts to study. Snoopy will once again have daily installment in our paper, with Schultz returning to the drafting table. All in all I will be quite entertained.

My social calendar will be full to busting, and I'll have many calls to make. The Huxleys (Aldus, Thomas, and Sir Julian Sorell) will be worth a talk on biology and authorship. Perhaps I myself can compose the great novel of the underworld with the help of Lawrence, Orwell, Joyce and Asimov.

I am in good company in my disbelief.

Nevyn O'Kane
no point at all, you posted up, a bit of humour
I'm sure he has the pick of the best lawyers...since they all belong to the same union.
I just added to it.
What is the New Life Center and what kind of church is it that posted the billboard?

Thank the Gods we have separation of Religion and State - could you imagine what kind of mess we'd be in if it were the most devote that ran the country? Oh wait - isn't GW Jr born again??
this was posted here a couple of years ago.

have no fear all us atheist's, something to look forward to.

If there is a special Hell for atheists and other nonbelievers, I shall never fear for my comfort. The musings of Epicurus will entertain my mind and Voltaire will tickle my wit. While Paine harries the Devil, Franklin will write us a constitution. Cicero, Madison and Frederick the Great can in turn conspire a government that Marx will quickly deride.

Goethe and Poe will tell delightfully chilling tales by the eternal lake-of-fire-side. Mrs. Cady Stanton and Mrs. B. Anthony will preserve our equality and Darwin will write our history. Messieurs Robert Ingersoll and Bertrand Russell will entertain our ears in the theatre built by Carnegie and designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and they'll speak through the sound system invented by Thomas Edison.

Samuel Clemens will make us laugh with his satire of old split-foot and criticism of the almighty, and Clarence Darrow will win his right to do so. Nietzsche will philosophize and Freud will analyze. Wells and Roddenberry will give us fantasy, Frost will give us poetry, Shaw will write us a play and Hepburn will be the queen of the stage.

Virginia Wolff will biographize our very own Margaret Sanger, a choice we'll all applaud. Rubinstein will play us a tune and Berlin will pen the words. Charlie Chaplin will adapt for film a comedic tale of H.P. Lovecraft and Earnest Hemmingway that will star W.C. Fields. Howard Hughes will fund the disastrous project.

Pearle Buck and Ayn Rand will make us think and give Skinner thoughts to study. Snoopy will once again have daily installment in our paper, with Schultz returning to the drafting table. All in all I will be quite entertained.

My social calendar will be full to busting, and I'll have many calls to make. The Huxleys (Aldus, Thomas, and Sir Julian Sorell) will be worth a talk on biology and authorship. Perhaps I myself can compose the great novel of the underworld with the help of Lawrence, Orwell, Joyce and Asimov.

I am in good company in my disbelief.

Nevyn O'Kane

Don't forget that Jim Morrison, and Jimi Hendrix will provide us with music and Chris Farley, John Belushi, Sam Kinison and Mitch Hedberg will provide us with comic relief!
Don't forget that Jim Morrison, and Jimi Hendrix will provide us with music and Chris Farley, John Belushi, Sam Kinison and Mitch Hedberg will provide us with comic relief!

Don't forget this either: Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not go unpunished...
Don't forget that Jim Morrison, and Jimi Hendrix will provide us with music and Chris Farley, John Belushi, Sam Kinison and Mitch Hedberg will provide us with comic relief!

Plus we'll be able to settle down for the night with the likes of Jenna Jamison & friends lol!