Santa or God, the annual comparison


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
When I was a kid I cared more for Santa than God. I still do but what about it, Santa more believable than God for the little yard apes or what? Popularity-wise I'd have to say Santa has the edge. I have a feeling God way down the list at this time of year for kids. Damn I hated those school Christmas pageants, singing carols or acting out nativity scenes to satisfy a teacher who thinks the world is missing the true meaning of the season. Do they still do that stuff? Or is it taboo or just not politically correct in public schools anymore?

Anyway, kids are really only interested in one thing at this time and they are prepared to do anything in order to have a Christmas wish list successfully filled. I used to go to bed more worried about Santa knowing my every move than God's omniscience. Santa is pretty much godlike in a way, seems much nicer and is worth obeying. Receiving a lump of coal for bad behavior was more frightening than a trip to a burning lake at that age.

As kids we can be bought with gifts to believe in magical gift bearing pixies. What form of bribery causes us to believe in God as we get older?
It was the story of Santa that helped me understand the story of God.

Did you know that a teacher was fired for telling her elementary class of students that Santa wasn't real?

Ridiculous! They want to enforce a lie?
What form of bribery causes us to believe in God as we get older?

Bribery or threat? If you love god, and give your heart to him/her/it you will end up in heaven after death, if one denies that a god exist, that the whole thing is purely bull shit, you are condemed by those who believe the BS, your soul? is said to burn for eternity!

So is it bribery or threat? Looks more like a threat, then a bribery! ;)
It was the story of Santa that helped me understand the story of God.

Did you know that a teacher was fired for telling her elementary class of students that Santa wasn't real?

Ridiculous! They want to enforce a lie?

What's wrong with kids believing in Santa? Just let them kids, they grow up fast enough.

As far as the teacher goes, getting fired may have been a little extreme, but it wasn't her place to tell them anything. That's the parents job.
I think the Santa myth is the beginning of the evolution of Polytheism. Someday there will be a whole pantheon, with the Virgin Mary, Jesus, Santa, ect...
As far as the teacher goes, getting fired may have been a little extreme, but it wasn't her place to tell them anything. That's the parents job.

Good point, now stop telling them to believe in God in the classroom.