Same-Sex Marriage Victory In Massachusetts


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
The Massachusetts court decision holding that the rights and privileges associated with marriage cannot be limited to opposite-sex couples shows that the so-called “gay marriage” issue will be prominent in the presidential election of 2004.

The government should not intrude in your life any more than necessary. So long as nobody else gets hurt and so long as you don’t bother anyone else, you have the right to keep your guns, subject to reasonable mandatory state licensing requirements. In the same way, you have the right to share your life and property with whomever you please, subject to reasonable optional state licensing requirements.

:m: Peace.
I just read the most well put together editorial that supported the most ignorant aruguments against this victory. Its amazing how this woman uses the lowest common denominator to support her case against this victory. Too bad this was in a newspaper not online.
Well this is a big step in the right direction if you ask me. I even like the way it's worded, no grounds to restrict marriage, Mmm, that leaves a nice taste in my mouth after all that arguing over "for what reasons should we let homosexuals marry". My hope is that in six months a couple will get married in Massachusetts and move to another state. As is my understanding according to the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996, another state won't have to recognize their marriage, but according to the constitution's full faith and credit clause the state would have to recognize it. I'm eager to see if this becomes an issue.
I listened to 95.1 all day yesterday...
Which is pretty much all right wing commentary, so there was a lot of gay-bashing.

Anyways, the main problem people have with the issue is the word "marriage" No one has a problem (at least on the show) of offering them a civil union, under the law all the same rights as marriage, but not the same legal term. Marriage is (According to them) a bond between a man and a woman. They don't want that "polluted" by allowing same sex marriages.

One popular argument was "everyone will be doing it soon and we will die out", which makes no sense. Everyone is going to be gay? I dont find that plausible.

Another woman brought up the point - What if they marry here, then go back to a state that doesnt recognize gay marriage? One man meets a nother in a bar, and now wants out of his marriage... and the state won't let him do it? Now he has to go back to massachusetts to get a divorce. To anyone who has been through one - that can be a pretty lengthy ordeal, neh?

Those are just the two arguments I can remember, and I'm posting them for your benefit, at this point in time, I say, let'em get married, marriage is a bond between two people, regardless of sex.
Originally posted by goofyfish
The government should not intrude in your life any more than necessary. So long as nobody else gets hurt and so long as you don’t bother anyone else, you have the right to keep your guns, subject to reasonable mandatory state licensing requirements. In the same way, you have the right to share your life and property with whomever you please, subject to reasonable optional state licensing requirements.

Yeah, how is allowing gay marriage an intrusion upon your life? A person gets upset becuase gays can marry? It's more of an intrusion upon peoples rights to prevent them from marrying.

A point I forgot to bring up. A man tried to argue that you can have everything in a marraige without being married, legally, but thats not why they want marriage, I believe they want marraige simply for the same reason people who are in love get married, to put it on a peice of paper, and say "im commited to this person"
Yeah, that and things like getting rights to visit eachother in the hospital, or have jointly owned property, or so the law dosnt treat them like they were strangers should one of them die.
Originally posted by Fafnir665
One popular argument was "everyone will be doing it soon and we will die out", which makes no sense. Everyone is going to be gay? I dont find that plausible.

I've got to agree with you there, that's a pretty wild argument. Was that radio station trying to present the idea that everyone would be gay if not for feeling some sort of responsibility to have sex with members of the opposite sex and make more people?

Oh and by the way, I often find myself listening to Nazi-err I mean conservative talk-radio in the car. It's sort of like listening to Howard Stern, you don't agree with or think highly of these people, but you just can't wait to hear what outrageous thing they'll say next.

Originally posted by Fafnir665
Another woman brought up the point - What if they marry here, then go back to a state that doesnt recognize gay marriage? One man meets a nother in a bar, and now wants out of his marriage... and the state won't let him do it? Now he has to go back to massachusetts to get a divorce. To anyone who has been through one - that can be a pretty lengthy ordeal, neh?

haha, so like what? We shouldn't let homosexuals marry because they might get divorced? 50% of heterosexuals get divorced, so maybe they shouldn't marry either. I'm not sure exactly what this whole moving across state lines thing is all about, though. I’m eager to see how the full faith and credit clause holds up in this situation, I wouldn't be surprised if conservatives push to obey the Defense of Marriage Act, which servers their own agenda better, rather than the constitution.

Originally posted by Fafnir665
Yeah, how is allowing gay marriage an intrusion upon your life? A person gets upset becuase gays can marry? It's more of an intrusion upon peoples rights to prevent them from marrying.

Right on. It's got no bearing on those right wing fundies, whether the state issues a marriage license and provides the associated benefits to homosexuals or not, so really where do they get off thinking they can have a say?

Originally posted by Fafnir665
A point I forgot to bring up. A man tried to argue that you can have everything in a marraige without being married, legally, but thats not why they want marriage, I believe they want marraige simply for the same reason people who are in love get married, to put it on a peice of paper, and say "im commited to this person"

Hmm, yes but as the goodly moose pointed out, this is not just a battle for a special little badge of social acceptance, there are very real and tangible legal benefits and statuses which are denied to homosexual couples because they can not legally marry. Aside from a cultural war, this is also an issue of equal protection under the law.
Originally posted by Stokes Pennwalt
Freedom: 1, Stupidity: 0

Good game.

It's about time that people are getting more and more is the way that this country was supposed to be founded, and I am getting pretty damn tired of all of the right-wing conservative bullshit, about how these people shouldn't be married, or these people shouldn't be allowed to do this or that. Blah Blah Blah.

I'm so glad that Massachusets decided to open their eyes to the reality that a marriage is something shared by only men and women. Marriage is about commitment to another person based on unadulterated love.
i thought you had to go back to the state you got married in to get a divorce usually. why would it matter if both are the same sex? you still would have to follow the rules. equal rights not special rights- no more, no less.
Originally posted by altec
I'm so glad that Massachusets decided to open their eyes to the reality that a marriage is something shared by only men and women. Marriage is about commitment to another person based on unadulterated love.
I'm glad too. However, there is a difference between legally recognized unions and marriage.

The religious right is in a tizzy thinking we've embarked along a slippery slope to hedonism and the desecration of marriage. The difference is that this is a recognition of legally binding civil unions, and that is all.

Marriage has religious connotations, and this ruling is not an infringement on them.