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Institutionalized conditioning from birth. She has been taught from birth that atheists are to be hated and despised, and that theism is the only acceptable way of life. She doesn't know why, she is only able to respond according to the effects of her brain washing.

I say this based on the thousands of posts she has made, her absolute vehemence against anything remotely atheistic, and her consistent avoidance at answering any question that raises the idea that theism might not be rational.
Apparently the un-doctrinated are far too willing to jump in with their theories. Most amusing.
Theories? Observation of your posting record here, surely?
Of course. Like I always say, research is less and less about the data, more and more about the personalized interpretation of it.

Do carry on. :D
Not Cris and (Q). They were raised "without religion", although (Q) shows a reluctant partiality to Judaism and may be that strange creature, an atheist Jew.
Not Cris and (Q). They were raised "without religion", although (Q) shows a reluctant partiality to Judaism and may be that strange creature, an atheist Jew.

Oh no, my father was a bishop and my mother was a nun. They were both trapped in the woods for several weeks together after a plane crash and fell in love. He's now a southern-baptist minister and she runs a whore house, in the same building, of course.

I was brought up wiring the pulpit for sound and running shotgun for the girls on the other side of the house.
I notice the original question hasn't been answered. It's strange because the question wasn't that difficult and surely to any other person would not be overpassed in favour of insulting some atheists.

So anyway, Sam.. why do you believe in a god? Simple question really..
That would be too easy. :D

but if you're really interested, I've already had this discussion with Pete
That would be too easy

Nope, bad luck. You were close - you sort of understood the question, you just didn't manage the answer. Before you try again perhaps I can help.. Start off with:

"I believe in a god because..." and fill in the answer from there. Don't despair, you'll understand it eventually.
This is a single-issue thread directed at a single poster. That poster has answered the question, so there's no need for the thread to remain open.

I saw no harm in this providing it remained civil. SAM targets individuals directly in thousands of posts, this thread seemed quite appropriate as she is the dominant poster here.

However, I will not override your decision to lock, but I was wary.
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