Salvia Divinorum

Literally, it's the sage of the divine ones.

It belongs to the same genus as the common sage, Salvium officinalis.

Salvia divinorum... is a member of the mint family (or Lamiaceae) native to the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. It is used by the Mazatec Indians of the region, in a manner similar to psilocybian mushrooms and lysergic acid-containing morning glory seeds, as a ritual entheogen (hallucinogen) and divinatory aid.
Sean Whitcomb, Southen Illinois University

It's a hallucinogenic drug, but I believe it also has medicinal purposes. I was under the impression that it's legality was the result of its usefulness with patients.

“It’s a dangerous drug and the reason it’s legal and widely available is a quirk of regulation,” says Paul L. Doering, a UF distinguished service professor of pharmacy practice and co-director of the statewide Drug Information and Pharmacy Resource Center.
University of Florida
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I've done it. Its strange stuff. first time i got nothing off it. Second time, WOW, away with the faries- for 8 hours. Treat it with caution, because its like a hair trigger. Nothing happens and you have a bit more and then, wallop! your gone.

Oh yeh, only do it in a bong. It does'nt seem to work in a spliff. One other thing is that it is legal here in the UK as well. :m:
The leading expert on Salvia is Daniel Siebert who first discovered the psychedelic potential of the active component called Salvinorin A. More information can be found here:

It is a fascinating plant, used by the ancient mexican indians for thousands of years, it is believed to be a cultigen, that is, a plant found only in the vicinity of people and never in the wild. Traditionally, the leaves are chewed, never smoked, and they are not effective when swallowed. It is associated with the virgin Mary, and is often called Ska Maria Pastora, she is said to speak to you through it. It is still legal, because our repressive governments haven't caught up to it yet, and also because it is not very suitable for recreational (party) use. It can be very challenging to the psyche in larger amounts. It is possible to concentrate the active ingredient, making an extremely potent drug.

Here is a complete book about it on the web:

Some words of warning...
"When the dose goes above 500 to 1000 mcg the effects can be very alarming. I have seen people get up and lunge around the room, falling over furniture, babbling incomprehensible nonsense and knocking their heads into walls. Several people have tried to wander out of the house. When the experience is over, they have no memory of any of this. In fact, they usually remember very different events. To an outside observer, people in this condition have a blank look in their eyes as if no one is present. It is also common for people to have a facial expression which is probably best described as being like that of a frightened animal."

There is also potential psychological danger with salvinorin A. I can confirm from my own experience that it can instantly obliterate any reference to sanity, logic, or even the idea of existing, and make one feel that either one's self or the entire universe has gone entirely and permanently crazy. Occasionally people who have been given salvinorin A, even highly experienced psychedelic users, feel that a bad0 joke has been played on them by whoever gave them the substance. One person who tried salvinorin A, who is quite experienced with DMT and most other psychedelics, remarked "It made DMT look like a water pistol, at a dose 50-100 times less."

My experiences with Salvia at higher doses (a pinch of 6x extract, smoked) were just like this, I got up and stumbled around, feeling the need to escape. Reality, as well as my own body were the same, splitting and stretching like caught in a vortex, repeating the same moments over and over, it was nightmarish. At one point I got to the door and opened it halfway, but it must have wore off enough for my instincts to react and shut it. There is no recognition of normality or normal dangers. I felt like I fused with the wall, then I broke through into a relatively calm space, only my head sticked out, there was a being there. The being noticed me with some irritation, like I had barged into his house without the proper courtesy or introduction. I came down 10 minutes later, still feeling totally scattered and shaking with fear. I went to my friends house and told him about it, and that helped, although I was still shaking two hours later. I have done 4 hits of acid at once before, and this experience made that look like a walk in the park. You need a sober person to help you with this, and make sure you don't get up and hurt or embarrass yourself.

I have had much better experiences than that with it, I like the tincture that Seibert sells, and chewing the leaves, it is a much more mild effect, and smoking the leaves isn't bad either, although it can be harder to achieve the same effects. On lower doses, you see and feel like you are in music or waves and patterns, you feel stretched and split in a pleasant way, and it might only last a minute or two.

I have a couple plants, they are easy to grow and propagate, and have an unusual square stem.
Amazing excerpt from Siebert's first trip on Salvinorin:
"Then, I suddenly found myself standing in the living room. The effects of
the substance were wearing off. All of the confusion dissolved, and I
returned to the physical world. I looked around me and the room came into
sharp focus. I was glad to be back. But then I saw that something was
wrong! This was not my living room. It was the living room of my deceased
maternal grandparents. And it was furnished as it was when I was a child,
not as it was later in their life. The most extraordinary thing about this
was that this was the real world, not a memory or a vision, I was really
there, and it was all just as solid as the room I'm sitting in now. I had
the sudden realization that although I had managed to pull my self back
into my body - I had somehow ended up back in the wrong spot in the
time line of my physical existence. I was convinced that I might be stuck in this
situation and would have to continue my life from this point in my past.
As I panicked and desperately tried to remember where it was that I was
supposed to be, I lost awareness of the physical world again, and found
myself without a body; lost. Then it happened again. I found myself
regaining consciousness in the real world. And again as I saw everything
clearly, I realized that this was not my home, It was a friend of mine's.
Then again I panicked and lost consciousness. This cycle repeated at least
7 or 8 times. Always I would find myself in a familiar room. Some of these
places were from my childhood and some were from my more recent past. In
this state all the points of time in my personal history coexisted. One
did not precede the next. Apparently, had I so willed it, I could return
to any point in my life and really be there, because it was actually
happening right now.”
I just saw "Spotless Sunshine of the Eternal Mind" with Jim Carrey, and it reminded me of this. Where he kept turning around and it was the same thing, the same sense of insanity and disorientation, that's what Salvia is like at higher doses.
It's mainly legal because it's not the type of drug to use with other people, its not a party drug, and the types of hallunations you experience are "more personal"...if you will. It has been tried by lawmakers to be made illegal, but the Feds don't know enough about the drug at the moment to convince the lawmakers to do something drastic as ban it. Also, because of the chemcial that makes you halluncinate...its chemcial structure is not like any other drug that is currently illegal, and there haven't been enough studies to pinpoint what the drug actually does to your body. Treat it with extreme caution if you're a first time user. You can get the stuff on eBay for like $15 for 2 ounces or more.

Just the leaf doesn't do anything for me. I need to use the extracts.

Always do your research when it comes to drugs or "herbal" stuff...even if its prescribed by your doctor and is legal.
What exactly do you want to know, I've done 10X roughly 25+ times, and 15X about 10 times and 20X a few times.
I've always wanted to try it, but I can't get it in Latvia
Will definetly try when I visit the UK :cool:
Please understand this is not a 'fun' drug. I am not condemning its use in saying this by any means by the way but it is something that must be treated with respect.
Please respect Salvia as you would with any hallucinogens.


Wow, thanks grazzhoppa. It's mad cheap on ebay.
Up here in Alaska it runs from 40 to 80 dollars for an oz. or so.

I did it once with my friend. He said, "here, smoke this. It hits like a brick wall."
So I hit the bong, and it was really smooth, compared to pot or ciggs. I was surprised. Then bam, it hits me, like a brick wall. I just lost control of my body, like you get when you're really exhausted. It felt like I was looking though my eyes from 3 feet away. Then everything started turning into Mexico. The trim on the table grew into a giant stucco, dingy yellow stucco wall. I started seeing cacti and there was this mexican witha fucking huge sombrero.
I started giggling and cursing uncontrollably, and fell out of my chair onto the ground. I noticed the whole floor was seething, and I was immobilized. All the cracks in the tiles were crawling with ants.

It only lasted for 5 minutes.

My friend's first experience was the "big joke" one.
Tyler said:
What exactly do you want to know, I've done 10X roughly 25+ times, and 15X about 10 times and 20X a few times.

WOW respect dude. Its not a drug i'll do again . Christ, has your head sent your body a postcard to let it know where it is yet :D
slotty said:
WOW respect dude. Its not a drug i'll do again . Christ, has your head sent your body a postcard to let it know where it is yet :D

lol. Fortunately salvia is metabolised rather quickly by the body and at most your experience would last 2 hours but that would require chewing lots of leaves as do the Mazatecs.
Smoking extract does not last this long at all in reality maybe 15-45 mins although you could think you have lived time and time and a half.
Whilst you may feel a bit fuzzy afterwards for a good time, you are back in reality quite quickly.
Please always make sure you have someone with you if you experiment with this member of the sage family. You dont want to be walking about like a zombie dribbling in a place with potential hazards without a sober person present.
As I have mentioned, these things must be treated with a GREAT deal of respect. Spend time to study the herbs traditional uses and you will come to a greater understanding of what it is you are doing. NEVER take any substance without fully researching it and making sure you are comfortable with its effects.
A note for salvia users - a quite, semi darkened room at about 3-4 am when there is little traffic is probably a fitting time and place. It is NOT a party drug. And again I'll say - have a sitter present. You could have a bad reaction etc etc.
Be safe.


everything started turning into Mexico. The trim on the table grew into a giant stucco, dingy yellow stucco wall. I started seeing cacti and there was this mexican witha fucking huge sombrero.

OMG, that's hilarious!