Salvia Divinorum


Registered Member
The governments have got this anti-drug program going, Australia has banned salvia divinorum and America want to follow, cannabis, mushrooms, lsd etc ... are all banned, and who is behind these bans? it is the multi-national drug companies and there outlets the doctor surgerys, they will give you drugs that you will be on for the rest of your life and are ruining many lifes into the bargain, with there uppers, downers, valium, sleeping pills, prozaic, anti-acids etc etc etc......

Cannabis and heroin are a smoke screen for all the damage the drugs company medical system is doing to the people, they are the dealers not healers.;)
Why exactly whould the drug companies want to have addictive drugs, like narcotics, made illegal? If there weren't laws against them they could sell them themselves and have a consumer market that always comes back to them, an army of completely loyal consumers, kind of like the tobaco industry.
American governmental disapproval of mind-altering substances harkens back to America's calvinist and quaker origins.

The notion that corporate entities of any sort would spearhead such an initiative is pure drivel. Governmental moralism has a long, and storied history in our fine country.

Its no more complicated than that.
If you think weed is the same as valium you got another thing comming. And anti-acids? Im currious do you go "ooh indigestion, I know I need to shoot up." ?:confused: