Salvation Through Christ


Valued Senior Member
I have been giving this some thought and am asking myself, what is salvation?

If we are caught in an endless loop of concepts, where is there time for life? Was Christ trying to free us from our own minds and an endless search for absolutes? Is faith an abandonement of concept and an escape hatch back into life?
I think the big issue is mankinds desire to be their own god. To not answer to anyone, to seek consult in the reasonable, in science, or within themselves. To have cause without a negative effect.

Salvation in a big way is salvation from ones self.
Quigly said:
I think the big issue is mankinds desire to be their own god.
what the f@8k are you talking about, as far as we know man is the most intelligent animal, and every problem he has (thats is not naturally caused) he caused himself, man does not want to be his own god he has no choice.there is no one to answer too, unless of course you have bipolar disorder and think there is.
geeser said:
what the f@8k are you talking about, as far as we know man is the most intelligent animal, and every problem he has (thats is not naturally caused) he caused himself, man does not want to be his own god he has no choice.there is no one to answer too, unless of course you have bipolar disorder and think there is.

You are entitled to your opinion, but mine is that we are merely creatures subject to the creators natural and spiritual laws. Man strives to become what he will never he able to be.
I have been looking at possible symbolism in the story, so excuse me if this slides outside the boundries of the more typical concept. I'm viewing the crown of thorns as a possible symbol of percieved human pain and suffering.