Sad but True


The Journey is the Reward
Registered Senior Member
That's the reason God has raised up Russia yonder with an atomic bomb to wipe her off like the antediluvian flood was, when He raised the clouds.

Russia, the atheistic country that they playing just exactly in the hands of Almighty God.
Just as King Nebuchadnezzar was to destroy Israel because they failed to walk with God, Russia's raising right up to avenge the saints of the Catholic church of the blood that she's shed of the saints. The Bible said so.
It's going to take the whole thing.
Lets take women today.
God visits the iniquity of the children, even to fourteen generations.

So look here, if their grandmother was a chorus girl, and their mother was a flapper, what's she today?
A rock-and-roll striptease.
What's her children going to be?....

And young men, middle-age men, and married men have no more respect for their marriage vows.
Why, they just take women and live with them anywhere, and just like common dogs.
A dog's got better respects and better morals than some people have.

And the churches go right along, and say nothing about it.
They're acting just like their mammy does. The church has inherited it.
And this Protestant church come out of the Catholic church, the sins of the Catholic church is visited upon the Protestants.
So pot can't call kettle dirty.

I can hear the sound of canned laughter in the streets, from the sitcoms playing in every home......
Like air-raid sirens wailing in the distance.
Reminds me of a little boy whistling as he walks through a graveyard, trying not to be scared.