Sabbath Laws


Musical Creationist
Registered Senior Member
While researching Jewish references to Jesus, I came across these interesting Sabbath laws. They are from the referenceInto His Own. The site had over a million hits.

Babylonian Talmud, Shabbath 128a, words of Rabbi Judah (ben El'ai):

And one may pluck (grain) by hand and eat,
but only if one plucks without a utensil;
and one may rub [matal = "husk"]and eat,
but only if he does not rub a lot in a utensil.

Mishna, Shabbath 22.6:

(On the Sabbath) one is not to work on an infant or set a fracture.
If one dislocated his hand or foot, he may not pour cold water on it;
but he may wash it in his (usual) way.

Mishna, Shabbath 14.4 :

One who has pain in his loins may not pour wine or vinegar (on them on the Sabbath); but he may anoint it with oil---but not with rose oil.