S.J.Gould,Darwin,Jung ...and a common point

Fausto Intilla

Registered Member
The theory of Stephen J.Gold of the pointed equilibrium, Darwin’s theory of the natural selection and finally Jung’s sincronicity, all have a sole common denominator: the extreme mathematical improbability of acasual events which characterize them.
Human intelligence does not completely follow the entropy principle, it actually constantly evolves towards a state of higher order; obviously I do not refer to the intelligence of each single human being and thus to the brief useful time span (which can be exploited with difficulty) as defined by his life, which has no way of increasing itself, but I refer to the intelligence of the entire human species.
At this point, it is absolutely necessary to remember that:
despite the probability of existence (or manifestation) of a higher order referring to a microscopic system (atomic-molecular) is extremely scarce, they will anyhow be much higher that the probability of existence (or manifestation) of a higher order referring to a macroscopic system.
In an isolated significant coincidence as well as in a qualitative leap at an evolutive level referring to mankind or to any other animal species, there is always therefore a trace of the shadow of a high improbability of manifestation of a higher order referring to a macroscopic system.
Because the probabilities of manifestation of a higher order referring to an atomic-molecular system, are higher in comparison to those of a higher order referring to a macroscopic system; it can be inferred that casual genetic mutation in an animal species must forcedly be more frequent than evolutive qualitative leaps as well as each significative coincidence (in this case intended as a significant event for the whole of mankind, such as a fall of a meteorite of immense dimensions on our planet).
If our neurons had not been able through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution to reach a state of a higher order, we would very probably still find ourselves at the Stone Age; or maybe we would never have actually existed, because the impossibility, for an atomic-molecular system to reach a determined and rather elevated order state, would imply a “phase displacement” of some percentage upon the most common value of Nature constants (such as Plank’s for example) which, as well as not granting us our existence, would also not let the Universe, which to us is so familiar, to exist.

Fausto Intilla
(Inventor-scientific divulgator)
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As far as I know, Jung's synchronicity concept was nonsense and suggestive of ESP-like phenomena.
The theory of Stephen J.Gold of the pointed equilibrium, Darwin’s theory of the natural selection and finally Jung’s sincronicity, all have a sole common denominator: grammatical/spelling errors.]
That's Gould, not Gold.
That's theory of natural selection, not theory of the natural selection
That's synchronicity, not sincronicity.

Since I already took the pains to correct these errors on another forum one month ago, yet you have made no effort to absorb those corrections, it appears that you have no desire to listen, only to be heard. I'm not listening anymore.
"Pointed equilibrium," Fausto does have the right idea, like a tree shrew supposedly morphed into a monkey real fast, at a quick "point" in time, pointed equilibrium, oh, sorry, the correct term is not pointed equilibrium, it's punctuated equilibrium.
"Pointed equilibrium," Fausto does have the right idea, like a tree shrew supposedly morphed into a monkey real fast, at a quick "point" in time, pointed equilibrium, oh, sorry, the correct term is not pointed equilibrium, it's punctuated equilibrium.

Punctuated equilibrium refers to fast on a geological timescale. That's a timescale you cannot find in your bible.