Suppose N people are playing Russian roulette. p1 plays p2, the winner of which plays p3, the winner of which plays p4, ...... , the winner of which plays pN. After N-1 games there's 1 person left. Obviously this is unfair on p1, he would have to win all N-1 games to survive, while pN only needs to win 1.
Suppose we now play delayed Russian roulette, where the player doesn't die immediately but their loss is recorded. All $$\frac{1}{2}N(N-1)$$ pairings are listed and everyone plays everyone. At each step one of each pairing definitely loses but it is equally likely to be one as the other. If someone loses a game at any point they are shot at the end by a heartless referee. What is the expected number of survivors at the end?
I know it is less than 1, because it is harder to survive than normal RR and normal RR has exactly 1 survivor. Any one person has to survive N-1 games, which has probability $$\frac{1}{2^{N-1}}$$ but you can't just sum over N to get $$\frac{N}{2^{N-1}}$$, they aren't independent, right? A generalisation is to say the 'gun' fires a blank with probability $$\alpha$$ each time but that just means $$\frac{1}{2} \to \frac{\alpha}{2}$$ I think.
This smacks of being like a first year probability question but I always sucked at working out how many people did this to get that expectation of this many whatevers. And before anyone asks, I'm not setting up my own meaner, harder version of fight club. And even if I were the first rule is not to talk about it
Suppose we now play delayed Russian roulette, where the player doesn't die immediately but their loss is recorded. All $$\frac{1}{2}N(N-1)$$ pairings are listed and everyone plays everyone. At each step one of each pairing definitely loses but it is equally likely to be one as the other. If someone loses a game at any point they are shot at the end by a heartless referee. What is the expected number of survivors at the end?
I know it is less than 1, because it is harder to survive than normal RR and normal RR has exactly 1 survivor. Any one person has to survive N-1 games, which has probability $$\frac{1}{2^{N-1}}$$ but you can't just sum over N to get $$\frac{N}{2^{N-1}}$$, they aren't independent, right? A generalisation is to say the 'gun' fires a blank with probability $$\alpha$$ each time but that just means $$\frac{1}{2} \to \frac{\alpha}{2}$$ I think.
This smacks of being like a first year probability question but I always sucked at working out how many people did this to get that expectation of this many whatevers. And before anyone asks, I'm not setting up my own meaner, harder version of fight club. And even if I were the first rule is not to talk about it