russia will be first to disclose


free thinker
Registered Senior Member
russia is the first country to be open about aliens, they are not pussies under the control of that green jesus (the dollar)

here is a starter to get your noodles twirlin'

Soviet Army Fought UFOs

discuss after reading article.

"The object was 25 meters long and had about 3 meters in diameter. It had neither stabilizers nor wings nor engines and was moving at the speed of 150 kilometers per hour producing no noise."

Seems to me, the object probably was using electromagnetic propulsion. We can use such a technology today, but do not have a force field or some type of gravity field technology to ward off missiles. Since basic forces are easy to replicate (such as magnetic force) - may be one of these days we will discover the technique. The only missing ingredient is the power generator. One has to generate a lot of electrical power in a compact size to keep stuff up there and move. Until we have that, forget the flying technology.
UFOs do NOT directly indicate Aliens:

UFO Unidentified Flying Object

this means, they cannot identify the object, it may or may not register on radar, but they cannot confirm what it is or why its flying in their air space. if they cannot confirm what it is then they may report a UFO.

this doesnt mean every UFO are driven by Aliens, even though it is my belief that most of the genuine UFO sightings are in fact driven by Aliens.

there is also the possibility of these UFOs being HUMAN TECHNOLOGY, but that is very unlikely, for the reasons KMGuru explained above- we dont have that kind of power yet.

but , you never know !

another point to consider, realize that the Soviet fired at this UFO and could NOT DAMAGE IT. that is extreme power/force fields at work ! and it proves to reason that the object wasnt Their secret projects nor Ours, or any other human race on earth.

you be the judge for yourself, dont take what anyone else says.
" "Americans faced this problem in the mid-40s. In 1942 ЦНДС US President Roosevelt received a note about a sudden air-raid warning: on February 25 many flying objects appeared in the sky over Los Angeles, air defense forces decided that these were Japanese aircrafts and started shooting at them, but missed all the targets. In 1947 US press registered more than 850 (!) cases of UFO observation mentioning. Americans started accusing the Soviet Union of testing its new aircrafts over the US territory. Soviet Vice Consulate had to make a statement that "the USSR respects the sovereignty of all the states, and no way it could use other countries" territory as a testing ground. The Soviet Union has more than enough its own territory for conducting scientific research". "
There is a common argument that some UFOs are really advanced aircrafts made by USA that does not made public for 15 to 20 years. Except for stealth fighters which has a very small RADAR footprint to look like a small bird, they are not a major factor in UFO sightings which does show up in RADAR or glow with light. Ballons are definitely a factor, but again not if they fly back and forth at high speed.

The biggest problem we seem to have is accepting that there could be intelligent life out there close by based on some future technology (Whether dimensional jump or whatever). In the time of sailing ships, jet planes are unthinkable. Yet we make the same mistake that 100 years or 1000 years from now, we would not be developing any technology that is unthinkable now.

If we can double our computer processing power every 18 months (Moore's Law?) or that we can move an object from 25 miles per hour to 25,000 miles per hour or higher in about a 1000 years, imagine where our technology would be in another 10,000 years which is very small compared to the galactic time frame.
§outh§tar said:
If UFO's dont directly indicate aliens, why do you believe otherwise?

Alien is a generic term used to describe the non human origin in this time frame. Like the word "gay" has changed its meaning over the years.

Levitating Missiles is possible,isnt it?with the help of extreme EM field generation?...

just a thought...

I would like to see the medical records of all the witnesses,All their witnesses.Any prediction is not possible without an accurate set of predictor values...

The problem with these alien business (or news ) is that we are just beginning to enter a new area of knowledge such as multi dimensions, string theory, quantum mechanics and dark matter. We really have no idea how these theories affect our perception and the reality out there. And talk about stuff that we have not discovered. I do not think, discovery in science and about the universe is going to stop anytime soon. People always argue on the basis of the theories we know and not what may come.

Magnetic field is one of the fundamental forces of nature. Since, these forces can be manipulated by humans, I am sure we can find all types of use in the areas, we have not thought before. Specifically, since Space and Time are themselves not forces - it is possible to influence them with the fundamental forces as nature does.
yes, agree with kmguru on that we are on the brink of unraveling alot about the universe we previously didnt know.

there are many theories about multiple dimensions and string theory (which is scientifical, for u skeptics) vouches for multi-dimensionality.

i feel we will open up alot of doors once we accept the fact that there is more to the universe than meets the eye....

... what is so hard to believe that there are more dimensions than the ones we see with our limited physical eyes? even science will tell you WE DO NOT SEE ALL THE SPECTRUMS AVAILABLE, such as we cannot see ultra violet, we cannot see gravity, we cannot see electricity (except in some cases) ....

see? there is alot more than meets the eye !

but until we break loose from the "norm" we wont be able to understand these underlying concepts.

but, we are inching towards it, slowly but surely.

the friction between those who oppose and those who support causes the knowledge to come in at just the right pace.

and i would like to say that magnetic and electric (electromagnetic) is THE way to go.

The biggest problem we seem to have is accepting that there could be intelligent life out there close by based on some future technology (Whether dimensional jump or whatever).

yes, stubborn are people on earth, but perhaps thats how we were meant to be. you see, from what i think, i really believe that there are 'steps' in conscious life, what people (and aliens) have come to call "Densities"

it seems to fit the puzzle, at least in my eyes. why ? because it fits the multiple dimensions theories, it fits the string theories, and it just plain makes sense. even without any formula or gibberish, it makes simple sense.

we humans are on 3rd density existance, as it is called, because we can only percieve 3 dimensions, and we *think* we can percieve TIME as the 4th dimension... nonetheless the 3 dimensions we can physically measure are length width and heigth.

now, the next step would be 4th Density, and here it is said that you are able to perceive ALOT more, such as seeing gravity or electromagnetic waves, and having more of a telepathic mindset.

the stairs of consciousness continue, obviously the next would be 5th , then 6th .. and so on.

what should be realized is that the higher density, the faster the vibration or higher the frequency at which you vibrate (your atoms/molecules/ cells...)

Thus, the higher your go, the shorter your wavelength would be, because the higher a frequency is, the shorter the wave length becomes.

this accounts for WHY we cannot see all the Aliens that are on earth, it explains WHY they can appear/dissappear, walk thru walls, push people thru walls, and do many of the seemingly "miraculous" things they do- because they are 4th density, have much stronger minds, and can shift down to 3rd density at will if they want to present themselves to a 3rd density life form (meaning us humans)

also, it should be noted that the higher up in density, the less physical you become. this means that at higher densities, physical bodies are not even needed, in fact, are not present. this is why many peoples would decide to stay in 4th or 5th density instead of move on, because it is the last time they will have this physical body vehicle to incarnate into. some people really like physicallity, and it isnt abnormal. others dont care much for it and move on, becoming what could only be called a "spirit" by us.

ah, look at me, im rambling about Densities again, and completely off topic.

i guess what im trying to say here is this:

Any UFO that is in fact driven by Aliens - IS PURPOSELY LETTING THEMSELVES BE SEEN, because according to their nature, they can be invisible to us if they want, because they are in 4th , 5th density, and you cannot see UP in Densities, only DOWN.

that means a 3rd density cannot see a 4th density (except in some extreme cases) but a 4th density can easily see a 3rd density.

actually, considering this, it somewhat supports the theory that many UFOs may be Man-MAde top-secret crafts that are kept under wraps.

i wouldnt be surprised, i mean we have had REAL ALIEN SPACESHIPS in secret bases for over have a century, you would hope that they have at least figured SOME of it out by now ....

but, my main point is that even if some are man-made, that doesnt Prove or Disprove the existance of aliens/extra-terrestrials.

One can only opine what one experiences. In my case, the very fact that we exist, I am sure there are other intelligent living beings elsewhere in the Universe or Multiverse. Whether they visit us from time to time? I do not know. I doubt it because that would be a very long journey. But, in another thousand years, our exponential growth in technology could produce transportation technology to do just that. So, may be.

Unlike most Sciforum readers and members, my Uncle was the witness to Roswell crash. Based on his description of the inside of the vehicle, the technology is close to what we will have in about 20 to 30 years. So, my thinking is , either they are from a parallel dimension or from our future. There is no specific information to anchor the conclusion. So....who knows....time will tell. But one thing for sure, it had a magnetic propulsion. So, I will be concentrating my efforts in that area to develop a propulsion unit. Wish me luck....:D
KMGuru, let me relay some info:
(dont know how valid it is)

i heard of 3 types of interstellar travel. let me talk about one.
i want to talk about this one because u said that you think its a long travel...

One method said was that the ship(which is very carefully manufactured, almost alive) and its occupants are temporarily 'shifted' into a higher dimension, and that in this dimension time is NOT the same. In other words, moving a few inches in this higher dimension would equal actually moving a few feet in your original dimension.
By utilizing this time-independant dimension, one can travel a few kilometers in their ship, and in actuality (in their original dimension) they have travelled light-years.

The one stipulation to this method of space travel is that the occupants must be developed enough in their higher bodies, meaning their Astral or Cosmic bodies (whatever their called). Because you must realize when the 'shift' is done, the ship, as well as the occupants shift up to their higher states, or higher bodies.

if a person is not developed enough, he will become unconscious when entering the higher dimension, he will probably drop to the floor. so he wouldnt be able to control or monitor the ship or anything while travelling in this higher state.

i know it may sound a bit wierd, but like i said, i just wanted to relay something i heard about how they can travel these long distances to earth.

you might be interested in these documents i have...
The first doesn't sound much different to a theory on stiffening a defined volume of space with frequency to generate "Spacial folds" then moving a body/object into the defined space and "unfolding" the frequency to generate the objects existance in multiple spacial points at the same time.

If your suggesting Astral projection as one, I have defined in another thread a method that would suggest that Admittedly my example is of a Mystic pulling a name from a preverbial hat but the same could be said about universal transcendance.
The reason, I said , it is a long travel time is as follows:

Assuming the Universe is teaming with advanced creatures like us, and they have developed travel technology fast enough to reach 50 light years even in 5 months and assuming they know we are here - then not just one UFO would show up in a blue moon. There would be groups buzzing on top of the largest metropolis in the day time.

All it takes is a civilization that is only 1000 to 2000 years ahead and we have the visits. Now if they are the otherside of the galaxy and just barely have the technology to move intrasolar, then - they are not here yet. Even a robotic mission would be circling planet earth like ours does in Mars. So, there are stuff that logic does not hold water.

Now, with regards to Astral or Cosmic bodies....I have said in this board that I have a theory that if a dimension portal is only 4 cm wide, the best we can do is send information. Now, for life forms to travel, the best one can hope for is to send a nanocomputer that assembles a device in the other dimension that acts as a transreceiver. Then one can send the soul/ astral body through the portal to be assembled in the other side. The same soul or astral body can also access the nanocomputer matrix for all the sensory data that the probe collects.

Only in this regard we could think UFOs as probes. Just like there are so many variations in life (just imagines the types of butterflies), all or some of the speculation could be true. Even if they are true, what are we supposed to do with this information? Until, we learn to send probes through portals, or able to interface with alien probes - the information is useless.

The only value the debate brings is the imagination, possibilities and hence activity towards our visits to far flung universes. And if we run into our alien friends, well, that is icing on the cake.
astral projection is just part of the whole thing. the beings travellng in spaceship will need to be astral-ly developed in order to drive (or just monitor) the ship as it cruises thru that higher dimension, or like you said "folded space"

it is alot like folding space, perhaps they are similar.

but what it takes into account are multiple dimensions , or overtones, that are available. it also ties into all the Density talk i spill.
"then not just one UFO would show up in a blue moon. There would be groups buzzing on top of the largest metropolis in the day time."

not if they are on a different dimensional level, or if they are in a different density, or frequency, as US HuMANS ON EARTH. in this case there could be millions of visitors watching, and we wouldnt see ONE. (unless they purposely want to show)

its interesting u say that, because i was going to say this earlier, but i refrained:

it is claimed that there are SEVERAL "Aliens" and other Beings that are watching Earth. Supposedly the earth is special in some way, and they claim that even peoples from other galaxies have travelled thru time and space just to come watch Earth. They said that there are SOO many visitors watching us from 4th Density, that they filled up the max. capacity of the 4th Density, causing anyone else that wants to come to have to be in 5th density.
In other words, much like we are approaching the max. capacity of earth in 3rd density, the overtones (4th and 5th) are becoming filled with visitors.

They do not interfere for the most part, but are simply curious, interested, or intrigued by the situation on current day earth. and it should be noted they are not Grey Aliens, but a plethora of visitors, some not even physical.

------dont know how much of that is true, but now i feel its worth mentioning. remember i said i was refraining from saying it. because i am not 100% sure of the source
With regards to Astral Projection :
I once thought that i had projected and i actually went through a picture to experience the actual image.However i cannot say wether it was a dream or was it real.

Astral projection by its very definition means receiving video information without the aid of the eyes. It can come from two pathways. One is pure video information from the pineal gland and the other is direct memory input as if the information was preprocessed by the optical system. Many years ago, when I used to repair TV sets, I could feel the presence of high voltage through my hands. We all know that high voltage creates a charge in the air and perhaps, my skin hair was able to pick it up and convert them to a signal like our ear does.

Anyway, I wonder if there is a natural mechanism of information pathways just like water current and changes in electromagnetic flux lines on the surface of earth which results in either pure signals or pseudo-signals that the brain interpretes as astral projection.

Pseudo signals, I can understand, but if it is pure signals, then how did it get there? How does a signal form of a distant object which is then carried by Earth's magnetic field to reach you? There has to be a focusing element and a signal generator. The only thing I can think up is that the view is focused in a pin hole fashion to either impurities or semiconductor molecules from water vapors acting as a lens in the air which then generates a tiny current of femto or less amperes. But many molecules in the vicinity can re-enforce that signal and then carried by Earth's magnetic field which is happened to be intercepted by a sensitive human receiver.

Just some wild guess. But if you hear this idea somewhere in the future, from a famous physicist in the name of quatum technology , you know where it came from. :D