Rules and Laws


Registered Member
There are so many rules! should we fallow them all.? and why do we fallow them in the first place? what happened if we didn't?
There are a lot of rules, but you follow most of them by instinct. For example, you do not go out and murder people for fun. You do not do this because you know it's wrong. You are raised with "Right and wrong" engrained into your brain by everyone.

You do not have to follow any law. Go out and murder your Mom. You'll find it easy, but the consequences are harsh. It is not your own self-law; it is society’s law that says you shouldn't kill your Mom.

If we didn't follow the law? We'd kill on the slightest impulse. I guarantee it. That bitch that cut me off yesterday in traffic; she is doomed. Oh, and I might have sex with a few 15 year olds.
Well Marta666, as a fourteen year old, as you grow up, you'll find that certain rules are made for a reason, even if the "rule" isn't a law. Rules and laws come about because we live in a societial structure. They're needed to keep each of us out of each other's way. That way, we can all get along together.
No , we shouldn't follow every rule, we follow rules that we want to and avoid those we can, we will have problems all through life if we don't follow some of the rules especially those that older people tell us .
Marta666 said:
There are so many rules! should we fallow them all.? and why do we fallow them in the first place? what happened if we didn't?

if last poster's right and you are 14, then you'll be at school? and your parents will set down rules. now THe trick is to know what is ...what FEELs right and is for your benefit and benefit of community, which includes Nature and what isn't. in this world this is a life time exploration in ACTION. cause th ones that MAKe the rules from the top are very crafty...!

you are bobarded with mass media and their rules too. you may be accosted by some recruitment officer trying to get you to war. what would you do?

this is VASt thing you are asking. i dont know where to begin
Marta666 said:
There are so many rules! should we fallow them all.? and why do we fallow them in the first place? what happened if we didn't?

if last poster's right and you are 14, then you'll be at school? and your parents will set down rules. now THe trick is to know what is ...what FEELs right and is for your benefit and benefit of community, which includes Nature and what isn't. in this world this is a life time exploration in ACTION. cause th ones that MAKe the rules from the top are very crafty...!

you are bobarded with mass media and their rules too. you may be accosted by some recruitment officer trying to get you to war. what would you do?

this is VASt thing you are asking. i dont know where to begin
I am sure that there are definitely some laws that are not worth following as seriously as others.

There are some personal laws, your morals, that you try to hold yourself to, and then there are governmental laws, which are created to more easily govern a large group of people, theoretically for the greater good of everyone. Both of these have some merit.