Rudolph Gantenbrink's door...


Here's lookin' at you...?
Registered Senior Member
This post is regarding the now legendary "door" found by Rudolph Gantenbrink's robot Upuaut II inside of the Great Pyramid. The latest information regarding this was that Dr. Zahi Hawass restricted all progress on the project, his intention apparantly to keep the "door" closed, at least to foreigners. It is also well-known to enthusiasts of Egyptology that shortly before the research was terminated tourism of the pyramid was halted as well. Does anyone have information as to what was going on for those 9 months? Has any further progress been made? And lastly, what do you suppose Dr. Hawass fears that the public will discover? This could be critical information as to the true purpose of this pyramid and ultimately, as to our true origin as a species...
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Thanks, Zion!

Actually the first link you sent is one of the most current and informative I've seen, Thanks!
what do you suppose Dr. Hawass fears that the public will discover?

Um, even more reason to wildly speculate without cause?

Does not all scientific procedure begin with some speculation? Even scientists have to have some imagination, half of the abstract mathematics we use in chaos mathematics, Schwarzchild theory, the postulating of conditions in black holes, even the integer i is speculative and used in hypothetical theory. Everything is as not clear-cut as you propose: If Gantenbrink hadn't theorized that this passage was not an "air shaft" in the first place it would not have been discovered that the passage terminates in a moveable panel. Is it really so wild as to hypothesize what is on the other side? Is this a funerery chamber, and antechamber, a library...But then again we have SCIENTISTS kicking around the idea of infusing Mars's atmosphere with nitrogen to prepare it for future colonization, let's talk about wild speculation, Mr. G...

By the way, is there such a thing as speculation without cause? Let's speculate...
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