Roundup and GE soybeans


Registered Member

The herbicide 'Roundup', Monsanto, and genetically engineered food -

One of the biggest unreported stories of all time is the insanity going on with the Monsanto company - they genetically engineer the seed so the crop will be resistant to their herbicide Roundup - this allows the crop to be resistant to Roundup while the weeds are killed; sounds good, but the GE soybeans in particular are now linked to an increase in all kinds of pathology, most notably Autism in children caused by brain aging - also the Glyphosate mixture in Roundup contains polyacrylamides, which break down into acrylamides and poison the soybean oil - 74% of soybeans in this country in 2002 are genetically engineered Monsanto stuff - acrylamides are now found worldwide in processed food using soybean oil -

The increase in Autism is just the tip of the iceberg; this GE food affecting the weakest links first(i.e. the kids susceptible to its effects are contracting Autism) - the GE food/Monsanto story is just starting to be told -


that's what all the red-neck farmers here in iowa swear by!! they love hauling around their million-gallon drums full of Roundup on their tractors and shoving the crap down their crops throat's. i don't eat the corn around here, unless it was grown at home, not from some big, commercial farm. i dont' trust 'em.
I eat GM stuff every day. I dont see fany side effects.

RADIOradio WHOOPwhoop..... walking through the nerve gass one day, in the very merry month of may.... near dum-dum-dum far..... Hug-Hug-a-Wug-Wuggimugger-Womp-Womp

No side effects at all.... :p
GM food are much MUCH safer then there herbicide and pesticide counterparts!!! GM food have the promise of being weather reisistant, lack the need for fertilizers, pesticide and herbicides.

And if you say it not nature then look closely at the history of common wheat: wheat has no relation to any natural plant! It was “engineered” when ancient farmers attempted to breed together THREE different species of plants together… it was so hard that it took thousand of years before modern wheat was breed! This goes for all “natural” fruits and vegetables that look nothing like the TRULY natural (almost inedible) counterparts. So sadly EVERYTHING you eat from the store is NOT nature and can qualify under the term GM foods.
Well, crossbreeding as stated is a natural phenomenon and not Genetic Manipulation, which is splicing genes directly into the seed -

The herbicides are still used - in fact even more than before because part of the GM is to make the crop resistant to the herbicide, then even more herbicide is used to kill even more weeds to reduce hand weeding, and the pesticides are still used the same as the GM will not stop the insects - it's just about profits for the large farm combines -

The risks of this new technology:

Possibly new toxicants may be added.
Nutritional quality of engineered food may be diminished - already happened.

New substances may significantly alter the composition of food - many of the new GM compositions are unforseen and accidents have already happened poisons affect everyone.

New proteins that cause allergic reactions may enter the food supply - already linked to premature brain aging in children and all kinds of pathology.

Genetically engineered food may cause unexpected effects - via accidents and terrorism.

Genetically engineered food crops may harm wildlife and change habitats.

Uncharacterised genetic material and gene products may be added to foods.


This will be a big story in a couple years when the facts come out and thousands get sick and die.


All of those risk you described HAVE also occurred through crossbreeding! HA :p That right poisons crop, allergic reaction, crops going out of control, ect, ect: all have happen repeatedly through standard 8000 year old techniques of crossbreeding!

GM can be designed like BT corn that don't need pestisides

Someday we design plants with built in N2 to NH4: eliminated the need for fertilizers

Also if your scare of breed natural plants with these ones we can put a lethal gene negative feedback loop in so the plant can't reproduce unless the seeds are bathed in a trigger solution.

I not say all GM crops are good many like this one are made for the wrong purpose but I do believe this is a great technology that if use correctly can be of great benefit to us.

And if you think that just because it not nature or not as safe as crossbreeding then I just plainly think you a freaking idiot.
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Potatoes have been known in south america to interbreed pith plants in the wild and create poisons in their tubers. One crossbreed variety of mulberry is hallucinagenic.
Mm, hallucinogenic taters...

Anyway, when i'm older i'll probably buy all i'm still a dependent and don't buy the food for the household, i have no say in what sort of produce or meats we buy.

Well I have to agree I don't like big corp. farming small family famers work great. Organic farming is very productive but only on good soil :D still america has enough good soil to easily support are selves on... if only we were not building houses on it!