


I find it very interesting that anyone would think that aliens capable of transversing thousands of lightyears to get to us, would then crash land here. Are we like a 'bump' in the stellar road? Some 'black ice' on the wormhole highway? It just seems so outrageous, or to paraphrase Will Smith in "Independence Day", "I don't think these aliens would travel 90 thousand light years here just to crash". By the way, I hope they lost their 'interstellar drivers license', all that sophisticated avionics and they can't avoid our little 'pale blue dot'?

Or were they really doing their initial test spaceflights, sort of like what the US Air Force does at Edwards AFB?
Just wondering?

By the way, 'Deep Space Nine's' version of these events is the best ever!!!! ("Little Green Men")

Live long and prosper.

Randolfo- Nobody travels any distance "just to crash". It just sort of happens. (Although if you are prone to this sort of behavior pleeeeeeeeease stay off of my commute route! :D).

Just because they have fancy toys doesn't mean they are incapable of messing up once in awhile.