Roman Catholic Church


What is your opinion concerning the Catholic Church,consider the child molesting,homosexuality,and the dark ages before you answer.And are we heading towards the dark ages(millions of murders)again.Should people place their faith in a Man,call this man Holy Father and believe he can forgive sins.Is purgatory real?Consider these things before you give your opinion.
Should people place their faith in a Man,call this man Holy Father and believe he can forgive sins.

Are you talking about G.W.Bush???:D:D:D

sorry no good answer from me today, I'm very relaxed now and cannot write a deep answer.

Don't think I have seen you before, welcome to sciforums!
It's the highest form of paganism there is, talking about the Roman Catholic Church.

I think you should define what is paganism, because many won't agree. Paganism is a word for countless beleifs, and most of them are quite different.

And what pagan beleif does state tht children go to purgatory???
sorry, can't recall any.

Man worship
In paganism people worship mainly earth and it's forms, not men or any particular man.
Santa Clause, doctrine
again, where does Santa Clause come in paganism?
I beleive he was Saint Niclav.

Holy Roman Pope--Vicar of Christ,takes the place of Jesus on earth.
In no pagan beleif there is one man, who represents a god on earth (count out ancient Egyptians).

Killed at least 6 million protestants or more in the dark ages.
Pagans didn't kill because of religious beleifs. The ancient world was most tolerant to other beleifs.

I do not think tht it is appropriate to call Roman Catholism or Christianity a pagan beleif, they are quite different.
Sorry, but Roman Catholicism is one of the ancient forms of christianity. Roman Catholics are christians. That is said by my dictionary;) , my experience and US and other countries all over the world laws.
Just like to say that Pagan also means the worship of false Gods. If one considers Jesus to be just a man and not "God" then one may conclude that Christianity is a Pagan religion.
Most widespread definition of paganism is tht it is all other beleifs, but not Christianity, Islam, Buddhism. Ofcourse count ut all these new sects, tht's why I like to add tht these are all beleifs older thn 2000 years. If you do not beleive tht Jesus was god, but you are christian, it is a new christian sect not a pagan beleif.

to Lightbeing, how can you talk about false gods. Do you know which are false which not and if there are any gods at all.
False god definition is not acceptable.

BTW, welcome to Sciforums, Lightbeing, may you have many battling discussions.
Thank you Avatar for the Warm Welcoming!!!!!:D
I was just simply stating what the defination of the word is and if one believes that Jesus was not God, then they would consider him to be a false God, thus Paganism. This is not a new idea that I pulled out of my arse. Most mainstream Religions consider their God to be the true and only God and they consider their competition(other religions) Pagans because they worship a false God, in their minds. It really doesn't matter if I believe in God or what Gods in my eyes are false. There is really no arguement here.:cool:
One of the main problems with the Catholic Church is the idea that Priests and Nuns can not marry. These child molestations are direct effects of them not being able to Marry. It's not even Biblical, among other traditition in the Catholic Church such as:

Ash Wednesday
Baby Baptisms
Virgin Marry Worship

It really is a damn shame!!!
Just so ya know...

The word PAGAN comes from the Latin PAGUS, meaning "the countryside", areas away from cities and such. Those who lived in the PAGUS were known as PAGANUS. In the fourth century ad, the Roman Senate declared Christianity the state religion. Since Christianity had spread mostly in cities and hadn't yet reached the PAGUS, the other religions still practiced in the PAGUS were termed PAGAN religions, meaning simply the religions still practiced away from the cities. That's all PAGAN means. It does not mean, and never has meant, any one specific religion or even any type of religion.
That may be the origin of the word, but you know as well as I that words lose their meaning over time. Today's meaning of the word is One who worships false gods; an idolater; a heathen;
If my understanding of Pagan belief...and I am refering to the "Old Religion" is at all correct; They do not so much worship a "God" in the definition of an idol or form of any kind. But hold to the idea that all life stems from and is connected by one great Energy (Life force) and that all the "Gods" and "Goddesses" are actually names and personas given to encompass different aspects of that ONE Life Force so as to make it more accesible and easily utilized by the human mind.

Pagans feel free to correct my understanding if it is misguided.

Much different from the idea of an object itself with life giving power or any supernatural power...i.e. a golden calf, a statue, a stone etc.
Another thing...

There was no single "Old Religion" in Europe. Prior to Christianity conquering with sword and gold, Europe's many separate and different cultures had different religious beliefs. There was never any single Old Way (tm), no universal Goddess worshop or any crap like that. All that stuff is a very recent invention made up by people selling crystal-swinger books. These new ideas have very little to do with the thousands of entirely different old religions of Europe. Many of them involved animal sacrifice, burying dead people with their living wives and slaves and their belongings, and so on. Not that Christianity is any better, with its' ritual cannibalism (body and blood and christ and all) and worshipping a corpse nailed to a tree. Very gross.
Im sorry Ill be more specific. The "Old Religion" I was refering to stemmed from the Celtic tribes. Yes a lot of diversified belief systems have stemmed from it, but it is the nearest "root" to be found for the principles and practices that later became Jewish and Christian and numerouse other religions.
*Originally posted by Taken
The "Old Religion" I was refering to stemmed from the Celtic tribes. Yes a lot of diversified belief systems have stemmed from it, but it is the nearest "root" to be found for the principles and practices that later became Jewish and Christian and numerouse other religions.

Now I know you're a witch, and no Christian.
Since when is the Celtic "old religion" the root for Christianity, or any other religion, for that matter?
Ur if u are CHRISTAN but don't belive in CHRIST then u are not a CHRISTAN by definition as CHRISTAN means "Beliver of Christ"

you may be right about the origans of the word PAGAN but it is used specificlly to describe religons with MORE than one god. No judgement of the valitty of this belif.

SO all Christans, Jews and Muslams are not pagen because they belive in the ONE true god (the true is in there oppinion).

if buddests don't belive in more than one god (im not sure haven't studyed it) then they are not pagen either. and yes if i started an acient greek or egyption style religion then i would be PAGEN:D
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Tony how does my haveing an understanding of what someone else believes make me one of them. I dont believe everything I understand.
But the fact remains that many of the Christian practices and celebrations do in fact come from the "Old Religion"...therefore, like it or not, it did effect and assimilate in to what later became Christianity. The fact that we derived many many many things from that belief system is just historically proveable and trying to be blind to the fact won't make it go away.

Are we arguing on what Pagans believe or what the Christian church tells people they believe? Better yet Walt Disneys perception?:)

I guess then that any Christian who says Jesus was God is a Pagan by their own definition. Since that too would be accepting different embodiments or aspects of one greater God.
I guess then that any Christian who says Jesus was God is a Pagan by their own definition. Since that too would be accepting different embodiments or aspects of one greater God.

Very True!!!!!
Chistans are NOT pagens as i said before pagens belive in MORE than one god, but to clear up how Christans see Jesus i will write out the profession of faith. This is what we belive, plane and simple (bear with me cause its a bit long). It is for the Roman Cathlic church so others may be different.

We belive in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.

We belive in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven;
By the power of the Holy Spirit
he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary and was
made man.
For sake he was curcified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death, and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures:
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.

We belive in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of Life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We belive in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge on baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen

As you can see yes we worship Jesus and the Holy spirit but NOT as gods more as the three faces of the one being

Body, mind and soul. Sort of

Hope that helps:D
actually wicans beleive in mother earth and the two sides of it are The Lord and The Lady. much like trinity in christianity only here is dualism.
(me no wican)