'Rods' - in our Exoshephere?

Mostly Harmless

Thrower of Coconuts
Registered Senior Member
Errm, i saw this newsflash where this guy caught a thin long streak about halfinch long-like a thick version of a jet stream- in the clouds on his camera while shooting shots for a 'weather program. he said it was a 'rod', creatures that live in our outer atmosphere and go at REALLY fast speeds???

is there any truth in this? does anyone know what i'm talking about?
Haha, that has to be the corniest thing I've ever heard of. Good link Macbone.
Ok macbone I just read yours... correction not a bird at all!!! Insect instead :D

I have a way to prove if they are real or not: try to catch some shots of a "Rod" with both a CCD video camera and a film one. If it appears as a “Rod” on the CCD and a bug in the film then you can guess what’s going on.
Thanks for the links enigma, macbone. Of course as they both cancel each other out, i'm right back where i started. Except that now i know ITS ANOTHER FOX channelHOAX!!!!

Damn them all!

On a less passionate note. does any one believe in these, has anyone on this forum seen them, or are we all here just to make seemingly intellegent comments?
i suppose anything is possible, and there are quite a few people who have seen them (or say they have)...so, i think i can only say that i will believe them when i see them :bugeye:
My, you are an Enigma!!! But supposing they did exist we could all say safely we see them but just dont know it!

Much like those freaky aliens that walk amongst us!! We know you're there! we just dont know where.... YET!:eek: