Rocket launch off of CA coast


Valued Senior Member

its stuff like this that gives more proof that our goverment is full of shit..

they say its an optical illusion of a plane.... bullshit

couple points here
1. the military says the know of no missile launches in the area
- ok if this is true then some other country is launching missiles off our coast where are the people who launched it.. why didnt the goverment scramble fighters to check out the launch point

2. living here for years and co- workers living here fo 30+ years we have seen thousands of planes taking off and landing in that direction.. not once have they or I seen any con trail that looks like this... we have seen missile launches that look identical tho
Why then didn't a government agency just say that they were test firing a rocket and be done with the controversy then? I would think by just saying that the Navy test fired a rocket would have brought the whole thing to a rest wouldn't it have? So then why didn't they?

That said then it must have been something else other than a government agency.
I've seen large hobbiest rockets produce similar smoke trails.
Could have been fart man !

651. Terror case around 10/27 (11/2/2010)

My wife was arranged an unusual Chinese trip from 10/17 to 10/27. If a framed drug case broke out at this time, big events would be created to distract public attention. Either there would be natural disasters (artificial), or terror attacks, or the war on Iran, or all of them. A typical one was the plot of April 8, 2009. My wife, severely sickened with flu, returned from her China trip on that day. Around 4/8/2010, there was a pandemic took place in Mexico that killed 168 people in that month. Later, government said that was a new flu and gave it a new name - Swine flu. I had accurately predicted that event in "596. Bio-attack in the name of pandemic (3/30/09)".

This time the big event was terror attack. On 10/29, media made it a big news that two mail bombs from Yemen were found on separate cargo planes. The information was delivered by Saudi-Arabia security to US on 10/28. I think if Feds had activated the framed drug case on 10/27, next day there would be a series of terror bombings in US and Europe. That could have developed to a nuclear attack. People could see it from their pre-psychological propaganda.

Re: "10/10/21 Clinton Lost Nuclear 'Biscuit'

Published October 21, 2010

At the time, Patterson described how Clinton misplaced the card for months, confessing the loss after being asked to provide the card so it could be replaced with an updated code.

ABC noted that a similar claim was made about former President Jimmy Carter, who was said to have left the card with the launch codes in a suit sent to the dry cleaner. "

Quote, "Oops! US Air Force loses 50 nukes

Published 28 October, 2010

US military lost track of 50 intercontinental ballistic missiles recently. The incident became public after a former Air Force officer tweeted about the loss of communication between the missiles and the control center. "

Clinton time is a decade away. Carter time is much older. Why would they beat a dead horse? It's similar to the recent attack on Roman Catholic with decades old sex abusing cases. There is a purpose behind it. Did other presidents of US have committed similar negligence? Why Clinton and Carter were picked up? It抯 because they are in same party with current president - Obama. To make it easy for people to believe Demo-controlled government is negligent in security. These events are used to justify a coming nuclear terror attack. The two news within a week is not a coincidence. It opens a passage of nuclear attack when the low end gate (operation) of air force and the high end gate (command) of President are both opening.

These bombing attack news and nuclear negligence news were all released at a time around 10/27.

652. Another plot of nuclear attack (11/11/2010)

I allege Feds planned a nuclear attack on US in later October. If you remember, there was an attempt of similar attack on August 30, 2007 when a B-52 carried 6 loaded nuclear missile flied over US continient.
On August 28, 2007, media reported that Bush accepted the resignation of Attorney General Gonzales. His top adviser - Karl Rove also left his post on August 30. The news told us that the rat always is the first to learn the ship would sink. And this time, we got:

by arminius33 ? Mon Oct 11, 2010

What makes this latest development all the more ominous is that Emmanuel is not the only VIP within organized Zionist interests getting our of Dodge. Shortly after Emmanuel’s announcement, the political world was rocked with the news–literally within days of each other–that Emmanuel’s colleagues, namely David Axelrod (Obama’s Chief Political Advisor) and Larry Summers (Chief Economic Advisor) announced they were leaving as well.

Emmanuel left for no convincible reason. He just cut off the relationship to a criminal nuclear attack like what Karl Rove and Gonzales had done.

Another man had predicted this terror attack.

Quote, "
Alex Jones Predicts Staged Terror Attack in October-November 2010

We have Obama and Clinton advisers saying, "What obama needs is a giant terror attack to win the mid term elections and to get a second term in 2012'.!

It means the Obama administration approved the plot for the interest of their party. The plot went soured when they failed to frame me into a drug case.

On 11/2 I wrote "651. Terror case around 10/27 (11/2/2010)". Next day afternoon something strange happened while I logged into E-Bay's forum. I found I could post everything except #651. Then I was blocked to post in the internet. Next day (11/4) the problem continued. I went to library. There in Chinese newspaper "World Journal" there was an article about "Asian Carp". It said the authority changed their policy - they will kill and eat the Asian Carp instead of intercept them. It was obviously an intimidation. #651 revealed their plot. Feds are so angry that they decide to kill and eat me. How to kill and eat? I don't know. But it proves I am very correct on their mafia style communiction. see "642. Next step, a Chinese spy ring? (8/2/2010) ".
Why are people so dam stupid.

It moves too slow to be a rocket, it does not gain altitude if it did its trail of smoke would end when it enters the mesosphere, its nothing but a commercial jet heading from Hawaii with coincidental weather and lighting conditions producing a pronounce contrail.

But this is not the depths of stupidity, the Sprinkler Rainbow Conspiracy is the worse I've seen:
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Why are people so dam stupid.

It moves too slow to be a rocket, it does not gain altitude if it did its trail of smoke would end when it enters the mesosphere, its nothing but a commercial jet heading from Hawaii with coincidental weather and lighting conditions producing a pronounce contrail.

But this is not the depths of stupidity, the Sprinkler Rainbow Conspiracy is the worse I've seen:

Now exactly what was the speed of the object? and the distance traveled? and the time of flight over that distance?

With out distance traveled, time of flight, you do not know what the actual speed of that object was, the farther you are from a object with out a back ground to judge the speed of travel the slower that object appears to be moving.
Now exactly what was the speed of the object? and the distance traveled? and the time of flight over that distance?

With out distance traveled, time of flight, you do not know what the actual speed of that object was, the farther you are from a object with out a back ground to judge the speed of travel the slower that object appears to be moving.

Just watch one of the videos of the space shuttle, it zips by in comparison to this thing, is far brighter and has a very different smaller contrail shape, which by the way should be like the small solid fuel rockets used by all the advance militaries of the world.
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Just watch one of the videos of the space shuttle, it zips by in comparison to this thing, is far brighter and has a very different smaller contrail shape, which by the way should be like the small solid fuel rockets used by all the advance militaries of the world.

I don't know what you think you have shown, but it demonstrates exactly what I said, unless you have a reference point, the distance from the object changes the perception of speed.
I don't know what you think you have shown, but it demonstrates exactly what I said, unless you have a reference point, the distance from the object changes the perception of speed.

not when you expecting it to be moving at above 10,000 miles per hour, the pilot that recorded this claimed he tracked it for 10 minutes, it would have flown from one side of the horizon and past the other in half that time if it was a orbital or even sub-orbital ballistic missile! No one even has a solid fuel rocket capable of making a contrail like that that could burn for 10 minutes!
not when you expecting it to be moving at above 10,000 miles per hour, the pilot that recorded this claimed he tracked it for 10 minutes, it would have flown from one side of the horizon and past the other in half that time if it was a orbital or even sub-orbital ballistic missile! No one even has a solid fuel rocket capable of making a contrail like that that could burn for 10 minutes!

How long does it take to accelerate to 10,000 mph? it take approximately 10 minuets to reach orbit for the space shuttle.

Now without a stop watch tell me how long ten minuets is.

The perception of time is even more subject to situational perception than speed.
Oh look another one was spotted over Queens NY!

How long does it take to accelerate to 10,000 mph? it take approximately 10 minuets to reach orbit for the space shuttle.

and only 2.5 minutes for its solids to run out and no long produce a trail, more so solid rockets used by militaries accelerate far faster then liquid rockets, a Trident 2 rocket goes through all 3 stages in 2 minutes! No military balistic rocket loiters in the stratosphere for 10 minutes!

Now without a stop watch tell me how long ten minuets is.

a video camera can record time pretty dam well, just count how many frames.
Looks like a contrail.

i see thousands of contrails every year that is no contrail same with the people that have been here in la for 30+ years only time they have seen anything that resembles that is when they test fired a rocket

on another note the "contrail" you say is WAY to dense and wide and the volume of "contrail" is way to high