Roch Theriault

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
i was watching to programme called "very bad men" last night and it was about Roch Theriault here is a bit about what he did under the name of "Moses", he said that he was doing gods work:
self-appointed messiah Roch Theriault in Quebec in the late 1970s. He told Gabrielle Lavallee that she could be saved...a man who would become one of the most punishing cult leaders in recent years...

...Roch beat, abused, molested, and even operated on them - with fatal consequences. And as his narcissism and alcoholism grew, so did the severity of his crimes...
August 1, 2004 Cult wife toiled at seniors' home, Ottawa Sun, Canada (SHEDIAC, N.B. -- A woman jailed for helping cult leader Roch Theriault hack off one of his wives' arms with a meat cleaver has spent the last two years working at a seniors' residence, a newspaper reports. The Moncton Times and Transcript said yesterday that Chantal Labrie, 46, was forced to quit her job...
...Theriault and Labrie were arrested in 1989, when they and two other commune members pleaded guilty to aggravated assault for amputating the right arm of Gabrielle Lavallee.

The incident took place in August 1989 at the Ant Hill Kids commune near Burnt River, about 100 km northeast of Toronto...)

Contrary to popular opinion, most of the people who join cults are not uneducated drifters who have no meaning or goals in life. In fact, many are educated, intelligent people. Many are university students (as many cults do their recruiting at universities). Again, there is no one single personality makeup of a person who joins a cult or a person who is more likely to join a cult, the following is a list of some common traits shared by many cult members:

- most are nonreligious;
- 18-30 years of age;
- middle class;
- white;
- need for peer support;
- in transition i.e. ended love affair; starting school away from home;
- a good person;
- idealistic and naive;

i understand all the reasons above but i cannot understand why anyone allbeit male or female will stay with a person when they turn violent, surely they cant belive that god is violent (if he exsists) surely they know enough to think that god is gentle and loving?

and why can the athorities do somthing about these "cults"? is everyone affraid of these?