Robot Is TheThings Not Life's Advance

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pariana said:
when things start to think...

Things start to think when they use an experience in order to get from less desirable to more desirable state.. BTW what's your definition of life?
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Life isn't necessarily self awareness, Do Amoeba's think? It's suggested that we are a multicelled organism, and for us to think we have to utilise a network of neural nodes. A Single celled creature obviously is going to lack any forms of real awareness although it's still alive.

However that single celled form still needs some of the very basics, it needs food, probably light (although the depths of the oceans could prove that wrong). I would suggest senses for survialism, however a single celled organism isn't exactly going to run when it spots trouble being just a single cell.

To me Life can create paradoxes, which inanimate objects can't do alone.
one of the coolest definitions of life
comes from maturana and varela;
autopoiesis ~mind as organizing principle!
it's like an ultimate bioevolutionary
Life, in my definition, is self-awareness; awareness of ones own existence
Exactly how? i mean if i wanted to design an intelligent object which is intelligent, but how is he/she/it made aware of its own existance? are we aware of our own existance, that we are in the reality or not? (no i dont want to start a matrix type debate, no thanks,tiring...:D)
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