Robot Intelligence

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Registered Senior Member
Will robots ever become so intelligent that they will surpass humans. They will think and process things like humans do. Have a mind of their own. Maybe even learn to fear death. Maybe in the long one i saw on alien that the robot would pray cause they programmed her too. Maybe robots would start going to church and stuff like that?
... in a way they have already passed us... but in another way we still are the masters... or maybe not... ^^^
I agree with rGEMINI but I also think that the AI is not quite that good that they can control us. Maybe in afew years.
LOL that i guess you have never heard of wireless... and why would htey have to reformat your memory... is it ntfs... sry lame joke ><
I am i'll bite.

ck27 said:
Will robots ever become so intelligent that they will surpass humans.

They have. They can compute raw data light years faster than us.

They will think and process things like humans do.

They could but why? Why would you want them to? Anyway that level of computing is still decades away even to reach experimental stages. Windows has yet to come out with a stable os to begin with. Mimicing the most simple of human actions takes tremedous computing power....if emotions were included in this the processing power needed would be titanic.

Have a mind of their own.

They could but not in the sense you're likely thinking.

Maybe even learn to fear death.

Again, most people seem to think that next step of computers is to mimic humanities faulty aspects, their every nuance. That most likely won't be the case at all. A computer could have a mind of it's own but explore other options, you're looking at the evolution of computers through a human point of view.

Maybe in the long one i saw on alien that the robot would pray cause they programmed her too.

Thats plain idiocy to me. I see no purpose of those commands other than to praise one's genius. A sensible scientist would not put in pointless features like praying into an android.

Maybe robots would start going to church and stuff like that?

Robots will kill us all. Ban all robots from the universe. Did the Animatrix not teach you anything??
animatrix was an art form, and had very little basis on reality. If robots are made to work as independent entities, theoredically they'd work in society pretty smoothly. If we make them as slaves, what does a slave do? rebel What does a slave made of titanium alloy, a self-programing supercomputer, and tolerance to extreme conditions do? nuke everything
I think that some robots today exceed some things that humans do. Take as an example the two robots on the surface of Mars. Could humans get to Mars and stay there without food or But it still takes humans to build the robots but computers are the way scientists build the robots so the robots are sort of made by another type of robot the computer. Even though we don't see the computer as a robot it has all the characteristics that one would think that are needed to be very robot like.

As time goes by we will be seeing more robots helping humans in many daily activities and we will see some of them doing things more and more that will surpass human strength, mobility and thought. Should humans be fearful, I don't think so, at least for the next 25 years or so. With the development of true AI I think that will lead to concerns about just how many robots are going to be developed and for what purposes. Humans will have to make decissions about their needs for robots and the types of help the robots can provide. If humans give to much control over to the AI machines, those machines could very well cause problems not because they want to but because they will be relied on to do to many things. If and when they break down humans will be in a very bad way for theres no one to take the place of the AI.
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