Road to Realization



Values, morals, ethics, health, holiness and sanctity
set the stage for Realization.

think of the worst-case-scenario
and it will be the first step to Realization.

Each even-more worst-case-scenario will be
just the next step closer to Realization
until Laughter makes this Realization.

This Laughter called Realization is about all the perfect ways
values, morals, ethics , health, holiness and sanctity
make all these worst-case-scenarios
into the best-case-scenario
we call civilization.​

Think of a scenario where drug-companies hire psychopaths to find all
sorts of ingenious ways of screwing young kids minds up (with the likes
of reading) so that drug companies can then cure them – NOT THE
PSYCHOPATHS but the kids – by selling their drugs. "eg Reading
and Ritalin."

Think of drug-companies spending billions of dollars to find new and
better drugs for causing cancer so that they can add them to our foods
to make hundreds of billions of dollars selling all their poisons they
use on all these cancers they cause.

Then... who need cancers? .. when drugs can cause all sorts of newborn
anomalies, deformities and organ-failures for organ-transplants with or
without the need for cancer.

Then forget the cancer: think of all the imaginary diseases Psychopaths
can find for drugs that cause ... organ-failures... anomalies,
deformities, transplants...

Think of a worse-case scenario in which the Medical-Industry works so
perfectly that it makes all the drugs-prostitution and gambling of
"organized-crime" look not only respectable but indeed pristine
and pure.

Think of a worst-case-scenario in which the word "Health" is
the most profound and putrid disease that Victims need to be called

All these worst-case scenarios work so perfectly to keep civilization
civilized that it cannot be a tragedy but a comedy, and not just any
comedy but the Supreme Comedy of this Realization.

Realization: The only health-insurance worth having is the Colt 45 to
blow the fukking head of ANY doctor -- MD -- that wants to cure you
... and in the process save scores of others from being poisoned and
killed by the bastard.

I should know: I'm was one of these MD bastards that could have saved
hundreds if not thousands of Victims from needless poisons and
mutilations but only if someone would have kindly used their Colt 45 to
blow my fukking head off before I could help poison mutilate and kill
all these Victims for this most profound and putrid disease called
