Right... so a theory...


This theory is really based on frame-dragging. The idea based with this, without delving into the general theory math, a body of mass will drag a spacetime round with it. This is it in it's simplest form.

I suggest a new frame of reference. A body moving through space in a linear movement will tend to have it's forces dragged backwards (so that, for instance, the magnetic moment force occures naturally at the front and back of a macroscopic spinning system, but whilst it is moving through a space and time, much like shadows leaving the trail of a system in movement, the forces will be strong at the end rather than the front.

Doesn't this make sense?

I thought about this on my way home the now. If a force of gravity is assumed to radiate from the curvature produced from a rotating body such as a planet in frame-dragging, then shouldn't a moving body suppress the forces it produces to the back of that system as it drags through spacetime; the physical property that would cause this would of course be an inertial body disorting the space in single frames which causes the mass that produced it to move back to an object moving more or less in a linear momentum...

Anything physically wrong with this?
Here is a clearer essay.


This is truly hypothetical – how about a force that is dragged by a body moving in a linear direction?

Recently I have had problems in realizing the non-physical spin of an electron. Since spin is recognized neither as a spinning classical system nor a system that is spinning whatsoever, then how is magnetism a fundamental subject for an electron when a spinning sphere causes a magnetic moment?

To be really simple over the spin of a fermion ( a ½ spin particle), or half-integer, no fermion can have a 360 degree spin cycle simply because you need to rotate it another 360 degrees to get to the original position. I suggest that a moving object in a linear momentum through spacetime without a spin is suffice in causing a magnetic force.

This is basically an extension of frame-dragging saying that solid fluctuations drag the very fabric of spacetime around with it. In such the same sense, matter which moves through spacetime is also found to leave a stronger resonance behind the object, much like a ‘’thing’’ moving through a pool leaving behind stronger or longer frequencies of ripples than what is in front of it. This is of course also linked to Doppler Effect (1) and the theory of Red Shift.

In effect, a moving objects forces will experience a stronger force as it passed you, but rather towards you. This would mean mostly the gravitational and electromagnetic forces.

Since the Doppler Effect allows for, as I say below in the notes ‘’the emitted frequency (increases) for objects moving toward the observer, the source's velocity must be subtracted when motion is moving toward the observer,’’ must be the same when concerning the forces – again, namely magnetism, electric and gravity.

Once you apply the same math to gravitational forces, as such described to result from spinning bodies, the same could be said about the ‘’tail whip’’ (or such cause) from a solid object moving through spacetime. A very small and negligible effect could also be produced from massless systems.

Is there ways to test this? Maybe. Can we detect a stronger electromagnetic field as a tail-whip from a moving body?

I don’t really see a problem, other than someone saying that the effect wouldn’t happen because things are uniformly or homogenously expanding, so it’s not really like moving a boat through a water, allowing a tail-whip of force to expand before it. But to this I would reply that planets, for instance, are moving through spacetime, even if spacetime is moving faster in a linear directionality.

Naturally, a stream moving faster than a thing moving through it will still experience a wind, or tail-whip effect… But this whip would be gravitational ripples left behind a distorted spacetime behind the object moving slower, simply because the wind behind it is equivalent to curvature, and curvature is equivalent to gravity… so I think we should try and measure a stronger gravitational or electromagnetic field produced from a moving body that is considered ‘’dominant’’ of one side.


(1) – In fact, I believe the same processes of math concerning the Doppler Effect can be applied to this theory. Doppler Effect

The effect was named after Christian Doppler.
Have you ever stood by a train as it is approaching you, blowing its horn to eventually pass you? If you have, then you will know that the noise sounded louder as it was approaching you and much quieter as it passed... This is the Doppler Effect.

Christian Doppler first proposed the effect in 1842 in the monograph, ''Über das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne und einige andere Gestirne des Himmels - Versuch einer das Bradleysche Theorem als integrirenden Theil in sich schliessenden allgemeineren Theorie'' - a mouthful i know if you don't speak German, but it means, (On the coloured light of the binary refracted stars and other celestial bodies - Attempt of a more general theory including Bradley's theorem as an integral part).

Since the emitted frequency (increases) for objects moving toward the observer, the source's velocity must be subtracted when motion is moving toward the observer. We say this is because the source's velocity is in the denominator. And since this is true, then the rule swaps and the frequency decreases when the source moves away, and so the source's velocity is added when the motion is away.

f'= (v/v*pm*v_s)f

Where v is the speed of waves in a medium (This is does not count for light waves or gravitational waves, since they require no medium.)

and v_s is for the speed of the source of the waves... If we are sticking to the train analogy, then the train is the source.

The speed of the emitted waves in air at T degrees Celsius is found to be 332(1 + T/273)^(1/2) m/s. We say that the waves moving towards the reciever/observer are (+) positive, whilst receding waves are (-) negative.

As explained above, not all waves require a medium. This goes for gravitational waves, and all types of electromagnetic waves, which come ins several forms. These are ultraviolet, visible, x-ray, radio, microwaves and gamma rays. For these types of waves, the relationship between the source (radio, for radio waves - f') and the emitted frequency (f) are found in these two equations:

f'= f+fv/c (measured frequency)

Delta*f = fv/c = v/lambda (change in frequency)

where f is for the emitted frequency
c is for the constant speed of light, which is around 186,350 mps
Lambda, after the Greek letter is for the wavelength
and v is for the velocity of the emitter relative to the receiver/observer

Another major use for the Doppler Effect is found in astrophysics, and it is able to estimate temperatures of gasses at very long distences which are called ''spectral lines''. These are basically darkly coloured or otherwise a brightly coloured line in a uniform spectrum and is caused strangely enough by a lack of photons in very narrow frequency ranges.
Once you apply the same math to gravitational forces, as such described to result from spinning bodies, the same could be said about the ‘’tail whip’’ (or such cause) from a solid object moving through spacetime. A very small and negligible effect could also be produced from massless systems.

Are you just saying this, or have you actually calculated something?
I plan to do some type of calculations when i know how to do them. It's alright learning math, but creating your own set of equations is harder.
I suppose this thread was to ask you or anyone else whether it is from (yours or their minds) conceptually wrong.
Well I'd say you've confused what a force is. I don't understand how a moving thing can ``drag'' a force.
Force is a physical property. Since the vacuum and matter are physical properties and of the same thing, a moving matter (with a field of force vibrating from it) should i would have though had differential strengths due to the direction it is moving and from the direction it left. Is is definately said that a field of force that vibrates from is not affected due to acceleration? Is the distribution of force always equal, no matter how fast you move?
Well I'd say you've confused what a force is. I don't understand how a moving thing can ``drag'' a force.

I am curious, doesn't an object become heavier when it moves faster? And if it is heavier, then isn't its gravitational force greater? And if this is the case, then even as it passes by, the gravitational force being greater would exert more pull on the object next to the moving object still. Could this be the drag that Reiku is referring to? A consequence of gravity bending space?

I can't help it...I must ask...;)

Are you really a frog sitting there at the computer? Sorry...LOLOLOL

I am sorry,
I couldn't help it...lololololo

OK...now that that is out of the way,
I don't understand what you mean by who's frame?
Doesn't the object just get heavier, isn't it already proven and not some theory. Haven't we gathered the evidence that clearly reveals this, performing the test and having yet a single test reveal otherwise?

Is there a Frame of Reality where the object doesn't get heavier. I would love to hear about this.


PS...please take this frog thing lightly...I am just playing and I know how sensitive froggies can get...sorry.
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Doesn't the object just get heavier, isn't it already proven and not some theory. Haven't we gathered the evidence that clearly reveals this, performing the test and having yet a single test reveal otherwise?

Well, special relativity says that the laws of physics in inertial frames are always the same. This means that if you take your mass while riding on a spaceship, you will always get the same result. An outside (stationary) observer will measure your mass to be larger by a factor of the Lorentz transformation.

PS...please take this frog thing lightly...I am just playing and I know how sensitive froggies can get...sorry

Ehh...why WOULDN'T I take this lightly? :)

But why was frame of reference mentioned Ben? I thought it would have been obvious i was talking about an outside observer, and not an inertial one.
Well, there are people in these fora whose comments are NEVER clear to me.

For example, you've made no attempt to clarify what you mean by tailing force... Or WHY you should be able to apply a doppler shift formula to it.
What don't you understand from my original post... your last question was: ''I don't understand how a moving thing can ``drag'' a force.''

And i said: ''Force is a physical property. Since the vacuum and matter are physical properties and of the same thing, a moving matter (with a field of force vibrating from it) should i would have though had differential strengths due to the direction it is moving and from the direction it left. Is is definately said that a field of force that vibrates from is not affected due to acceleration? Is the distribution of force always equal, no matter how fast you move?''

Are you saying it is known for sure that force is always distributed from a moving object without any dragging effects?

And i thought i explained the tailing force quite well. Move your finger through a pool of water, do extended ripples leave the moving body from behind it? That is why i applied the same idea to the Doppler Shift. Whilst it was only an analogy, it wasn't a bad one i thought.
Well, special relativity says that the laws of physics in inertial frames are always the same. This means that if you take your mass while riding on a spaceship, you will always get the same result. An outside (stationary) observer will measure your mass to be larger by a factor of the Lorentz transformation.


So then the answer is yes and no?
Is the question aimed in the right direction?
"PS...please take this frog thing lightly...I am just playing and I know how sensitive froggies can get...sorry"

Ehh...why WOULDN'T I take this lightly? :)

Good, I didn't want you to CROAK over it...
My imagination has been having a little fun with the thought of a little frog struggling to hit the keys of the keyboard, to share his genius mind with the world.

Ah Oh...its getting to be bed time for me.
I better wrap up for tomorrow.
What don't you understand from my original post... your last question was: ''I don't understand how a moving thing can ``drag'' a force.''

And i said: ''Force is a physical property. Since the vacuum and matter are physical properties and of the same thing, a moving matter (with a field of force vibrating from it) should i would have though had differential strengths due to the direction it is moving and from the direction it left. Is is definately said that a field of force that vibrates from is not affected due to acceleration? Is the distribution of force always equal, no matter how fast you move?''

Are you saying it is known for sure that force is always distributed from a moving object without any dragging effects?

And i thought i explained the tailing force quite well. Move your finger through a pool of water, do extended ripples leave the moving body from behind it? That is why i applied the same idea to the Doppler Shift. Whilst it was only an analogy, it wasn't a bad one i thought.

I am getting a mental image of a tube that rolls behind the moving abject. Its hard to clarify, because I am tired and running out of time. In the Normal Relative World, gravity increases, this pulls on and warps space, which is lighter then light (it IS space...nuff said). This doesn't act like water turbulence, but displays similar characteristics in that eddies and vortexes are
closing in fast on a trail behind the object. Its just a mental picture based off of Reiku's statement, I don't know enough to say what is up, I would like to see how this thread unfolds and what I might read later in it. I am too tired at this point to make a point...so I better wind down...

Note: Notice the rippling waves as Jozen-Bo zips by! hehe
I will follow up on this!

Best to All,